Vacation tale of woe

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Jul 6, 2009
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I went on vacation and got ganked by the meter reader from my gas company. I'm attaching pictures from the beginning and the end. Any suggestions on how to exact some descreet retribution would be appreciated. Someone said I should call and report that he was smoking pot in my side yard. I don't know. I just feel sick about it. But I still have some seeds. I guess I'll have to try again indoors. Maybe I can have something by Christmas.

March 12.jpg

June 25.JPG
My suggestion is you forget all about retribution and vacations. I don't leave my house for more than a couple hours during the season, and after harvest I vacation my tail off.;)
Are you sure it was the meter reader? I have a Friend that is a meter reader and they random drug test them. I hope you don't have some unexpected visitors soon.
let it go....just my 2cents worth. why cause a stink over an already illegal op. would try to be more stealth or go guerilla next time..hate to be harsh, but those backyard in the open grows is what rippers and LEO count on,
A meter reader would have to be pretty ballsy to take your stash while on the job. Unless he came back after dark and took them but I doubt that is what happened. Like Hick said look closer to home/friends also Mutt made a good point back yard grows are at more risk of getting ripped than if you went with guerilla style ...take care..
my money is bettin it was a close friend who knew of ya grow. or should i say a friend whom you thought was close. dont underestimate or overlook anyone man. that'd be ya first mistake if ya started trustin those who knew of them if any.... jmo

and just like sherwood said up above. i too never leave for more tyhan few hours at most even if that. but i also have motion sensor surveillance set up inside my house as well as outside as well. most puters that have built in webcams have motion sensor option on them as wwell. hence why i have my grow in the closet of my office puter room.
and camera at my front door that i click on record on my dvd recorder an everythin is on disk f anythin happens i can go bak an see wats up./
you can also link ya webcam motion sensor to send you emails whenever it picks up a signal on the camera on ya pc. and if ya got ya tele setup to have ya emails forwarded to ya cell via text/sms msg then you golden. and it emails me the lin to wat was recorde dwhich i can just jump on on my cell phone even an view said recording.
most the time its only my cat tho LOL who setts it off. :)
I can't see him putting fresh picked herb in his work truck for the day, unless he lived by or called someone to meet him and pick it up, even if it was him, he can always can the police, leave it be.
Look more closely around you i think...................
Zip could you explain how you go about setting up the camera thingy, simple terms would be great us old folks still rember when video stores had betamax kinda thing.
Zip could you explain how you go about setting up the camera thingy, simple terms would be great us old folks still rember when video stores had betamax kinda thing.
not a problem man.
just go an buy a webcam if you dont already have one built into ya puter wit the motion sensor option. mine came like this.
but look on the net google on the specs of said cams that interest you an chek details an capabilities. almost all newer puters manufactured wit cams built in have this opstion within the webcam manager software. just another option along side ya capture modes etc..
and you can set them up to send you an email everytime it goes off. and if you have a data phone like a blackberry you can arrange your emails to be sent to your phone as well. and when ya email is sent a "hey you got a capture on ya cam" type message it send along wit it a file containing the video it captured or even a link to it where its stored on a database somehwere and just on ya cell follow the link and VIOLA!!!
doe sthat help any? if not let me know.

edit: PS. also you of course gotta leave ya puter on whle this happens (when you leave ) inorder to work.

and wat it does it when ever it senses motion in the room in the viewing field of the camera it startes recording and stops whenevr you set it up for. say like settin it up to stop recording ten seconds after movement stops, 20 30 40 seconds.... etc... you can do the settings how you like
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hey man im a very cautious person and i live a paranoid life for watever reason i have no idea why i always so noid but lets just say nothin is ever done that effects me that im not aware of. i always try my best to think a hundred steps ahead of.... as well as preparing wfor all the wat if's .
maybe it just me idk. but either way if anyone thinks they gonna rob me they for sure not gettin away wit it. i also have alarms on all my windows.
and my neighbors are nosie as hell too an if ever anyone pulls up or comes by my place an i not home they either call or come by an tell me. and i do the samee for them.
it helps to be tight wit your neighbors. even if you dont like them they can be your best friend as well as worst enemy so be careful.
zipflip said:
not a problem man.
just go an buy a webcam if you dont already have one built into ya puter wit the motion sensor option. mine came like this.
but look on the net google on the specs of said cams that interest you an chek details an capabilities. almost all newer puters manufactured wit cams built in have this opstion within the webcam manager software. just another option along side ya capture modes etc..
and you can set them up to send you an email everytime it goes off. and if you have a data phone like a blackberry you can arrange your emails to be sent to your phone as well. and when ya email is sent a "hey you got a capture on ya cam" type message it send along wit it a file containing the video it captured or even a link to it where its stored on a database somehwere and just on ya cell follow the link and VIOLA!!!
doe sthat help any? if not let me know.

edit: PS. also you of course gotta leave ya puter on whle this happens (when you leave ) inorder to work.

and wat it does it when ever it senses motion in the room in the viewing field of the camera it startes recording and stops whenevr you set it up for. say like settin it up to stop recording ten seconds after movement stops, 20 30 40 seconds.... etc... you can do the settings how you like

Sweet cheers zip i owe you bro....someEDIT been dumping on my property and when i find out who i'll be doing the riverdance on their head.
zipflip said:
hey man im a very cautious person and i live a paranoid life for watever reason i have no idea why i always so noid but lets just say nothin is ever done that effects me that im not aware of. i always try my best to think a hundred steps ahead of.... as well as preparing wfor all the wat if's .
maybe it just me idk. but either way if anyone thinks they gonna rob me they for sure not gettin away wit it. i also have alarms on all my windows.
and my neighbors are nosie as hell too an if ever anyone pulls up or comes by my place an i not home they either call or come by an tell me. and i do the samee for them.
it helps to be tight wit your neighbors. even if you dont like them they can be your best friend as well as worst enemy so be careful.

Sounds like where i live, small country lane 8 houses and all of them are my relations.
We all have big dogs/shotguns and if we dont know you, your asked what your doing down here.

Never see a cop in my neck of the woods as we dont need them....
go get'em GMT. hope that helps ya sum. if ya get a cam wit the option for motion sensor an need help wit it just drop me a line.

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