Root Hormone Question

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Active Member
Apr 10, 2009
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Would dipping your seeds and/or sprout-lings in rooting hormone help your seeds or sprouts grow better roots? Or are they not developed enough to handle the hormone?...
Try it and see what happens. But I would say that they would die...take care..
Seeds have mother natures rooting hormone built into em, tried and true for more years than I can count...
Rooting hormone is intended to help clones sprout roots. Do not use them on seeds or sprouted seeds.
i wondered this myself.. im going to soak a jiffy7 peatpuck in a small cup filled with warm water and hormone,drop a seed and see what happens. and ill drop a seed in a peatpuck with just warm water..then i can see which does better. ill post results in a few days
trueshoe ur not talking superthrive r u? i know someother crop seeds r often soaked preplanting in EM straight or extendend. just saw other day big grass seed comp selling seed w/ "special" coating for better results. lol

dankerz what kind of hormone? be a good test 2c