a single leaf

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Are you lost
Dec 19, 2007
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ok heres a stumper for ya. this leaf is from one of my outdoor plants. its the only leaf on the whole plant. its in natural ground and its been fed one time with 10-10-10. the whole plant looks good besides this one leaf.. its crazy just thought i'd put it out here for some feed back. i've never tried to check the ph because its so far to carry everything i need in one trip and to far to make two trips. i water from a creek near by. the plants about 3 months old. im sure i forgot something so just ask if you need more info.

it's just old vegetation being used up by the plant, more than likely
Wassup slow?
How ya doin man, thought i'd check out ur post to see if i could help. I would say it looks like a nitrogen dif for shure, if its the only leaf from the plant like this is it from the very bottom? sometimes the plant will pull nutes from the bottom leaves to supply the fresh new growth with all the nutes it needs to be healthy. Im shure your plants fine and sounds healthy if this is the only thing wrong, keep up the good work man, Peace and Love!!!
thats what i thought too, but i always like to run things by everyone here to check myself, plus this is only the 2 time i've ever seen the plant.. it was feeding time. i normaly don't worry to much about my outdoor plants but since i was there and the leaf was to why not. actualy it came from the mid section of the plant more bottom than top. thanks for the input guys.
or you could use bat guano i recomend the mexican over the jamiaican......
you could just sprinkle some compost all around the base of the plant and water in....thats what i usually do ;)
i use cow poo after its dried out, grind it up and spread it around the top and water in.. it seems to work.