Hot Water -vs- New Bong ....... This happened to you before??

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Iron Lotus

God Of Thunder
Jul 10, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah, 5th time washing it out after a session. new bong....... Usually rinse with warm water in the bathtub since it wont fit in the sink... I fill it mostly then cup the top, and shake it a little, pour it out... repeat 4-5 times... Other night was doing it, but with just hot water instead of warm, thought it would help knock any stuff loose down there... 4th time filling up it "popped". The bottom corner pops. Then the hairline crack from the bottom peice that went up, finally made it break basically in half today when i jarred it moving it, I guess that was just to add insult to injury.

EDIT. Thats all I know. Had the bong for 6 days.
Ever had this happen to you before?


I used to have a $250 dollar glass bong but I was cleaning it one night and snapped it in half.I was swishing some bb's around in some rubbing alcohol when it happened.Not only did it break my bong but sliced into both my hands.I fixed it with some clear epoxy and got another year or so out of it before breaking it for good.
Yeah, Sucks because I dont have the extra to go get another one for another couple of weeks.

No more HOT water except on the slider/bowl peices.
Still cant beleive I broke it with hot water. Depressing I tell ya.
Bummer IronLotus :( I love my bongs :heart: I still have the 1st glass bong I ever bought, a graffix. I use soap, hot water and a bottle brush on straight glass and iso and coarse salt in anything else. I only get pyrex glass, as it can handle the temp changes :hubba:
I just wonder if it was flawed?? I would email the maker/seller[ if purchased online] or go back to the shop.
Yeah,I would say it was defected and had a weak point in it.Probably had nothing to do with hot water.
Dunno, THe water was so hot i could barely hold the bong with the tip of my fingers while I kept it tilted in the tub.

Could have been defective, No return policy though so Not like that matters at this point.
nikimadritista said:
I don't like Bongs! Hve never cleaned mine... It's more of a decoration thing :D
Sorry to hear this...
Start Rolling!

Well I smoke outta my nice bowl. But the bong gave me the clean
smoke I like and didnt waste near as much as rolling. Probaly a little less than regular bowling too.

The water bong is where its at for me.:bongin:
Iron Lotus said:
Dunno, THe water was so hot i could barely hold the bong with the tip of my fingers while I kept it tilted in the tub.

Could have been defective, No return policy though so Not like that matters at this point.

:D I got a bong at grasscity, bowl broke, they sent another whole bong and it too had broken bowl, so they sent a 3rd bong and it had an intact bowl. I bought 2 more bowls and have 3 very nice molino glass bongs :bong1:
bad luck bro, sometimes the "custom" part can turn out pieces with some unexpected faults in it

ive never heard of hot water doing that though, probably some weird temperature changes interacted with a fault in the glass and when you were turning the piece to clean it -> :(
Glass must have had a really nasty weak spot in it. Was the glass cold when you filled it up with hot water? Cold glass and hot water don't mix to well. Anyway, hot water wouldn't clean it properly anyway. Rubbing alcohol or something like that works much better.
pussum said:
Glass must have had a really nasty weak spot in it. Was the glass cold when you filled it up with hot water? Cold glass and hot water don't mix to well. Anyway, hot water wouldn't clean it properly anyway. Rubbing alcohol or something like that works much better.

Yeah, I wasnt trying to clean it. Just my normal rinse routine.
It was always room temp. I poured it out, then turned on the warm water...
I had already filled it up 3 or 4 times, shook it each time, then poured it...
About the 4th or 5th and final time of filling it up to shake it and pour....
It popped.

I love a fresh clean taste, not old bong water taste... So I just
rinsed it a few times at the end of each day. Figured the hotter
water would just help a little extra when rinsing.

Still havent gotten a new bong :hairpull: :48:
why not just use it a few times b-4 cleaning it,i only clean my bongs after 5 or 6 uses..sometimes not even that.i just fill mine up with 1/2 iso and 1/2 water and let it sit overnight,next morning i wake up,dump it out and carefully swish some water around in it and after that its ready to roll.