NorCal’s “Pot Paradise”

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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2007
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Tucked amid the vast forestland of Northern California's Trinity County, the small town of Hayfork is - literally- going to pot...with marijuana being smoked, grown and sold more than ever before.

Legal cannabis cultivation has become Hayfork's #1 industry. Sophisticated growing operations --both indoors and outside--are flourishing, thanks to the regions climate, cheap real estate, and local laws allowing medical marijuana farming and possession.

Lawful or not, the cannabis culture is dividing the town.

Retirees, including many grandparents, say they've had it with the bad element that follows and exposes kids to the drug trade, from the buyers who come in with their foul language and poor hygiene, to the farmers who guard their crop with guns and attack dogs.

But with the timber industry gone, and gold mining a thing of the past, others maintain Hayfork's fledgling pot farms need all the support they can get.

Marijuana advocates argue the town is in dire need of an industry that can provide tax dollars and jobs.

But many question the wisdom of an economy based on pot profits... And worry about the impact on the town's youth.

Schools superintendent Tom Barnett says he already sees one disturbing trend: graduating seniors-- skipping college, career training programs, and even travel, to stay put-- and grow pot.

Is it really so different from when our grandparents made moonshine? these older generations have seen things like this before...My grandfather had a wine cellar during prohibition for crying out loud...
as in, racing came from the descendants of moonshine runners, what will the weed industry contribute? lol...

more, and more people are jumping on board with us now-a-days...

these growers have got to protect thier crop in anyway they know how. there are thieves from all walks out there. from the common head, to camp, to the dea...

this industry is a mainstay. were not going anywhere, anytime soon...
I hear it really is like a different world in Norcal. I know a few of those "dirty kids" that travel from Socal or Oregon to help trim and whatnot. In my opinion that's just due to the strict laws that they have. it IS possible to legalize and capitalize off Marijuana, including hemp (Oregon just passed it's Industrialized hemp law) and gain revenue off it. Some people think that in doing so, it might make Northern California's economy collapse; but that may be just what it needs.

They'll definitely need to take down the Mexican Cartels in the Redwood forests before they try passing any sort of Ballot.

But I really don't understand how it's even remotely different then Alcohol.
Yep more than one of us has a few "shiner"s in our past ! WHERE DO YOU THINK NASCAR CAME FROM !~
You can def see both sides of it... I'm sure that the average non pot smoking joe the plumber with a wife and kids sees things much differently than any of us would and the openness of the pot industry has to be a bit alarming to them. But there's always going to be negative aspects in a community in a boom time. If there is money to be made someone's trying to make it from every conceivable angle... but what's NEW?

FruityBud said:
Schools superintendent Tom Barnett says he already sees one disturbing trend: graduating seniors-- skipping college, career training programs, and even travel, to stay put-- and grow pot.

Okay.... so I grew up in a desolate 'great plains' state... North Dakota. They always complain up there that all the local youth is moving away because of the lack of career opportunities in the state. That's the reason I've never lived there after my college days along with the -20º winter temps... Now days with the ailing economy they are about the only state with a healthy job market due to new oil exploration and a new 'boom' period is on and kids are staying put, but within a few years when the economy rebounds in the rest of the U.S. the youth will again move away...

If I was from a nice little town in No Cal and had the option to not only live close to my family and friends but also grow dank bud that is also locally viewed as somewhat acceptable as a vital part of the local economy, why in the heck would I EVER want to go anywhere else to live? How can it be a bad thing if your population isn't moving away?

Im never leaving Cali thats for sure, I dont care if theres cartels gangs or all around nutjobs, we grow the best in the west
I have always thanked my parents for coming to Nor Cal. I did get out of where I was born. I got out because I am the son of dust bowl refuges, and growing up under that cloud made it hard to live there.
But no worry, I don't live in what is known as the Emerald triangle, but I am only a short drive to there.
Because of the cartels and other illegal growers(and we have plenty) the national park system has given the state park system the money to stay open for this year. That is for parks that are next to the national parks only. And the reason was because of illegal growers, if the state parks are closed, it becomes an open gate for illegal growers.
Personally I'm moving there ( More to health and future glass work ) and its the same here in the darkness of a nuclear site.... Times fail people move, its called survival ~
All those people/growers have children who are or will be going to those schools. And I can only see good coming as those growers only want the best schools for their children. Be nice to those people and I'm sure they will kick down. Treat them like drug lords their not,and you'll have enemies. I have family down there and they are very clean and are treated with respect,and they give respect. I've seen No.Cali,and the people who live there are clean. I don't know what FruityBud is trying say, but the towns I've seen may have a couple of homeless people, but no foul talking durty hippies giving kids dope. Only clean No.Cali towns,with clean people.Peace out
All those people/growers have children who are or will be going to those schools. And I can only see good coming as those growers only want the best schools for their children. Be nice to those people and I'm sure they will kick down. Treat them like drug lords their not,and you'll have enemies. I have family down there and they are very clean and are treated with respect,and they give respect. I've seen No.Cali,and the people who live there are clean. I don't know what FruityBud is trying say, but the towns I've seen may have a couple of homeless people, but no foul talking durty hippies giving kids dope. Only clean No.Cali towns,with clean people.Peace out