1st journal, 6 russian girls

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hmmm....doesn't seem to be much interest in plants with no flowers Sooooo... I thought I might add a couple pics of mom. She is a few weeks ahead of the girls, switched to 12/12 on 6-11.




yeh, hehe it's kinda cool but deceptive how frosty buds look in pictures. It doesn't look half that good in person. Pics look like it was dipped in sugar, must be the reflection makes the trich's look bigger, dunno..but cool. The girls are growing pretty fast so I had to install the second 600 hps today. Now they can spread out better. The total area now is 4 1/2' x 4 1/2'. The additional light really makes a difference. It lights them up much deeper down now because light comes from 2 angles, less shadow. The 2 girls in the middle are really bathed in light, I'll have to rotate them or it wont be fair to the others. Had a small (huge) mishap, when I was installing the duct for the second light. I sat the roll of duct tape on top of one of the hoods and well...you can guess what happened. It fell on girl #4, fortunatly, she is the smallest by far of the girls. It broke off one of the best branches and hurt 2 more, I think those 2 will be ok, but I'm still bummed.....oh well. No pics today, I'll get some when I pull them out for water in a day or two.
damn dude. Your grow is looking nice. Hope I can lookforward to some pics like this for my self. I will be watching to see how the clones turn out. Maybe I'll do give cloning a try on this batch, I don't know if I have the time or energy to worry about them, but this looks really promising!
thanks man, cloneing is easier than it looks. Literaly just cut off a branch, dip it in rootone and stick in a 4x4" pot full of wet soil and put it under a flourecent light. water with about a teaspoon of water a day for a first 4 or 5 days, then water with a tablespoon a day for 4 or 5 more days. use a little more water if the soil is drying out too much. after about 10-14 days it's growing again and you water as usual. You dont need to get fancy with tray's and covers or misting at all. just clip,stick and water, piece of cake buddy, just do it. it saves a lot of time, a #### of a lot of time.
hey there . how long did you vegg those beauties and how old are they now ???those look great! i just got re-inspired !!:D
hey puff monkey, I cut the clones on 5-28 and vegged for just over 5 weeks. They were all under 2" high when started. Thats 2" sticking out of the ground, maybe 3 1/2" - 4" total cutting length. they are now 19 1/2" - 23" tall. new pics this afternoon or next day, depends on when they need water.
nice... i've got 8 big plants that sprouted 17 days ago . they look nice and i was thinking of vegging for 8 weeks is there much difference if i wait 5 instead of 8 ???they are already fat and bushy and full of branch growth
Thanks,...3 weeks diifference is going to be a lot of growth. It all depends on 2 things. How big you want them to finish out at. and how long you can resist putting them into flower. hehehehe....I fell pray to the second one, just couldn't wait to see them flower, and besides I had just emptied out the flower room.....had to put SOMETHING in there, didn't I?

really though, I wanted to veg them to 24", they made it to 11"-14" tall, I just couldn't resist filling that big empty space. I tried, really I did...maybe next time. I never vegged anything bigger than maybe 6" before except for mothers. The two mothers that I have flowered were only about 8" tall after their last clipping, and I stuck them straight into flower the day I took clones. I had to, I was growing in a micro cabinet. i'll get new pics up tonight when I feed them.

What do you mean cut off a branch, just any branch with a leaf huh? I thought you had to cut maybe the stem, didnt know you could do a leaf. I will give it a try with my plant outside, of corse Ill wash it off first with water, its been having pest problems, and its getting rather big. I hate to see her go to waste, but I just dont trust the neighboors. I think I'll let it go for a week and try to clone her!
Noooo......hehehe......you need a branch with a growing top and leaves. You want the top plus one set(pair) of small leaves. A leaf wont grow into a plant by itself. It's also a plus if you can cut a long enough piece of branch that there is another set of leaves down lower on it. you can cut off these lower pair of leaves even with the stalk, this will provide the branch with an easy place for it to start growing its new roots. I sometimes lightly scrape the part of the stem that will be under ground with a razor blade before dipping in rootone, this is supposed to help get roots started too. You dont need to have leaves to cut off or scrape with a razor. It will root anyway, easy, try it.
oh, so basically top the plant,but make sure it has a long enough stem and plant the topping :) easy
Here are the latest pics top then side. You can see where #4 got hit. bummed.......

1 top.JPG

2 top.JPG

3 top.JPG

4 top.JPG

5 top.JPG

6 top.JPG
latest pics below, I had to change the pics a little. I can't stand over the top and take pics anymore, they are to big, so top pics are now at about 45 degree angle. I fed the girls a light dinner of 3-10-1 bat guano, 1 TBS per gal. along with liquid karma, silica blast and cal-mag. They are looking a little pale or I would have used 0-4-0 guano. I probably should have made it stronger but I am trying to avoid over-fert, I have a bad habit of overdoing everything. Box said to use 1/2 cup per gal. how much do you guy's use?

6 side.JPG

6 closeup.JPG

1 top.JPG

2 top.JPG

3 top.JPG

4 top.JPG

5 top.JPG
Looking really good Puff. Great pic ture taking. Flowering is looking sweet.
thanks guys, yes those are clones from the mother at the top of the page. I decided to give them some alfalfa tea today, started brewing it last night. I'm still a little worried about their getting lighter in color and I dont think that the guano tea I gave them was strong enough so I'm making 6 more gallons with a cup of 3-10-1 plus a cup of worm castings and 1/4 cup of kelp. I'll give it to them wednesday evening. I also added molassas to the tea thats brewing, 2 TBS. and liquid karma, cal-mag and silica blast at 2 TBS each. They are looking real nice except for their color, it should be ok in a couple days, I hope.....

edit: forgot to mention, girls are 23-27" tall, thats double their starting size.....cool

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