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My clones coming along well I’m just trying to fill my tent then I will stop cloning once again these is going outside February the first rain sleet r snow until may 16 this will be my first crop of the year
Check this out before I put these clones outside I will take massive cuttings from these clones to make another tent full of clones for may 16 crop to harvest in October and the cycle keep going on and on it’s easy as that my west coast friends TRY IT I DARE YOU TO GET MULTIPLE HARVEST IN ONE YEAR HAHAHAHA 🌝👁🌚
Wow my clones going to be nice size when February the first comes yeah that weed I grew last summer been being stored in terploc bags these bags have given me Damm good storage with a boveda patch yeah does the job I been coughing uncontrollably so I’m happy with my cure process guess the longer the better
Wow my clones going to be nice size when February the first comes yeah that weed I grew last summer been being stored in terploc bags these bags have given me Damm good storage with a boveda patch yeah does the job I been coughing uncontrollably so I’m happy with my cure process guess the longer the better View attachment 347743
I know I love my grove bags.
They are worth every penny. Did a lot on the taste over the amber glass jars.The black apple X tangerine kush is apples and oranges, from container to grove bag. It went from least favorite to favorite. In just 5 or 6 weeks in the grove bag. The taste has much improved. My weed gets you decked up. But if I can not stand the taste I used to turn it into edibles. I really LOVE the grove bags. Don't believe me. Try yours. Amazon does sell single grove bags. Get one put it in there wait a month then smoke it again you will see. The flavor the texture will be better!!
Never tried the bags but I'm always open to try something new.
Shut up Hippie. 🤪
The reason I like them you can put a lot of smoke in one bag I got the pound bags and they work just like jars it’s the same concept and if it falls to the ground it won’t shatter like a jar everyone is entitled to their own preference but I think these bags will phase out jars only the og’s will be using jars
My wife worked in a delli for awhile and brought me home some one gallon jars that olives or pickles or something came in. Got a mess of 'em. I've also got quart jars that have accumulated around here for years. Other than dropping one (which I haven't), they'll outlast me. The bags would be good if you didn't toss 'em around and knock the goodies off the buds.
Guess I'm just old school.

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