Best 60x Mag Glass?

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Dr. Green Fang

You don't see me . . .
Feb 24, 2013
Reaction score
I have a 30x / 60x LED Loupe and it's really tricky to see the trich's with the 60x... and with the 30x I can't see them enough to identify them as clear/cloudy/amber. I can tell with the 30x, but everything moves around SO much! (My hand mostly)

I'm just looking to invest in a bigger glass or something.. does that exist?

This is what I have now:

Bump for any thoughts. I would like a 60x mag glass that I don't have to squint my eye out to use, nor worry about things moving around so much.

Basically, what do YOU use to identify amber trichs?
I couldn't get your link to work but this is what I use: hxxp://
It is only 30x but there are others. I preffer the loupe to the microscope types as they are harder to hold still and get a clear view. :)
Here is another one that is good(a buddy has this one):hxxp://
Hmm not sure why you couldn't get it to work.. I just copied and pasted.. oh and Hushpuppy, shouldn't you do hxxp instead of h t t p? :aok:

Surely the link won't work if you copy my hxxp in there, silly puppy! :D

Remember, no remote links here at MP ;)

That's the same type of loupe that I have (basically) I just was hoping there was something easier and less "squinty"
Yeah I fixed that. I hit enter before thinking I have to change that. I am bad about that. Here is the one that you want: hxxp://
I have a grow buddy that has this one. I thought he had the other one then I remembered that he got this one from Amazon. I used and it works really good, and you can connect it to your phone to take really close up pics with it :)
Yeah I was thinking of getting one of these.. didn't know if it was worth the bother, since I have a squinity eye kind already. lol
That last one works really good for the squinty eye relief :)
Alright Hushpuppy :) I'll snag one of these cheap from ermahgerdBay. :aok:

They are cheap enough.
Ok, just bid on a Chinese knock off for $0.99 with free shipping on ermahgerdBay.


Whoa, THG that thing is amazing! hhaha :) I may just snag one of these.

And no, I have not cut a tiny sugar leaf off... I was under the (extreme) impression that you do NOT cut.. lol.. anything.. during the flowering process.

So it's ok to snip a little sugar leaf with trimmers and tweezers, and check that way? I don't want hermies!!! LOL :D
Yes, that's fine, it's how I do it and I use a 30-100x adjustable active eye. Then you can just leave the scope alone, don't touch it and it is amazingly easy and accurate! I also put it on a black background when checking trichs as well to see them better. I find that any other color messes with it, and isn't very accurate.

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