neuroprotective antioxidant...?

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Nug Lover
Jun 20, 2008
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i was snooping around the internet last night doing some research and found this on wikipedia... the last line is what blew me away.

Tetrahydrocannabinol, also known as THC, Δ9-THC, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), Δ1-tetrahydrocannabinol (using an older numbering scheme), or dronabinol, is the main psychoactive substance found in the Cannabis plant. It was isolated by Raphael Mechoulam, Yechiel Gaoni, and Habib Edery from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel in 1964.[3][4][5] In pure form, it is a glassy solid when cold, and becomes viscous and sticky if warmed. An aromatic terpenoid, THC has a very low solubility in water, but good solubility in most organic solvents such as butane or hexane. As is the case with nicotine and caffeine, the role of THC in Cannabis, it seems, is to protect the plant from herbivores. THC also possesses high UV-B (280-315 nm) absorption properties and it seems likely that this protects the seed buds from potentially harmful radiation. THC is also a neuroprotective antioxidant.[6]


is it time to legalize or what?
neurodegenerative disorders like dementia. That would be hella cool. My grandparents have both been diagnosed w/ this horrible affliction. Nice one, bud.
it is my opinion that due to the prohibition(in some places) of such a beneficial plant(cannabis), the government(s) has/have committed tyranny against its own people.

... i'm ready to start taking some action! :hubba:
thats what i been saying the past 2 weeks. I am ready to revolt. Between the medical benfits they keep finding to money problem that we keep hearing about with the national debt the can be depleted by profits in the MJ and hemp industry. I'm about ready to take action.
yimmy capone said:
thats what i been saying the past 2 weeks. I am ready to revolt. Between the medical benfits they keep finding to money problem that we keep hearing about with the national debt the can be depleted by profits in the MJ and hemp industry. I'm about ready to take action.

what kind of action you are going to take?
well, im pretty laid back... kinda like a passive activist you could say.
i work at a place where i see hundreds of faces every day. i just spread the word, and the word of the day is not legs, its MaryJane!
My action is I smoke out wherever i feel. There is a consquence. I've been arrested 3 times for possession. Still smoking. I let them know no matter how strong they (Goverment)gets there is no stopping me. If every MJ smoker would do that what are they gonna do lock us all up. Problem is I and a few other go by that. Look back on alchol prohibition no one stopped and i a year or two is was legal again. same with civil rights. MLK stood up for the blacks and they got their rights. Maybe we should do the same. This country was built by the people. "We The People" familar isn't it.

Is that enough for you lisa. I'm willing to be the MJ MLK with a little bit of Pancho Villa. Who's ready to ride?
Im down man, seems like what I've been thinking for a while. Just keep trying keep trying and the truth WILL set you free. Or the Cannabis for that matter :D
MLK and Pancho Villa existed on TOTAL opposites of the spectrum. MLK preached and believed in nonviolent confrontation. He knew that if violence was brought into the process it would fail and allow there oppressors to feel vindicated in the way the treated the black and colored peoples. Pancho on the other hand was a violent rebel fighting against the threat of dictatorship whose main methods seemed to be shoot first talk later. On one hand you have a man who with the power of the spoken word changed his country and the world. On the other you have a rebel whose tactics were no better than the people he fought against and didn't shy away from murder and other nefarious deeds. Whether or not the ends justify the means shouldn't even factor in. The fact that you dare to compare the two speaks volumes about yourself.
Thats what going for when i said MLK with a little bit of pancho. I rather handle it peacefully but we may have be aggersive.

metaphors. you might of not seen it that way.
MLK=peoples right and to stand for what the people want
pancho= was an example used to prohibit MJ
yimmy capone said:
My action is I smoke out wherever i feel. There is a consquence. I've been arrested 3 times for possession. Still smoking. I let them know no matter how strong they (Goverment)gets there is no stopping me. If every MJ smoker would do that what are they gonna do lock us all up. Problem is I and a few other go by that. Look back on alchol prohibition no one stopped and i a year or two is was legal again. same with civil rights. MLK stood up for the blacks and they got their rights. Maybe we should do the same. This country was built by the people. "We The People" familar isn't it.

Is that enough for you lisa. I'm willing to be the MJ MLK with a little bit of Pancho Villa. Who's ready to ride?

