To dry, or not to dry. That is the question?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2013
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So dry and cure it first, or just dry, or neither! first time making it. just ordered the 5 bubblebag system. I understand the process but need to know the answer to my question? thanks
If using the bags for ice extraction, I freeze mine while it is still green, then use it once frozen.
ok thanks, ive already started drying, is that gonna be ok ill freeze it today!
I always decarboxalate my trim before I freeze it. But I recommend freezing the trim prior to making bubble hash.
LOL--I spelled it wrong--it is decarboxylate.

In brief, decarboxylating is the process of heating the trim in a low oven to convert the THCA and the CBCA to THC and CBC. THC and CBC exist as acids--THCA and CBCA. In this state they are water soluable and not psycho-active. Heating causes the extra CO2 molecule to break free and turns it into THC and CBC, non water soluable and something the body can use.

Cool. I guess my question now would be,,if yur making Bubble Hash to smoke,,why Decarb 1st?
after reading the article it seems you only need to decarboxylate trim and buds if you plan on ingesting and not smoking it (ie. tinctures and topicals) as it naturally decarboxylates when burned or heated like while making butter. very interesting article though THG, thanks for that.
So I made my first batch of bubble. it looks great! followed subcools youtube video and it turned out just like he said it would, thank you subcool! You da man. I need to get a camera so that I can upload photos, sorry wish i could show it off! I got about ten grams outta about an oz. of trim! Now tomorrow I will make some butter, Ill let you know how it turns out. thank you everybody for all your help and info!

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