Advanced Biodiesel Mass Autoflower Help ya I need alittle help

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StIlL lEaRnInG
Sep 29, 2011
Reaction score
I have a couple of Advaned Biodiesel Mass Autoflowering seeds and have no info on them. From what I have read not all autoflowers use a 24 on light schedual. Some use a 20/4. Buuuuut, You will find that some say that light timing does not start the flowering stage and then I see autos ( Lowlife AK47 autoflower as an example) that say they use the 20/4. Any information on this strain would be greatly appreciated. Peace out.

It takes more of a man to admit he is wrong then it does to admit he is right. Quoted from The Greatest man I ever grandfather...
I have a couple of Advaned Biodiesel Mass Autoflowering seeds and have no info on them. From what I have read not all autoflowers use a 24 on light schedual. Some use a 20/4. Buuuuut, You will find that some say that light timing does not start the flowering stage and then I see autos ( Lowlife AK47 autoflower as an example) that say they use the 20/4. Any information on this strain would be greatly appreciated. Peace out.

It takes more of a man to admit he is wrong then it does to admit he is right. Quoted from The Greatest man I ever his soul
Autoflowering strains are going to flower when they are ready to flower, regardless of the light schedule you put them on. Many people use a 24 hour lighting schedule to aim for a larger yield, but the yield gain isn't very large. The longer the light is on, the more the plant is going to veg. Some also reduce the lighting schedule to 20/4 when flowering to save on the energy bill. It doesn't really matter, is my understanding of it. They're going to flower when they're ready to. If, after 5 or 6 weeks, they haven't, flip them over to a 12/12 lighting schedule, and they should start to flower.

Autoflowering strains are going to flower when they are ready to flower, regardless of the light schedule you put them on. Many people use a 24 hour lighting schedule to aim for a larger yield, but the yield gain isn't very large. The longer the light is on, the more the plant is going to veg. Some also reduce the lighting schedule to 20/4 when flowering to save on the energy bill. It doesn't really matter, is my understanding of it. They're going to flower when they're ready to. If, after 5 or 6 weeks, they haven't, flip them over to a 12/12 lighting schedule, and they should start to flower.

Thank you very much getnasty. Thats pretty much what I was thinking but my mind doesn't always think the right stuff. Oh the weed. I'm newer at this than a fresh turd on a chicken farm and I'm suckin up info like a hooker on dollar day so I'll be sure to right that down, after this toke. Peace out
PuffinNugs said:
all true autos should flower under 24 hours of light. imo though you should run them 20/4


All breeder bulllshit a side true autos flower under any light schedule including 24-0....
No problem buddy and thanks. Also will throw in here that darktime helps establish your root system. And while you might still be new at this, I'm still researching a lot of information myself. Haven't even germed 1 seed yet. ;) Soon to come, however.
getnaqsty said:
Also will throw in here that darktime helps establish your root system.

That's debatable....MJ needs no dark time imo.
Really? Could it be during vegging it would help with the establishment of roots but is no longer beneficial in flowering? And I'm assuming that we're only speaking of these autos here? Otherwise, why would staying on a 12/12 lighting schedule in flowering a 12/12 plant be beneficial? Why not flip the lighting to 12/12 for a week and then back to 24/0, 20/4, or 18/6 if that were the case?
getnaqsty said:
No problem buddy and thanks. Also will throw in here that darktime helps establish your root system. And while you might still be new at this, I'm still researching a lot of information myself. Haven't even germed 1 seed yet. ;) Soon to come, however.

Not sure where you got that info, but I do not believe that it is correct. Can you cite a source for this as in all my reading everywhere I have never found this.
getnaqsty said:
Really? Could it be during vegging it would help with the establishment of roots but is no longer beneficial in flowering? And I'm assuming that we're only speaking of these autos here? Otherwise, why would staying on a 12/12 lighting schedule in flowering a 12/12 plant be beneficial? Why not flip the lighting to 12/12 for a week and then back to 24/0, 20/4, or 18/6 if that were the case?

All I know is I run my veg tents on 24-0 and hve for a long time and when I transplant most times I am root bound which means to me the roots are doing their thing just fine. And I am talking regular photo period plants.

12/12 is needed in regular photo period strains because it causes the flowering hormone to build up and the plant flowers. If you stop 12/12 and go back to a lighting schedule with more lights on time then this hormone will no longer be present and the plant will go back into a veg state. Hope that makes sense.
Yep, I figured as much. Does vegging for 24-0 give you more growth?
getnaqsty said:
Yep, I figured as much. Does vegging for 24-0 give you more growth?

IMO, yes. Marijuana will grow all the time the lights are on. Many auto breeders recommend 20/4 for autos, but I do not know why this is recommended.
getnaqsty said:
Really? Could it be during vegging it would help with the establishment of roots but is no longer beneficial in flowering? And I'm assuming that we're only speaking of these autos here? Otherwise, why would staying on a 12/12 lighting schedule in flowering a 12/12 plant be beneficial? Why not flip the lighting to 12/12 for a week and then back to 24/0, 20/4, or 18/6 if that were the case?

.."IF" darkness promoted roots, why do we root cuttings, and cuttings root faster under 24/0?.. ;) <-- for your flowering question
Yep, I figured as much. Does vegging for 24-0 give you more growth?
24/0 promotes less stretch, tighter inter-nodal growth.
I've actually read it from someone on these forums, I believe. I only visit these forums and DB's forums anymore, occasionally visiting RIU's forums when these two are slow. but I seem to remember reading something about darkness being good for establishing a good root base. If this information is false, I apologize.
no need for an apology nasty'.. I've 'read' it places as well, but believe it is misconception at least..;) and have, when I did see it, debunked it as factual.
I usually ask the poster the same question that I asked above, and can't recall ever getting a plausible answer :p Answers like, "Well light is bad for roots".. YUP.. but light on the "pllant" isn't.. or "proof they grow in the dark, because they are buried in dirt where there is no light"..:confused2:..
PuffinNugs said:
i know when i do straight to 12/12 from seed the root mass is alot bigger
.."IF" darkness promoted roots, why do we root cuttings, and cuttings root faster under 24/0?.. ;)

:confused2:.. nothing have EVER read or 'seen' backs up that statement... "IMO/E" it is processes taking place when lights are ON, (during photosynthesis) The 'only' process needing dark time is the production of the flowering hormone.
When I grew in a glass container to where I could see the roots at all stages, it appeared to me that most root growth ceased once the plant was in flower.IME
mmm green mojo to ya, puffin. excellent find, excellent read. very informative!