drying to curing??

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cadlakmike1 said:
My understanding would be yes, it is more potent after a quick dry then it is while it is still wet and fresh off the plant. Obviously you are sacrificing taste and harshness by this, and you are also sacrificing potency as compared to a longer cure that would allow the plant to naturally decompose and metabolize sugars and chlorophyll.
Man, you can say that again!

cadlakmike1 said:
My understanding would be yes, it is more potent after a quick dry then it is while it is still wet and fresh off the plant. Obviously you are sacrificing taste and harshness by this, and you are also sacrificing potency as compared to a longer cure that would allow the plant to naturally decompose and metabolize sugars and chlorophyll.
hehe, hey, it's an expression!

Simply put, two things are true:

1. Because the baggie will have less mass due to water leaving, less weed will get you as high as more weed did before the water left.

2. A slow cure makes it a smoother smoke.

The fractions and decimals can be compared until the cows come home, but the part that a human can tell by smoking the weed is in those two statements.

The KIS principle. "Keep it simple"
Reddy Kilowatt said:
Is a couchlock type of high (where my legs go numb and I don't want to do anything) more potent than a head high (when I can't resist the urge to do something constructive). Its from the same plant. I can process weed in different ways. There is an obvious change, but does it mean its more potent if it affects you differently?
That's kind of like what the Chinese say when an old expression is mentioned:

When you see a duck swimming, is the ducks body pushing on the water or is the water pushing against the duck?

Even that statement can be picked apart in it's fractions and decimals, but the meaning remains the same. Some see some things from a different perspective than others.

The rest of the statement in Chinese is:

When eating the duck, it no longer really matters.

hehe, those Chinese people have always been so smart!
The fractions and decimals can be compared until the cows come home, but the part that a human can tell by smoking the weed is in those two statements.

Not sure I understand what you're trying to say other than DUH!

Which statements are you referring to?
BBFan said:
Not sure I understand what you're trying to say other than DUH!

Which statements are you referring to?
The ones listed as "1" and "2" just above where I said that.

and I've never said "DUH" in my entire life!

and I've never said "DUH" in my entire life

Ya just did.:D Well maybe ya didnt SAY it,,but you wrote it,,and that counts.
New rule I just made up.:ignore:
imager777 said:
Are there any online resources that give a definitive answer to this, with research to back it up? By "this", I mean wether curing increases potency or not and what curing actually does to the bud chemically. I can say from experience that I get higher off of dried or slightly cured bud, as opposed to fresh, just off the plant bud. The high doesn't really seem to change after that point for me. The flavor and texture does, over time though. My observations are nowhere near scientific though. I'd like to actually know the answer and have references to back it up.

I dont know why im gettin into this. but wouldnt it be down the same road as mushrooms its water weight. so you smoke 1 gram joint so you think.. and really its only .5 or less, that would be why your not getting as stoned.

IMO but who am i to say...

since i have just read the whole thread. i would like to say WOW. Got kind of intense there. i did know most of that. i know now i am wrong lol..
POTUS said:
Man, you can say that again!

hehe, hey, it's an expression!

Simply put, two things are true:

1. Because the baggie will have less mass due to water leaving, less weed will get you as high as more weed did before the water left.

2. A slow cure makes it a smoother smoke.

The fractions and decimals can be compared until the cows come home, but the part that a human can tell by smoking the weed is in those two statements.

The KIS principle. "Keep it simple"

thats what we use to say back in the day:p
ive heard that u can use dry ice to speed up the drying process? anyone on here know anything about that?
do ppl use fans to dry or just hang them?
i use a fan and they dry too fast
dman1234 said:
do ppl use fans to dry or just hang them?
i use a fan and they dry too fast

I would not suggest using a fan. Like you said it will dry too fast.
If you aren't going to use a fan then you need to be really careful with mold and the humidity in your drying area, having your buds mold when your so close would be awful.

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