Do you think it is enough. If you think that your effort is enough then don't you think that smoking marijuana would have been legalized by now. Why then many people smoke marijuana away from falling into the eyes of the law. Why then employees fear to appear for the drug test if they are smoking marijuana??? As far as I strongly believe looking at the advantages of medical marijuana then marijuana will be legalized but it will take some time.
write a letter to your congress or locally elected officials, make a few hundred copies, then send it out once a week untill a positive response is received.
ever seen the shawshank redemption??
I already do write e-mails to my congress man about re-legalizing MJ. I even try to get others to but i don't think they respond.
I would have to say that the phrase "just legalize it" won't get anything accomplished. Don't get the wrong idea, you have no idea how giddy it makes me to think of a world where I could come home from work, check my growing babies, pack my bong, walk outside on my back patio, fire up the the grill and my bong and wave to my neighbor and he just waves back. Terrible grammar there but you get the idea.

I think the 1st step would be to decriminalize MJ or even before that get medical herb allowed in your state. There are a lot of factors that go along with "legalizing". Most of the factors would deal with regulation. Say for instance before you could legalize MJ you would have to have a complete program for checking drivers intoxication levels after they had smoked some MJ, because you know this would be one of the points that an MJ opponent would scream out. You would have to come up with some sort of quickly done field test to check for driving impairment. I for one think I drive better after i've smoked a little because I drive slower and more cautious, but how do you come up with a numbered value that says, "Yes you are over x limit, you are impaired." I can think of several times when i'd just smoked way too much and IF I had gone out to my car and drove somewhere I could have very well injured myself or god forbid someone else.

The driving part is just 1 little factor that would have to be addressed (I wouldn't want to even get into the tax revenue part, where does it go, does it stay in the county or state or is it considered federal?

I won't delv into any of the other parts and I definately don't want to put a damper on the enthusiasim in this post, it's that kind of marijuana passion (good word usage eh?) that will (hopefully soon) grant all our wishes. Little stoned, maybe got a little too much in this post, but this topic consumes a lot of my free thinking time. Point is from all this....Start small, laying the foundation. Do the little things like email'ing your state rep or senator.

Till that great day, Burn 'em if ya got 'em and stay safe.

i smoke with my nieghbor while we both BBQ! i love it!
as far as the DUI argument. first i feel, there should be some extensive studies and road tests to compare driving while; stoned, drunk or sober. than go from there. i've done some stupid things when i was really high and stoned. Also i believe i've done just as many stupid things while sober. and as far as being drunk... people become clinically retarded when overdoing it. smoke too much bud and you get tired and hungry, and aren't likely to even make it to a car before taking a nap.. jmo... from my lifes experience.
anyone feel me?
smell what im step'n in?
ishnish said:
i smoke with my nieghbor while we both BBQ! i love it!
as far as the DUI argument. first i feel, there should be some extensive studies and road tests to compare driving while; stoned, drunk or sober. than go from there. i've done some stupid things when i was really high and stoned. Also i believe i've done just as many stupid things while sober. and as far as being drunk... people become clinically retarded when overdoing it. smoke too much bud and you get tired and hungry, and aren't likely to even make it to a car before taking a nap.. jmo... from my lifes experience.
anyone feel me?
smell what im step'n in?

Already done: ;)
Thanks Tater! Means a lot.

My undergraduate degree was in Microbiology, so I have some experiece in doing quantitative analysis in the lab. Lately I have been doing some preliminary research in finding a chemical marker that could be quantified in person who smokes MJ. I'm running into several problems that are rediculously frustrating.

1. It seems that the only quick field test model I could come up with was a standard "finger-prick" blood test. Problem with that is you could have smoked 15-30 minutes ago or 6 hours ago and I really can't tell the diff in THC content, so THC levels will not be a reliable marker.

2. I don't have access to any kind of breathalizer-like analyzer to look for some kind of residue or chemical compound that could be quantified in a "more you smoke, the more there is" kind of manner.

I'm almost positive that there is such a marker compound that could be found, I just don't have access to good equipment or even a bigger issue could not get IRB approval to mount a small scale study. No one wants to give out MJ to be used in a study for ANYTHING.

May have to mount a guerilla type mission to the Ole Miss. campus to see if I could get some tips from some of the researchers there.
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