5 years in Federal Prison for pot???

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You want a battle of wit and knowledge?...I am into it.
One of us may learn something new...

YOU DONT want to got there with her..( Yes tcbud is a female grower...and dam near the best IMO....you sparked a fire under her and she snapped ya.)..Ill test YOUR knowladge..

How many lumes will you need for a 8x4 room???

what size extraction fan?...

oh...and whats the proper PH for a soil grower...and is there a diffrance in Hydro?...

ya see these are the questions that bennefit people to read..not if someone had been drinking...

YES!!! Im a bit hung over

take care and be safe
Sorry mate i cannot condone what you did you cos you are no more than a common drug distributor/dealer so did you expect if caught to have your bottom smacked a few times.
I understand what you're saying, but you did know the laws going in...right? Thems the chances you take when playing the game, my friend!!

Please, be safe...and friendly!! ;)
You guys are WAY out of my league....I have no clue as to the answers to your excellent questions.

I'm shutting up...I have dipped off into a website that is owned by folks who are in today's growing world...I grew weed in the 1970's...in a milo field...in the sunlight...in the ground...nothing like what's being done today.

The stuff I smoke now, I know not where it comes from...all I know is that it is 'one hit weed'.
Without a doubt, the best I have ever smoked.

I hereby withdraw my challenge as to 'knowledge'...re growing pot.
Why would I even try to compete when I can buy it grown by people who know what they are doing?

It ain't cheap...but, it's the best...if I can find better, I will buy it.
Nothing improves a product like competition.
FlyingTooLow said:
I think I have apologized enough.

Re 'growing'...many years ago, I nutured a field of over 14,000 square feet of pot.

Here's a question for you: If you harvest 3 tons of weed, how much weight of marketable product do you have after proper curing?

Another question: do you know how to PROPERLY CURE weed?

Another question: what is your number one foe when curing?

You want a battle of wit and knowledge?...I am into it.
One of us may learn something new...

I am always open to new information...

As an aside...being a "Jerk" aint' easy
You gotta practice it...everyday

Keep them cards and letters coming...I like your style...now, live up to it.

Come on by my grow Sir (address in my sig)and sit "by my fire". I am a silly female small time pot farmer, who likes the sun and moon on my girls. I grow more than I can use, I try for the two hit wonder variety, and cant say I give all the extra away. Ask the husband how well I have perfected being a "jerk". I do practice everyday. Oh, and no I don't cure my product properly. I like mine on the dry side so that it will not mold in the bag or jar. My number one foe during cure would be the husband, he thinks he knows everything as he watches/reads the news all the time I guess. As long as reefer smokes smooth, and high in two hits, I'm a happy camper.

I think you got off to a Bangin' start. Now can you keep it up? :D
12000 pounds:eek:
Wernt yur fingers sore from all that clipping?:D
Trying to respond to all of these excellent comments:

Re 'common drug distributor/dealer'...are you aware that under federal statutes, the transfer of ANY amount of pot constitutes sale? Whether you give a friend a bud...or sell a ton...still a federal offense. So, yes, you nailed me...I was a dealer. 'Was' is the operative word. Under another federal statute, check out 'enhanced penalty.' If a like crime is repeated, the first sentence can be doubled. Kinda like doing 'life on the installment plan.'

Yes, I knew the penalties for pot smuggling. And I knew the consequences.
But like all importers in that era, I believed I was so far under the radar that getting caught was unlikely. When the bust did come down, and I was convicted, the amount of time I had to spend in prison was the real shocker.
5 years for pot? What the hell was that about?

'Sit by your fire'...I wish I had written that. From your posts, I am sure that you have many tales of high adventure to share. Unlike your husband who knows all, my biggest foe when curing large amounts of weed was definitely mold. I cured it on a concrete floor in a building with excellent ventilation...turning if with a pitch fork. Mold was my biggest issue. Even the literature I obtained from the Univ of Florida did not emphasize that enough.

As to 'fingers sore from clipping.' I only cut the tops and tips. Did not attempt to remove all the buds from their stems. 3 tons are a lot of buds.
I encountered growers in Colombia, South America, whose thumbs and forefingers were permanently formed into a shearing device. The muscle at the base of their thumbs was like a baseball. Yes, these lads picked the buds individually. I remember the first pound of Colombian weed I ever saw...ALL buds...versus the 'buds on stick' variety offered by the Mexicans. That was around 1974. About the same time that Colombian weed took over the market. People did not care that it cost 3 times as much as Mexican pot. They all wanted 'the best.' Same in today's world.
The best pot I have ever smoked was grown in the USA. For that, we can be proud.

And, yes, tcbud...I did get off to a "Bangin' start.' Surely got 'banged' around a lot. But, look...I'm still smiling.

