About my first grow

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No I dont have any pics :cry: , I wish I did. Am moving in three weeks so been buying things for my new house. A friend is going to let me borrow his digital camera, if he can find it. Really hope he does find it because I want to show you all what I have so far :aok:

The tall plant is going on its second alternating nood and the other plant should be alternating soon. My light is at 12/12 now, so you are saying to wait to up the light or down it? Oh yea they are geting huge now just a little over 10 days and they have grown 12 inchs. The big one is 26'' tall and the little one is 16'' tall. Wish it was tall but is catching up slowly:eek:

Am going to have to get me some of those glad things they are cheep and cheeper is always better. As long as it works. :lama:
SmokeyTheBear said:
No I dont have any pics :cry: , I wish I did. Am moving in three weeks so been buying things for my new house. A friend is going to let me borrow his digital camera, if he can find it. Really hope he does find it because I want to show you all what I have so far :aok:

The tall plant is going on its second alternating nood and the other plant should be alternating soon. My light is at 12/12 now, so you are saying to wait to up the light or down it? Oh yea they are geting huge now just a little over 10 days and they have grown 12 inchs. The big one is 26'' tall and the little one is 16'' tall. Wish it was tall but is catching up slowly:eek:

Am going to have to get me some of those glad things they are cheep and cheeper is always better. As long as it works. :lama:
yea man u need to wait for alternating nodes before sexing the third plant ive heard of people messing up there plants not waiting for it 2 mature before setting in flowering stage GL HF with your grow man :cool:
Whats up everyone? My friend found his camera so here are the two plants I have left They look real good, to me at least lol. The one on the left is three and an half feet tall and the other little over two and an half. Growing like crazy. When it comes time to harvest their going to be HUGE. If they get like six feet tall am going to crap my self, at the rate they are growing they are going to get that tall. But here are the pics. It took me like 45 min to get them resized lol




GOOD STUFF man is that a air pump i see you running 2 your plants? look real good i cant wait 2 see your harvest
Thank you guys. No that is a water pump, I do have a air pump that goes in the water. It dident get in the pics though. All those other buckets in the back groud I was going to use but I F-ed up on some other seeds. Am starting another batch around 15 plants ill be planting them later in the day. I dont know where to place them though because my light is so high and I dont want to build a grow bow and I dont have another MH or HPS light. But I do need to think of something real fast because they are already showing sprouts. :fid:
Well everyone I am having some major problems :mad: First problem that I am having is the amount of room I have the tall lady is way to tall she is over six feet tall and just her white hairs like a week ago. My light can only go seven feet high so she is starting to bake. The upper leafs are curling like a tube as is they are geting backed. My only option is to clone her. But I moved her so much tonight truing to raise my light that I wont be surprised if she is dead when I wake up in 7 hours :hitchair:

Second problem is I need to order root solution in order to clone her and her sister oh yea the small one in the pics above is a girl also. I dont think ill have problems with her getting so tall but I might clone her as well. Back to the problem if I order it tonight it wont be here for six days in less I can find it at Home Depot or some where else.

Third problem now it that the water in the system needs to be filled up every day because the plants use all the water that I give them. Now about that problem what the heck do I do about the nutes. I really dont want to give them nutes every day. I know that is bad. The system holds nine gallons so they use about six or more gallons a day. They might as well be fish :confused2:

So when I wake up in six or seven hours I have to hop on this to see if I can find clone solution some place. Am going to try to get a set up like parkingjoe cus you all know he is the MAN :woohoo:

PLEASE can some one tell me if I can get cloneing solution and take root at any major store with in the next five to seven hours. If any one can you will be saving the lifes of two middle age women that are in dire need of help because their owner did not think they would get this fricking tall.

Thank you once again everyone for help :aok:
Well everyone I am having some major problems

Well, you've received your first major lesson in growing weed. "Don't grow until you know". I always advise everyone to learn first, grow second. If you try to learn how to grow while growing, you run into problems like what you're experiencing right now. Everything that is wrong with your grow is easily resolved if addressed in time. Waiting until your plant is 6 feet tall is NOT the right time.

All the resolutions to your problem are also already on this site. Topping, LST and height/light management are discussed all over the site in hundreds of posts. You've not read any, or you wouldn't have this problem.

