Responces about the Vote for "Letter to the President" LEGALIZE MARIJUANA.

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StoneyBud: The letter doesn't need to be formal or in a business format. It needs only to contain a clear statement that you think marijuana should be legal for people who wish to use it and that growing it for your own personal use should also be allowed. As long as those two ideas are clear in it, then that will make it clear.

As for the address of the White House...

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Mr. President,

I am a citizen of the United States of America, of voting age, and I wish to make my opinion clear to you about the laws in our country concerning marijuana usage.

I firmly believe that marijuana should be legal to use and governed by the same laws that concern alcohol consumption.

I also believe that a private citizen should be able to grow their own marijuana in an amount sufficient to supply them with enough for their own personal use.

Please, Mr. President, enough of our county's resources have been wasted on the futile effort to control the use of this harmless plant. Enough of our citizens have suffered legal action as a result of using this plant.

Please use your Executive Powers to stop the senseless persecution of the citizens who choose to use this plant for both medical relief of pain and suffering as well as a method of mild, relaxing, recreational enjoyment.

If commercial production were to be allowed, controlled and taxed for sale to the public in the same manner as alcohol, the revenue produced from the jobs created and the profits from it's legal and taxed sale would also help our country revive from this recession.

Thank you for your attention to this needless waste of the taxpayers money, the Governments resources and billions of dollars that could be better used in other venues.



Then you print your full name and address at the bottom left and sign it with exactly the same name.

You have said nothing about using or growing marijuana yourself. You have not implicated yourself as a user or grower. This is important.

Please hand print this clearly. Take your time and make it very legible and easy to read. This is also important.

Thank you all,


Edit: Just bringing the suggested template of the letter to the top for the latest members to see.
well, i have been practicing what im gonna put in the letter, im thinking about sending a letter once a month til then anyways.

dont get worked up about all talk no action, ive been down since i read this and i dont think i replied though. thats probably how the majority of the people on this forum are reacting.

and are you saying send it on the 20th or like 2 or 3 days before that date so it gets there on the 20th????
nevermind, on the 20th. ic now.

and i actually dont know if i voted, i think i did, but either way, why would that matter the only things that could really matter would be, making this a sticky, and that everyone sends the letter. im probably going to put up signs this summer around town. i think that would be a good idea for you guys to spread work around your town. and to tell the people you tell to tell people too. and actually get the people you tell about it pumped and ready to do this, and ready to spread word. i really cannot wait at all. im gonna write my letter and thumbtack it in the envelope to my wall so i see it everyday and remember it everyday and think about it all the time.

idk if anyone has contacted high times yet or NORML like someone said on here but im doing this right after i click submitt. im going to send them a link to this post.

and does it really matter that you dont make yourself look like a smoker in the letter? because i kinda like people to know bc im a big supporter. id like to join norml how do you do this?
come on guys, make it happen. atleast post one letter to keep it going. we need this to happen. all of us that live in the u.s. make this happen. im trying to make this happen, and if this thread dies off and gets lost, im pretty sure the cause will be lost too.

seriously mods, make this a sticky.
How about if it's made a "sticky" until after January 20th, 2010?

but til that happens we gotta atleast keep it on the front page.
Thats the smartest thing I have ever heard!!! I'd be glad to write a letter to the president on 1-20-10 expressing why it should be legal for everyone.
I also know about 50 others who will write letters too.
ms.bowles said:
Thats the smartest thing I have ever heard!!! I'd be glad to write a letter to the president on 1-20-10 expressing why it should be legal for everyone.
I also know about 50 others who will write letters too.
Thanks for helping, ms. bowles.

Ask each of those 50 people to tell at least 5 other people. Ask them to tell each of those people to tell 5 others.

Pass the word. This is a shot at making a real difference.

We have 342 days left until 1/20/2010

Here's a "Days left" Calculator:
Sorry, I missed the poll, but I definitely will be writing that letter.

I'll also be spreading the word on the other forums I belong to.

Don't be so quick to give up POTUS.
Activism can be like constipation. Sometimes it can take a while to get a "movement" going.
HempMan said:
Sorry, I missed the poll, but I definitely will be writing that letter.

I'll also be spreading the word on the other forums I belong to.

Don't be so quick to give up POTUS.
Activism can be like constipation. Sometimes it can take a while to get a "movement" going.
Hey HempMan, you haven't missed the poll. It's open.

Here's the key to know if this effort has worked; On February 1st, 2010, if there has already been a media frenzy to cover the story of 20 million letters being handled by the White House Mail Room and how each letter is about legalizing Marijuana, then it worked.

Thanks for your support

Edited by Stoney. Please excuse my aggressiveness.
You may be surprised. I had/have every intention of writing a letter. I'm not sure when the poll was created, I was not aware of it until I read your last post.

