Alternating Nodes?

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Feb 25, 2007
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I am just wondering if these two pictures are showing two locations where my plant has alternating nodes already? It hasn't showed it's sex yet though, or if it has I can't tell. It's about two months old, keep in mind it is behind, it's not as big as it should be or as developed. Should it be showing it's sex by now though?


I second that. They sure look like they are alternating. ;)
I thought alternating nodes were a sign of sexual maturity? Is it common for plants to generate alternating nodes before it shows it's sex? From the soil to the top of the canopy it's only 6 inches... Anyone know when it might start showing if its male or female?
I had alternating nodes on a 3 inch tall ak48 at 3 weeks old. I'm sure plenty will disagree with me
EvryScarHasAStry said:
so alternating nodes don't really mean anything...?

Do you have your plants on a 12/12 light schedule yet? Mine had alt nodes but no sign of sex and when I switched them to 12/12 they all declared their gender within a week.

My understanding of alt nodes is that it means that the plant is mature enough to go into flower (I'm sure someone will correct me if I''m wrong). But if you still have them on a veg light schedule, they may not show sex until you change that to 12/12.
No I have them on 24 hrs of light. My plant that has alternating nodes is only 6 inches tall though, everywhere I've read says to wait until it's 12-18" tall. I'll put it into flower before that if anyone wants to give me some info telling me that I should do it now. I still wouldn't be able to do it till this weekend though because I gotta buy a timer and different lights for flowering... and set up a whole other room for flowering in my other closet, I didn't plan on this happening this soon. Thanks for the help though everyone.
Ya I know that, I'm just having a hard time believing the plant is already mature enough to go into flower... I guess it's like people though, they mature whenever they want to. So basically I'm looking at a trade off, wait and have more buds or flower now and have my buds quicker... Well thanks Bombbudpuffa and Rehab Is For Quitters, I think I'll use both of your oppinions and flower at 9" since it's mature enough now but I'll still give it a little more time... I'd still like more input if anyones got any.
Here's a couple more pictures... I'm also concerned about the plant being so dense. Should I be trimming it? Some of the stems of the leaves are right up against the bud site things and pushing on them and the smaller leaves that are growing and it doesn't seem good for the plant but I may be wrong?????


I almost never see alternating nodes, on plants from seed before flowering. This is indoor correct? The plant may be showing sign of gender but you may not be able to see it(or know what you are seeing). It's all personal preferance. How big is the light being used, how much head room do you have ect. But you could flower "her" now, just yeild would be down. Remember the plant could triple in size during flower. Couple a thoughts, 55
Ya I had a few seeds my friend gave me and got a 100% germination besides one seed but it didn't count because my mom took the cup it was in and dumped it down the drain... Ha ha. Ya it's indoor, at the moment I'm using 4 26watt 2500k cfl's, 2 directly over the main plant but I've been taking them outside when the suns out. But I just clipped a couple lower leaves that werent looking too good and tied two of the sides down a little bit so it's not so dense. But it's still incredibly dense, I dont know what to do. I guess I'll just leave it alone until someone tells me different... Thanks though 55DAYZNCOUNTIN
Rehab is for Quitters said:
My understanding of alt nodes is that it means that the plant is mature enough to go into flower (I'm sure someone will correct me if I''m wrong). But if you still have them on a veg light schedule, they may not show sex until you change that to 12/12.

you are correct Rehab :)
Well I understand the Alternating node deal now, thanks everyone. I'm just wondering if I should be trimming my plant, and if I should be, what exactly should I be trimming? Things are looking really cramped in the canopy.
Some "alot" will prolly tell you to trim. i don't like trimming unless I'm cloning. That plant is gonna be real bushy those side shoots could come right up and be very good medium sized buds! I would say leave it be. Just my thoughts, but you are taking energy away to rebuild and repair those sites. Once the plant goes into a lil stretch it will open up more possibly.
Peace, 55
I wouldn't trim it. And just so you know mine were 5-7 inches when I put them into flower. One lady is standing a 32 inches tall, and the other lady is just a couple inches behind.

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