Many thanks for all of your posts.
1998-09-11 04:00:00 PDT SAN FRANCISCO -- A San Francisco man has been charged with attempting to smuggle hundreds of outlawed Cuban cigars into the United States, a felony that could result in a two-year prison sentence and a $250,000 fine.
hxxp://www.sfgate.com/news/article/S-F-Man-Charged-With-Smuggling-Cuban-Cigars-2991607.php .........for "cigars".... "a few hundred"...
I was around in the 70's. Columbian gold, Mohican, Oxacon, Redbud, are monikers that I can recall. (the 70's were GOOD to me..:p)
Not that it's really relevant, but "3 tons" was 6000 lbs, even in the 70's. '12000" would be 6 tons. Do you think you would have recieved the same fed' penalty if it would have been 6 lbs vs 6 tons?..
You took the gamble/risk. You were caught and paid dearly. Now you've written a book and will hopefully profit from that. Hope that keeps you smiling :) that and the great "American" product that you consume ;)

http://www.marijuanapassion.com/forum/showthread.php?t=54451 <--- "proper" curing...
Yes, all the pot names you mention I remember well. Like Panama Red, Colombian Gold...and anything 'catchy' others came up with.

But none come near the sinsemilla around today. I am proud to be an American.

A few years ago, a major stoner friend of mine traveled to Amsterdam for the sole purpose of trying their weed.
When I asked him about the quality, his response: "I can get better in Boynton Beach, Florida."

He's one of the characters in my book...a great guy that I have known over 40 years. And a truly funny mofo.

Re the fed statutes as to 'quantity'...when I was busted in 1981, the penalties were in increments as to weight. As I recall, from 1 to 2,000 lbs carried one sentence, from 2,000 to 20,000 another...and so on.
So, 1 lb was the same as 2,000...
The bizarre end, cocaine, at that time, was not as heavily penalized. I was in prison with a lad that was convicted of conspiracy to distribute 1,000 kilograms of coke...his sentence, 10 years. He was out before me.

Roddy...I guess I was not far enough 'under the radar.' The best laid plans, etc

Many thanks for your comments. I see the folks on this site are a chatty bunch. Hope you can all vote.
You'll never get those 5 yrs back, and that is a shame. But maybe the book sales can 'compensate' at least some what..:eek:
It sounds like an interesting read.
BackWoodsDrifter...the only thing I grow now are cacti and tropicals. I have a staghorn fern that weighs in over 400 lbs. It's about 7 feet top to bottom and almost 10 across. It hangs from a steel A-frame in my back yard...shaded by Sabal palms. I posted a picture of it on 'Dave's Garden'

Hick...nope, those 5 years are water under the bridge. But, hot dang, I saw a lot and learned a lot. Some things that I never want to see again. I became like a 'counselor' in prison. Guys came to me with problems ranging from: 'Can you help me write a plea for sentence reduction?'...to: blubbering and saying, "I have to do 18 months for armed bank robbery." I mean blubbering. I told him that by that time I had been there for over 3 years for pot. He just had to deal with it.
That night, the young man hung himself.

Very little is in my book about my prison visit...only mention of a few 'real characters' that I met.
The tales are of both successful and unsuccessful missions...complete with lost aircraft, lost pot, sunken boats...and transportating through the S. American jungles using burros...no roads for wheeled vehicles. Both the pot and aviation fuel, those little critters carried on their backs. I have seen pack trains of over 100 burros...and not one single word of complaint.
I admit, I had a great time...met a lot of nice people. All the ** about 'dangerous pot dealers'...I never met one.
The lads and lasses I dealt with, we all came up in 'weight' together. The bond of trust was supreme. When you dealt in big weight, you dealt in big cash...no checks or credit cards accepted.
Please correct me ifin I am wrong? But aint this here thread gainst rules? Almost like polite glorified spam when yual read into it. Pilgrems promotin book is all I see and folk gettin hooked. By sellin his book that he has informed title going to bump sales at no risk cause he aint goin be stupid enough to says he is now growin something cause leo get him cause they knows his book author? I sell me homemade birdhouses can I start takin orders from this here group? I find this be spam with a polite weazily approach is all i see. Sorry but I tend to call it like i sees it. Good luck to yur book sles pilgrem yual do fine.

Sorry about using the word 'transportating' instead of 'transporting'.
I guess I need to be slapped...again.

Please forgive me.
I hate to 'muss up.'
Dang, BackWoodsDrifter...the only time I promoted my book was the first day I visited this site. I was duly chastised for that indiscretion and have never mentioned its title again.

But, if part of this group mentions it, I respond. I am not shy. But, no...not with the title.

I am trying like heck to abide by the rules which someone sent me the link to. Had I have had a brain, I would have read those first.

Please understand. I am only here to learn...and communicate with people of like mind.

Good luck with your birdfeeders.
5 years for pot? What the hell was that about?

I guess it is better to get caught in the 70's. Things have gotten worse. 100 grams = 6 months in some states;)
I recently received a letter from a lady in Texas. Her nephew, a college student in New York...full time job...paying his own way, came to Texas for a visit. He was busted with 4 joints.
The local courts gave him 3 years. I thiink she said it was a 'mandatory minimum.'
Lot of sickness going on around here.

Get out the vote...put it before the populace and out of the hands of 'our' representatives.
needin' a bird house bwd....

Like I said correct me ifin I was wrong and ya did Mr. Hick ifin yual are good with it and yual be one in charge then who am I to suggest a problem. But as I said earlier in almost every response there is some sort of refference to this here book and the story it tells even in subliminal forms. Just the ways I reads it guess.

Good luck to you friend on yur book sales ;)
Off to other fires I go.
