Obama, his stance on mmj?

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Ganja Farmer
Bud of the Month Winner
Oct 31, 2007
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hxxp://change.gov/newsroom/entry/open_for_questions_response/ 4th question down on the page.

Q: "Will you consider legalizing marijuana so that the government can regulate it, tax it, put age limits on it, and create millions of new jobs and create a billion dollar industry right here in the U.S.?" S. Man, Denton

A: President-elect Obama is not in favor of the legalization of marijuana.

Maybe next time.
He says he is not for legalization, he is for decriminalization - big difference
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Oh how I hope you are right.
Oh, he's def for upholding the states rights who voted to decriminalize.

We just gotta take baby steps. For now it will be nice to have a president to uphold the decriminalization by stopping ridiculous raids of licensed dispensaries by federal agencies.

To bad we don't have a strong tradition of hemp farming presidents like our forefather tried to set us up with...
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There is an interview on cnn where he said about a year ago that he will uphold state law in general. He said that a state's voters can decide law better demographly than the government can. He also sighted small user/seller/grower mj prosicution on a federal level waste of time and resourses. I would love to see that video again.

This thread needs renamed to something that ID's it. This is a topic that all mj users should read. Millions of letters to our senetors/congressmen and that video together would be a milestone for mj decriminalization everywhere.
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I, for one, would have no problem compromising, and abiding by whatever regulations the government would set forth to keep some control. I got arrested for a roach in the ash tray of my jeep just two days after getting out of the military. Can you say inconvenient?
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Well he has 4 years to implement some positive "change" and his time has not even started so we will see...
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northernlightssmokn said:
There is an interview on cnn where he said about a year ago that he will uphold state law in general. He said that a state's voters can decide law better demographly than the government can. He also sighted small user/seller/grower mj prosicution on a federal level waste of time and resourses. I would love to see that video again.

This thread needs renamed to something that ID's it. This is a topic that all mj users should read. Millions of letters to our senetors/congressmen and that video together would be a milestone for mj decriminalization everywhere.

Some of us are already decriminalized :)
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I am plausibly denying the existance of any such thread and by the empowerment of statute #137, paragraph #3, subheading #5, also plausibly denying the knowledge of the existance of any such thread.

We all need to write letters-don't just copy off-write it yourself-it sinks in better. We all need to vote at polls too-not just some-but all.

There-I did'nt say any of that and as a matter of fact I am plausibly denying the existance of the above paragraph and also plausibly denying the knowledge of it's existance which I did'nt know about the existance.

Thank you guys for all of your feedback. Ill see what I can do to have a mod change the title of the thread so more people see it. Geezerbudd makes an excellent point that we all need to WRITE OUR OWN!!!!!! letters to the government explaining why we DEMAND our RIGHTS to smoke MJ. Don't just print off a prewritten letter, speak YOUR mind and let your wants be heard.
So stoked Hawaii just got to vote to decriminalize mj. Meaning 24 plants or less and up to 5 dry ounces will not be prosecuted. Although Hilo cheif of police stated We will treat marijuana "As Before". So we will see. But part of the new law also says State government cannot accept federal funding for the eradication of the mj. So no more Green Harvest!!!!! Hopefully it will help with the meth problem.STOP TWEAKING JUST GET STONED!!!!!!!!
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I hope he does. I had my doubts about him (still do, he is a politician after all...) but if he does as he says he will, I think he could help out the marijuana community. I really hope he also pushes for a solid hemp industry in the United States.

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