I have 2 plants about 6" high and was thinking after the branches grow a little more cut them all off for clones, my questions is if i cut all the branches off for clones will it hurt the plants?
Everytime you cut branches off a plant you damage it.
Thankfully, marijuana is a very resilient plant.
Many growers choose the best looking female to make into a donor ("mother") plant.
initially, cut off the top between nodes when it is at least 8" tall.
This will cause 2 branches to grow from that point and will focus more of the plants energy into lateral growth.
After 2 weeks (which the plant needs to recover), cut off 2 branches (not the brand new ones), halfway between the stalk and the tip. 2 more branches will grow from that point.
I have grown donor plants that had as many as (approx.) 80 branches (though most of them were really small.
Always make the cut mid-way between nodes, with a clean razon blade.
I dont agree with the two week thing. I cut clones every few days. But I guess it depends on how your plants handle it.
"Many growers choose the best looking female to make into a donor ("mother") plant."
Yep. I kept two clones of the best bud from this harvest, and 1 from the purple bud plant, and 1 from the little Indica dom. one. (last pic)
Initially, cut off the top between nodes when it is at least 8" tall.
This will cause 2 branches to grow from that point and will focus more of the plants energy into lateral growth. (pic 2)
After 2 weeks (which the plant needs to recover), cut off 2 branches (not the brand new ones), halfway between the stalk and the tip. 2 more branches will grow from that point. Always make the cut mid-way between nodes, with a clean razon blade. (pic 3 & 4)
Also. Use a good cloning solution. I dont like the powder verry much but it's what I have for right now. I like the liquid alot. Works alot better from what I'v seen.
Rest of the pic's are just the conle tray and stuff.
Yeah, i cut 3 clones the other day and here are some pics from 1 of my temp groowroom (bedroom closet) Also the first pic is my plant that i took the clones from in the first place. It is on it's 4 th week of flower so far looking good but it's my first successful grow (looks like) so i will be happy with anything I use a liquid called Roots i don't like the powder either and every clone i have tried so far has rooted
hey Diseased', I see you useing scissors to take that cutting. May I suggest useing a sterile razor blade?..I found that scissors would, on occasion, crush the stem enuff to resist water uptake in some cases.
As an afterthought, maybe you make a final cut, underwater with a sharp tool?
Oh, I just use the sissors to get the cutting off the plant. I then cut it with a blade a bit higher on the stem at a 45 degree angle and score the stem before puting it in the clone tray. It's akward to try and balance the plant and the cutting and the blade and a joint all at the same time. And I got fat fingers. <grin>
Nice setup ya got goin there adam. Lookin good man.
Ahhh, I see. I guesse it was still worth mentioning, if but to bring it to the attention of first timers. I have/use an "Exacto" knife with a fresh blade to both remove the cutting and make a final 45 degree cut while the stem is submerged in water.
Sure is. Gota keep the noobs informed. Heh. Noobs. I'm still a Noob. =P
That's a good idea with the knife. I'll have to get one. I wont have to clean it all the time. I can just break me off a new piece and keep goin. Muahahahah !
The fact that I take about 30 clones a week and only use 8, I could probably just use the sissors and be fine. I know you know already, but they do root a hell of alot faster with a blade then sissors.
The grow shop was out of liquid clone-X, the bastards, this green light shit sucks. Never use it bro. It's not worth the 3 bucks I paid for it. I normaly get roots in a week. Some of the clones on the tray are 2 weeks old now. I'd probably get faster roots if I didnt dip them at all. And that's what I'm gona do till the shop get's some more liquid in.
How long should they take to get roots Diseased? my last two took like 2 weeks, i'm fine with that as long as they root I use sissors to take my clones, and i don't cut them in water.
About a week, depends how hot it is outside. They seem to root better the hotter it is. The old lady wont let them in the house so when it's 90 outside it's 100 in the garage. But about a week. if they havent rooted in two then I move them to the side and they are my spares.
i have took many clones, i dont use enything, just water,works just fine for me, just cut at angle dip in water plant then water soil, add a cheap plastic serane wrap humidity dome and they root and takke off from 7 - 15 days. just need a razor blade, some soil, ..water