a pic of my DIY intake fan..nothin special but works great

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May 12, 2008
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heres some pics..enjoy.

diy intake.JPG

pic 1.JPG

pic 2.JPG

pic 3.JPG
TokeWithHope said:
what strain is that? some thai-tanic or sumtn? and it looks to be going pretty well
very good guess,its actually from the Sam the Skunkman Thai haze x skunk 1. i got the beans free with my seedboutique order a while back.got three of them to germ,and all three ended up being females. :cool:
Hey, thanks,dad. I think that looks just like it is just the ticket for a small SCROG that I am working on. I love DIY stuff like this.
hahaha wasnt a guess im just good like that ;) lol jk, na but its looking good bro
do you have that intake fan pulling air from outside through a window? If so, how exactly are you doing it? Do you just leave the window open, or what? Thanks.


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