Whats wrong with this plant?

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Active Member
Mar 11, 2014
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Its been flowering for two almost three weeks now, it just now starting getting this brown color, could it be because fall is starting? I still get 12/12 outside and 86f high and 67f low at night
I am not sure what the brown spots are, someone else will know, but she looks hungry to me. What are you feeding? She is cute too.
Hey thanks , she is a cutie :) idk because i give them fertilizer i get at a local hardware store, i lived in the states until 2012 and over there you can get anything...here in uruguay its really hard
When plants are flowering, you can't just give them any old thing. What are the N-P-K numbers on your fertilizer? Does it have any micronutrients?
Lol i buy it loose by the kilo , its just a whit bag w.o writting on it... should i go lookin for obe with npk on the bag?
yes, those numbers are indicative to what you're feeding her.

The three elements promote plant growth in three different ways. In simple terms, these are:
N – nitrogen: promotes the growth of leaves and vegetation
P – phosphorus: promotes root and shoot growth
K – potassium: regulation of water and nutrient movement in plant cells, promoting flowering and fruiting

You don't need N (Nitrogen) at this point in the plant's development, you need the second two numbers: the P (Phosphorous) and K (Potassium). Heavier on the Potassium.
I don't feed any nutes outdoor during flower...and only Alaska fish Fert for N during veg..if it's planted in ground that is..I don't even ph the water that I do feed them with. Straight out the hose. Brown spots some kind of mold/fungi..

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I do not believe that the spots are any kind of fungi or mold, but a sign of a nutrient deficiency. Marijuana needs different things during different times of its life. In veg, you want something with a fair amount of N and less P and K. During flowering you need something with little N and more P. You also need micronutrients. Some soils may provide enough nutrients, but in general, not. However, I believe that you have your plants in containers outside and not planted in the ground, don't you Uruguay? If you are using a fertilizer too high in N for flowering, it will actually retard flowering. It is important to know what you are feeding your plants.
give them a light foilage spray of Zinc and iron early morning or late at night
Yea hempgoddes...i have them in pots bc sometimes family comes over and i have to move them