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    • LilDad
      LilDad reacted to Oscarzuma's post in the thread LilDads Lil Grow 2024 with Like Like.
      If it's stored too dry, it won't cure properly and will degrade quicker. It's hard to get the toothpaste back in the tube, but Boveda...
    • LilDad
      LilDad replied to the thread LilDads Lil Grow 2024.
      I can see the need for that, but what’s the issue with an RH that’s too low? I know if it’s too high then mold can become a problem.
    • LilDad
      LilDad reacted to KGB's post in the thread LilDads Lil Grow 2024 with Like Like.
      Might want to put a boveda pack in there to slowly bring that humidity back up to around 58 but either way congrats. My friend is in a...
    • LilDad
      LilDad replied to the thread LilDads Lil Grow 2024.
      Smoke report!!! Smoked a bowl of the first plant (nicknamed "Hare" but the strain is "Instant Classik" from NightOwl Seeds) on Tuesday...
    • LilDad
      LilDad replied to the thread LilDads Lil Grow 2024.
      Man, that dry room was DRY! I’m tracking 49% RH in the grove bag. Popped a 62% Boveda pack in and I’ll monitor it to make sure that...
    • LilDad
      LilDad replied to the thread LilDads Lil Grow 2024.
      Trimmed up hare this morning! About 36 grams, which is my biggest harvest from a single plant yet! I know that’s chump change to most...
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    • LilDad
      LilDad replied to the thread LilDads Lil Grow 2024.
      Trimmed up hare this morning! About 36 grams, which is my biggest harvest from a single plant yet! I know that’s chump change to most...
    • LilDad
      LilDad reacted to MariJan's post in the thread LilDads Lil Grow 2024 with Like Like.
      Yep some people have the touch. Not me it would have died.
    • LilDad
      LilDad reacted to MariJan's post in the thread LilDads Lil Grow 2024 with Like Like.
      When it is over 100 here I water morning and night
    • LilDad
      LilDad reacted to greenmobster440's post in the thread LilDads Lil Grow 2024 with Like Like.
      I don't let them get long either. I once saw a guy who had broken off a tail. Dude pulled off the shell of the seed and recovered the...
    • LilDad
      LilDad reacted to KGB's post in the thread LilDads Lil Grow 2024 with Like Like.
      Sometimes that’s hard to do. With my seed starting method my tap roots can grow an inch and a half overnight and they tend to curl...
    • LilDad
      LilDad reacted to smaccio's post in the thread LilDads Lil Grow 2024 with Like Like.
      Good luck and happy smoking! Many days over 100 recently here in central VA. Plants of all types are having a hard go of it.
    • LilDad
      LilDad replied to the thread LilDads Lil Grow 2024.
      Hare update! Her drying journey has begun!
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    • LilDad
      LilDad replied to the thread LilDads Lil Grow 2024.
      Tortoise update! The weather is freaking brutal right now. I can’t have her outside, but I don’t like leaving her inside either...
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    • LilDad
      LilDad replied to the thread LilDads Lil Grow 2024.
      That’s what I’m saying! I feel like a crazy person or super mistaken (both are likely).
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