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    Leaves around buds drying up and blackening

    What would you suggest to use to blanace out the PH?
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    Leaves around buds drying up and blackening

    doobiedo... How's your plants? Mine is doing the same thing but I'm not to sure if it's the PH or just simply me overwatering it? thx..
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    From what I found from a yahoo search ladybugs will take care of it as a natural predator. Can anyone confirm this?
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    Should I move it indoors?

    Just to update... Mods, if you want to move this post indoors its ok.. My girlz are now indoors. Anyhow, i wanted to post some pics of the girlz..
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    Should I move it indoors?

    Hey longtime.. Thx for the reply;)... I thought of doing that but i decided that i don't want it to grow to high/big also to make it easier for me.. I just throw everything in one spot.. this way I can control a the growth the way i want too.
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    Should I move it indoors?

    So, here's some more pics.. I wanted to post some more but it seems that the server is slow or it's just busy.. anyhow.. let me know what u think.... K.. never mind, i'm having problems uploading. I'll upload more later on tomrrow..
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    Should I move it indoors?

    Thanks for Hick. After debating back and forth on what to do. I decided to move it indoors. I yet to put the mylar around it but this is what I ended up with .
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    Should I move it indoors?

    Thank's for the info...:) good thing i mixed it with soil instead of puttin the chicken **** on top of the soil... I figured i would do it only once to start off with, since when i strated the grls i never gave it any nut/fur...
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    V711 First Grow...The CHURCH & Northern Lights

    That's too Funny!! Oh, u might want to buy one of those hanging sticky fly traps. They work pretty well. Save you the trouble of looking like your out mind.. :-) I can picture u like this smile face! :woohoo: My Journal is titled first try...
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    Should I move it indoors?

    Hi folks, My girls has been growing for about 5 to 6 weeks now. My pics are located in the growjournals. Can't seem to link them here. They grew fast and it seems that it stalled. Since i'm located in NorCAL they get lots of light... Like most of the post i've read this is typical. Anyhow...
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    V711 First Grow...The CHURCH & Northern Lights

    Viracocha711 --- Nice grow man! I hope mine grow goes as well as yours! :):):):)
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    First Try

    My girls seems to have stop growing, so i just started to add some nuts.. (chicken **** and foxfarm) I mixed some chicken **** and soil and topped it off a little. I let it settle for about a week. I then bought some fox farm nuts. Mixed that in 1 gallon of water as the instructions says with...
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    First Try

    I'm not sure which way to go. What kind of nut should i should go? it seems that the plants are ready to flower on their own, the hairs are starting th show.
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    First Try

    Hi Folks, Let me know what you think? This was suppose to been grown via hydro in doors. However the equipment i bought never showed up. Anyhow, these girls were purchase which i was told are all females. They were planted in soil 3 weeks ago. So far all i've done was put them into...