I was away from the site for several weeks so maybe it came about during that time, or maybe I'm just high and overlooked it. Either way, don't lose the faith so easy, you have started this alone for the most part, while you are gathering support it will not be easy to create a large unified front. Keep your course. I'll even throw something in my sig to hopefully help the cause.
cadlakmike1 said:
You may be surprised. I had/have every intention of writing a letter. I'm not sure when the poll was created, I was not aware of it until I read your last post.

I was away from the site for several weeks so maybe it came about during that time, or maybe I'm just high and overlooked it. Either way, don't lose the faith so easy, you have started this alone for the most part, while you are gathering support it will not be easy to create a large unified front. Keep your course. I'll even throw something in my sig to hopefully help the cause.
Thanks Mike.

Edited by Stoney. No offence meant.
To be honest with you the real reason I do not want to replace my signature is that I try to avoid political conversations and activism as much as possible while on this site. It has been said in other posts by multiple people that this is not a site for legalization, or reformation, but a site for growing. I'm glad that the mods are allowing this to go on though. Also keep in mind a lot of users are based oversees and could probably care less about this. Those oversees need to realize that if America takes a step in the right direction it would be much easier for other country's to follow rather than lead. I hope what I put in my signature will insight curiosity and people will ask about it.

Unfortunately I do not have a lot of friends that smoke marijuana, I enjoy getting high but the reason I smoke regularly is for my RA. I do however, have some friends that see the huge benefits of decriminalization and hopefully legalization. It alone could almost fix our national debt. I will do my part.
cadlakmike1 said:
It has been said in other posts by multiple people that this is not a site for legalization, or reformation, but a site for growing.
As an ex-Mod for this site, I can assure you that the name of this site is still "MARIJUANA PASSION". It's not "Marijuana Growers Only".

If other members have been censored while encouraging marijuana legalization alone, I'd love it if one of the Mods would step forward and tell me about it. It was probably a case of people getting pissed at each other and causing hate and discontent in posts. Let's not confuse that with this effort.

What I've done is use one poll and one thread that I started in an effort to gain support for a single act to legalize marijuana.

I seriously doubt that MarP would have any problem with this effort as long as it's restricted to sigs and two threads.

As for "I don't get involved", well, that is exactly what I'm referring to when I mention apathy.

As long as the majority keeps saying "I try not to get involved", marijuana will remain illegal.

Nothing I've asked involves mentioning that you smoke marijuana. Read my sample letter. Nothing in it incriminates you in the slightest.

Mods, let me know if this effort isn't allowed on MarP's site. If that's the case, I'll ask you to delete the two threads and laughingly walk away from it.

If other members have been censored while encouraging marijuana legalization alone, I'd love it if one of the Mods would step forward and tell me about it. It was probably a case of people getting pissed at each other and causing hate and discontent in posts. Let's not confuse that with this effort.
There have been several threads closed/locked (but NOT deleted) dealing with activism, legalization. The posts with links and such have been left viewable. Discussion and responses 'usually' lead to political bashing, or not unlike this one, tossing insults at each other. IMHO activism and legalization issues can be best dealt with and utilized through sites geared for it. NORML, MPP, MAP, and dozens of other local and state org's......
I personally resent the implication that because "I" won't/didn't respond to the pole, I am "lazy azz, filled with apathy, a whiner, no ballz, ect...." (though I do understand that it was intended as a provocation to write the letters, and not an intentional or personal insult) ...;)
What I've done is use one poll and one thread that I started in an effort to gain support for a single act to legalize marijuana.

I seriously doubt that MarP would have any problem with this effort as long as it's restricted to sigs and two threads.

I'll "sticky" it.. and leave it open for the present.
POTUS said:
Out of the 14,716 members here on the largest marijuana growers site in the world, 35 people have bothered to vote in it.

Actually, it is one of the smallest mj sites my friend.....

That is what makes MP great.
After I wrote my previous response in this thread, I found the poll & voted yes.

I also re-posted your thread on 3 other forums. Giving credit to you POTUS, and the MP website.

Next step... How's about everyone contacting your local MJ friendly radio DJ's out there? May get some good plugs in on the air.
Couldn't hurt to try.
Hick said:
I personally resent the implication that because "I" won't/didn't respond to the pole, I am "lazy azz, filled with apathy, a whiner, no ballz, ect...." (though I do understand that it was intended as a provocation to write the letters, and not an intentional or personal insult) ...;)
You've of course hit the proverbial nail on it's head... Quite often, implication of less desirable personality traits gains a slight increase in adrenalin which results in someone motivating in the direction left open. It sometimes results in right crosses and uppercuts also...

I better watch my azz. One of these youngsters might whup me.

Purty please vote in my poll......wit sugar on top? And two packs of gummies?

Honest, I'm harmless...
NorCalHal said:
Actually, it is one of the smallest mj sites my friend.....

That is what makes MP great.
Ok, it's the largest marijuana growers site named Marijuana Passion.

So there! hehe :hubba:

(Had to size down my sig. Every time I passed it, I was getting a headache. It was like getting slapped in the eyes.)
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