i got board last night

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To Wasted To Know
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
hey guys got a bit board last night so i rolled up a few joints lol cant wait to smoke that amsterdam special it weighs 4grams haha


head fulla headz.jpg
Nice pics there SMITHY ! i see you had some time on your hands to be rolling a " J " with a loop in it ! whats up with that . you ever smoke one like that ? does it burn well ? pretty cool my friend and i deffinetly like the skull full of bud , it reminds me of me ( ALWAYS HAVE POT ON THE BRAIN )

have fun smoking those mate , catch up to you later

hehe..looks nice.I'll take the 2nd one from the left! Was that one troublesome to make?
yeah i found this site on rolling different types of joints heres the link


yeah the one with the loop in it was a bit fiddley i doubt it would smoke up premo but ill let ya know when i do get around to smokin it up happy joint rolling yall be able to impress ya friends with these out of the normal joints haha