This is a weird case.
Last night I read that the bodies being recovered from the crash site were frozen solid.
In case you haven't read about it so far, Sun. a plane from a Greek Airline Co. crashed in Greece. There were 121 people aboard (that includes the crew).
It crashed near a remote village in Greece.
It took off Sun. morning from Cypress, and after a 30 minutes or so radioed in that they were having difficulties with the air conditioning system.
That was the last contact with the plane.
After repeated efforts to contact the plane, the Greek Air Force sent up to F-16's to see what the fuck was up.
Flying alongside of the aircraft, the F-16 pilots saw the c-pilot slumped over the controls. There was no pilot visible. They also noticed that the oxygen masks in the cabin and cockpit had been deployed.
On a second pass, the fighter jet pilots saw several people struggling with the control in the cockpit. They don't know if these people were crew or passengers. The plane crashed when it ran out of fuel.
What's weirder
-Seeing the oxygen masks deployed likely meant there was a sudden cabin decompression. When that happens the masks automatically deploy.
With total depressurization, at the plane's altitute of 30,000 feet, oxygen is depleated in 10--30 seconds and the tempeture plunges to below zero.
-If the cabin lost pressure, the people would put on their masks, but the F-16 pilots didn't mention them being used.
And when that happens the pilots make an emergency dive, yet the plane was on automatic pilot.
-No alarm was sent.
-The controls were set to make constant right-hand turns, which indicates the radio didn't work.
-If everyone was incapacitated because of loss of pressure, how were people seen minutes later trying to re-gain control?
-There is a huge discrepancy in the number of children repoted on board. One report said almost 50, another report said a dozen.
-This morning, Greek police raided the office's of the airline.
Both black boxes were recovered (the voice black box is badly damaged) and the bodies are being autopsied to determine the cause of death. If the bodies were frozen soild when they hit the ground, the crash didn't kill them.
Greek authorties report nothing indicates a terrorist act.
The pilots body has not, as of noon, been recovered.
Last night I read that the bodies being recovered from the crash site were frozen solid.
In case you haven't read about it so far, Sun. a plane from a Greek Airline Co. crashed in Greece. There were 121 people aboard (that includes the crew).
It crashed near a remote village in Greece.
It took off Sun. morning from Cypress, and after a 30 minutes or so radioed in that they were having difficulties with the air conditioning system.
That was the last contact with the plane.
After repeated efforts to contact the plane, the Greek Air Force sent up to F-16's to see what the fuck was up.
Flying alongside of the aircraft, the F-16 pilots saw the c-pilot slumped over the controls. There was no pilot visible. They also noticed that the oxygen masks in the cabin and cockpit had been deployed.
On a second pass, the fighter jet pilots saw several people struggling with the control in the cockpit. They don't know if these people were crew or passengers. The plane crashed when it ran out of fuel.
What's weirder
-Seeing the oxygen masks deployed likely meant there was a sudden cabin decompression. When that happens the masks automatically deploy.
With total depressurization, at the plane's altitute of 30,000 feet, oxygen is depleated in 10--30 seconds and the tempeture plunges to below zero.
-If the cabin lost pressure, the people would put on their masks, but the F-16 pilots didn't mention them being used.
And when that happens the pilots make an emergency dive, yet the plane was on automatic pilot.
-No alarm was sent.
-The controls were set to make constant right-hand turns, which indicates the radio didn't work.
-If everyone was incapacitated because of loss of pressure, how were people seen minutes later trying to re-gain control?
-There is a huge discrepancy in the number of children repoted on board. One report said almost 50, another report said a dozen.
-This morning, Greek police raided the office's of the airline.
Both black boxes were recovered (the voice black box is badly damaged) and the bodies are being autopsied to determine the cause of death. If the bodies were frozen soild when they hit the ground, the crash didn't kill them.
Greek authorties report nothing indicates a terrorist act.
The pilots body has not, as of noon, been recovered.