First problem that I am having is the amount of room I have the tall lady is way to tall she is over six feet tall and just her white hairs like a week ago. My light can only go seven feet high so she is starting to bake. The upper leafs are curling like a tube as is they are geting backed. My only option is to clone her. But I moved her so much tonight truing to raise my light that I wont be surprised if she is dead when I wake up in 7 hours

With a plant 6 feet tall, you're pretty well finished unless you take clones and grow them correctly on the second attempt. The plant will almost double in height during flowering. This is stressed in countless posts on this site. It's something you have to PLAN for.

Second problem is I need to order root solution in order to clone her and her sister oh yea the small one in the pics above is a girl also. I dont think ill have problems with her getting so tall but I might clone her as well. Back to the problem if I order it tonight it wont be here for six days in less I can find it at Home Depot or some where else.

I would advise you to take twice as many clones as you think you'll need and put them in water under moderate light for now. The cuttings should be about 4 to 6 inches in height and taken from the tips of each branch or side stem. Cut them with something very sharp and then re-cut them under water, on a 45 degree angle, to keep them from getting air embolisms that will kill them. Then, go to the cloning area of this site and start reading today. Read every post in the area until you find what you need. It's all there.

Third problem now it that the water in the system needs to be filled up every day because the plants use all the water that I give them. Now about that problem what the heck do I do about the nutes. I really dont want to give them nutes every day. I know that is bad. The system holds nine gallons so they use about six or more gallons a day.

Nutes should be in your reservoir and feed the plant on every single watering cycle. The nute strength should be limited to allow this. This is also in many, many posts on this site.

So when I wake up in six or seven hours I have to hop on this to see if I can find clone solution some place. Am going to try to get a set up like parkingjoe cus you all know he is the MAN

Reading a hell of a lot of posts that concern what you are doing is a real good idea. Parkingjoe will agree with that.

PLEASE can some one tell me if I can get cloneing solution and take root at any major store with in the next five to seven hours. If any one can you will be saving the lifes of two middle age women that are in dire need of help because their owner did not think they would get this tall.

Walmart has cloning solution. Any good nursery should too. You'll need some anti-bacterial solution as well. This is more stuff you would know already had you read up before trying to grow.

Thank you once again everyone for help

Please don't think I'm just chewing your butt out for not learning what to do before doing it. I'm trying to teach you how to grow. Everyone who reads this thread will learn this same lesson that you had to suffer from.

Growing weed is a serious thing. It's very complex if you want to do it correctly.

If you jump into it with little or no knowledge, then you get results like what you are getting. Severe disappointment and lots of wasted time, energy and money.

Grab yourself a LOT of clones so that the twenty you kill from ignorance won't deplete your entire stock of clones, and start reading the cloning area of this site.

I'll look for your posts there when you ask about clarification on the parts you still don't understand AFTER you've read a lot of the posts.

Good luck to you, and once again, please don't think I'm picking on you. Thousands of growers will read this thread and learn from it.


It makes me cry to think of a beautiful 6 foot plant being chopped into clones and killed.

Good luck to you!
sorry if i'm putting my two cent were it is not wanted but i had a problem somewhat like the light problem with my grow. i trimmed my top and bought some dr. nodes http://www.drnodes.com/ it's a height regulator and my grow turn out just fine.
Whats up everyone? Its been some time now sence my last post a mounth and four days. This is a sad story :**: I ended up killing my ladies that night. When I woke up they had fell over and all the leafs where wilted. I tryed my best to clone what I could but they where past the time to clone them. Stoney Bud man, you where right. I thought I had read enough th know what I was doing but I do need to do tons more reading. This was my first indoor grow and I have learned a ton from this, but much more to learn. This was so much fun but with little exsperence ended up soooooo bad. You can only learn from what went wrong.:eek: Am going to take a little time off before I start my next grow. Am really straped for cash at this moment, so hopefully with in the next mounth or so I have another batch going and when I do I will be ready for the unexpected. Stoney Bud thanks for all the info and no you where not being rood. Am the type of person you need to tell something a few time cus am hard headed and like to do thing on my own. Witch will change cus I wasted four mounths of my time on this with nothing to show. Talk to you all soon

SmokeyThe Bear

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