2 weeks into flowering, how do they look???????

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Hey check the prospects, these guys are about 7 weeks old, been in flowering for two weeks now, are they looking alrite??

I am a little worried because alot of my lower leaves are turning a yellow color with purple stems. Is this bad, should i just cut these guys off?

The third pic shows the worst looking leaf close up, it has a little purplish tint to it.

WHat do you guys think? Any advice? Should i move lights closer? Should i trim out all the bottom leaf?

yellowleaf 003.jpg

yellowleaf 006.jpg

yellowleaf 004.jpg
they look okay what are you feeding? and did you get all the Males?
they are all females, im feeding them LF with GH florablend added.
Let me see.

You are using flowering nutes but the lower leaves are looking like they are suffering a some deficiencies and are curling under.

Classic over ferting. But potentially also potassium and phosphorous def maybe from a lockout.

Hard to tell what they're suffering because it doesn't seem particularly advanced.

What's the PH?
Any idea on the PPM, CF or EC of the nute solution?
Got any epsom salts handy?
everyone says not to pull leavesEDIT,i trim all my lower growth,to let the plant put all its resources into growing the upper colas.if you do not have side lighting,this is what i would do also.
you should not be losing fans yet.my lady is 5 weeks today in flower and has yet to lose one fan.
Andy I find myself agreeing with you a lot these days. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
While trimming some of the lower growth can be beneficial, in that like andy says "put all its resources into growing the upper colas"
Pulling off the solar panels that provide 100% of the energy to your plant. is not. It simply can not be.
andy52 said:
everyone says not to pull leavesEDIT,i trim all my lower growth,to let the plant put all its resources into growing the upper colas.if you do not have side lighting,this is what i would do also.
you should not be losing fans yet.my lady is 5 weeks today in flower and has yet to lose one fan.
i just want to say i feel the same way i like to remove the dead and yellowing leaves cause i think with them gone the nuts can go to the strong leaves;)
don't getme wrong here.i never pull or clip any of the fan leaves.even in late flower,i let hem drop naturally.did not mean this to confuse anyone.
215zealot said:
Hey check the prospects, these guys are about 7 weeks old, been in flowering for two weeks now, are they looking alrite??

I am a little worried because alot of my lower leaves are turning a yellow color with purple stems. Is this bad, should i just cut these guys off?

The third pic shows the worst looking leaf close up, it has a little purplish tint to it.

WHat do you guys think? Any advice? Should i move lights closer? Should i trim out all the bottom leaf?
i was wondering if you have a fan on your plants cause my ladies are 5 weeks today and i started them on 12/12 3 days ago here are a few pictures, my stems are a lot thicker then yours?



yea i have a fan 24/7 on them, when i first got them the stems were a little thin, but now the stems have definately beefed up a bit.

remember guys, these are grown with COCO.

i think it is some nute lockout because coco tends to release more P and not enough calcium and magnesium, so i need to add some epsom salts.
Don't just add the salts to the coco though 215, mix it in about a liter of water and water as usual. You can also foliar feed to get it straight into your babies.
Neem oil by itself isn't the best to use. It is better to use a Neem extract like Azomax. It works both on the outside and systemically through the plants from the inside. You will need to do a soil drench so that the plants can absorb it and spread it through the plant. Dose it heavy then wait for 8days and do it again. That will exterminate them. :)