Meter-reader;Cuss'em or thank'em?

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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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I came home the other day to find my plant had been trimmed of a few branches.I had been out to pay bills and it seems the power company had sent someone out to disconnect my service along the same time I was in town to pay it.Apparently the meter reader had gotten his truck stuck in my driveway and walked back down the drive looking for lumber to help him get unstuck and found my last girl.He didn't take the whole thing only 3-4 middle branches.I was so mad I could've killed somebody.Thoughts of revenge ate at my mind.I ended up cutting her down in case he was planning on a return visit to get some more.As rational thoughts fought for reconition I relized that LEO could have been called instead of him trimming my plant.He did have some sort of respect and didn't chop my main tops.So as my mind has bouts of rational revenge my body is busy trimming the rest of my girl.At least she was at the 7 week mark,was wanting her to go 10 weeks.I shall continue to cuss the person that did it first,then thank him for being a smoker and not a snitch.
that blows...I would be ticked. like you said tho lucky he didnt call the cops. Do you have a safer place you can plant that he wouldnt have been able to access? I am glad they are too scared to go into my backyard I have beware of dog signs posted everywhere and tell them my dogs will bite if I am not there...I am ticked for you that sucks. you could call in and tell them yo9u thought you saw him smoking weed and they should drug test him for his job LMAO..............
Bummer. Are the rest of the plants in view from where he chopped the first one? I would be more worried about a return visit from him and his buddies looking to score big.
That meter reader has some large Kahunas:holysheep:

Like you said...could have been worse. LEO could have been waiting for your return with a search warrant for your entire and out!!!

Sorry least you have some already cured and sealed:D
seriously U...if I was him I would be nervous to show myself in uniform on that property ever again. I agree with benny tho if there is anything else he could get...get it first...then get a big dog. lol
Yeah I thought about calling them and send him back out to fix the ruts he left in the driveway but I'll let it go.This was my last girl of 3 I grew this year.He only took a couple of branches off her and none were the main tops.I had her in a bad spot easily seen if some knew what they were looking at.I live on 10 acres and my driveway is nothing more than a trail about 200 yards long so it usually deters anyone without a 4x4,except him I guess.I did go ahead and chop the remainder of the plant and stayed outside till 2am waiting for a return visit from him.You know,this was my first grow with only 3 plants,and after learning things from everyone here and taking care of the girls for all these months,marveling at their beauty,I almost felt as violated as my plant.
There is no way he would have called the police after taking a few branches.

There is also no way he would have come back knowing you would know some branches have been removed and may be waiting with a loaded barrel.

I would have let it go to the 10 weeks.

I'd be pissed....I'd be the one waiting with a double barrel shot gun.....since he took some and has to come back to read the meter and the plant is gone....I'd let him know I know...he has allot to loose.
this is a cheap lesson learned. All he took was a couple branches rather than you sitting in jail right now waiting to get shafted by a court.... count your blessings and be thankful.
We have a digital meter they can read from the home office,he was only here to put a note on the door.HIE,I wanted to let her go for 10 weeks but he could've took some and called the cops so I cut her down.Just because he took some doesn't mean he is the one smoking it which means he could still pass a drug test.I'll treat it as a lesson learned and hide my future grows elsewhere on the property where no one has any business there but me,my dog and my gun.
"I'll treat it as a lesson learned and hide my future grows elsewhere on the property where no one has any business there but me,my dog and my gun."

Good plan, especially with that much land. I would put a gate across that driveway, with a chain and padlock and Beware of Dog and No Tresspassing signs hanging on it. Let him put your notice in the mailbox, next time.
only lesson learned is someone can take you for yours and you wont say anything in return.. get a good size wooden bat let em have whats his. my rule of the tool dont pull it uless your going to use it so keep that thing hidden from the public save it for when they enter your home
lol that will get ya thrown in the clink faster than the weed will.good thinking.
just invite that guy to my house to check the meteer its gunna be like friday after next "you hear what happened to the last meter guy" hes not even gunna show up
Sorry to hear :(Things are tough all over :( Like you said,"at least he's a smoker and not a snitch".Let him be happy with the few nugs,and all is well in the world :D That dude should have given you a break just for that..
Stay Cool

Sorry to hear the news, bro. You could always do like the lady I saw once on COPS that called LE when another girl that she gave her $20 to for something illegal and stupid and she didn't bring her anything illegal and stupid.

"Yes... Springfield PD? I need to report a theft. Yes, I know who did it. The perpetrator works for the electric company and he stole 3 of the middle branches on my marijuana plant that had some fine buds on them, I'd like to prosecute!" ;)

You did the right thing... better to be safe than sorry!

fyi... I've been hiding the view from the electric meter of my single outdoor WW plant on my patio with a piece of a refrigerator box when meter reader day is approaching... It's about 20 feet away from the meter and blends in pretty well but I'm not taking any chances... Next reading is 10/10 and I'm hoping my plant is done by then... it looks like it's slowing down...

Yup,gotta let this one go.I just finished trimming and drying her.She is now happily jarred,sitting in the closet.I'm not one to knock heads unless it just has to be.I will however cuss every time I see one the meter readers,as well as myself for being so cocky in the plants location.