best time to take clones?

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Uk1 said:
uhh i'll post it here...

where abouts is it that you cut exactly & is it at a 70degree angle or something , that's what i heard , then does it go straight to soil or does it have to go in glass of water about 2inches or something?
yeah man there`s not like a certain "must do" angle to cut, just cut (with a very sharp implement)diagonally 70 degree cut sounds cool dude.;)
Grownothing said:
How do you determine a plants sex through taking a clone and putting it under 12/12?
If you took a clone from a male plant in veg, would balls all of a sudden drop from the clone after a night?
I am confused on this.
just put the clone in streight "ph balanced" water;) and 12/12 lighting.
The balls won`t just drop off,you`ll have sexed it first before any pollen is released.
If a plant is left in the veg photoperiod long enough will it eventually show it's sex? Or does it take a 12/12 photoperiod to show sex?
it will eventually show sex in "veg", the only reason we all switch to 12/12 to find out sex, is we want the grow to be as quick as possible, without compromising the potency or yeild.
Strains vary in "maturing" time,some will reveal their sex in as little as 4 weeks, others may take 8:confused2: .
I just took four cuttings from my AK48, which have been in flower for somewhere around 2 or 3 weeks. I checked them this morning and they look great! What i've found is the better the rooting compound, the quicker they root. Use gel or liquid(gels the best imo), stay away from powders(take forever to root just imo though). I use Rootech cloning gel, 1st time, great results(cloned a white rhino male in under a week). Good luck!
yea the setup im using thats all... just a tupperware box... 2 6" air stones.. and a pump... its working great 4 me... i change the water once a week... its pretty easy.. i have the same exact setup to grow from seed 2.. the only dif is i put 2 of those net cup things in the top of the tupperware so i can start it in rockwool.. put tha rockwool in the cup... and i drop a water pump down in there on a timer.. pumps water to tha 2 cups 3 times a day... so yea i just change water once a week and watch stuff grow
those clones roots look mad like that , can you do that then put it in soil or does it have to be that rockwell stuff ive never heard of lol

And shuggy i take it with my stem i have to wait awhile before taking any cuttings ? kinda thin and all , but im still tryna figure out where tocut it anyway haha
well.. i donno but im just guessing that if i took those clones and tryed to stuff all those roots into some rockwool they prolly wouldnt like it 2 much.. besides theres really no point... if i put them in rockwool then i have to set up a pump system.. im just gonna leave um in the bubbler for another 4 weeks and then bud them in the bubbler... thats my plan anyway.. i dont see why it wont work.. they are 4 weeks old now.. in the past week they have almost doubled in size.. so i think they like the set up.. my plan is to make another bubbler the same as the one i have and just keep on the same cycle im on now... ill grow 4 plants for 8 weeks in the bubbler.. then take 4 cuttings and stick them in the other bubbler.. put the first bubbler into the flowering room for 4 weeks while the other bubbler grows the 4 clones in veg while the first 4 are flowering... when they are done flowering... ill do the same thing agin... over and over.. fresh bud every 2 months... i also made a bubbler a lil smaller with 2 2" holes.. i put 2 2" net cups into the holes... one 1 6" air stone in the bottom... and a water pump.... the pump is on a timer to cut on 3 times a day for 15m each time.... the water pumps up to the top and Ts off to both cups... so when i start a new stran of bud... i just germinate a few seeds... drop them into 1" rockwool cubes... put tha cubes into the cups and plug up tha water and air pump... when the roots reach into the water ill simply take out the water pump... i figure the bubbler itself will keep the cubes moist enough to not mess up the roots... and the roots will be in the water so no need for a timed feeder anymore... i think it should work =)
those things don't hardly have roots yet

the plants in my DWC have huge and i mean HUGE amunts of roots. I'm only at 1month and less than a week into veg with NL. one has massive balls like softballs under it. its ******* lots of water down for the plants. i think you should build a 20 to 24 gallon DWC and transer all of them. you need more water to feed and balance ph. you have plenty of O2 though.

cut 16-18 more holes in your bubbler. after transfering and vegging your 4 clone to DWC for 2 weeks. clone 16-18 more. take your strongest 6 clones to keep your DWC full every 2 months.

you'll be happy you did...IMHO
were those 6" airstones? its hard to tell til i saw your air pump next to the container. Its either a small container or your pumb is as big as my vaccuumm.

you need at least 2 12" stones for 20+ gallons, at least
yea its 2 6" air stones and the container only holds a lil over 2 gals of water.. id like to build a bigger one but at the moment i have everything growing in a closet thats only about 2 1/2 foot deep and maby 5 foot wide.. i have that cut in half for veg/flowering so i dont really have room to do 20gal tanks... nor do i have room to have 6 plants in flowering and 6 in veg.... in the future i plan on going ALOT bigger... but for tha time being i think this will work....

Allgrownup..... you seam to know a lot more about this than i do... do U think these plants will be ok in this small of a bubbler?? i am changing the water 1 time a week... the roots are alot bigger now than they were in the last pic i posted... but they seam to still be very strong plants.. they have 4 more weeks to grow tho... do U think i will be able to grow them 4 weeks more of veg and 8 weeks of flower in this container or is it not posable ??
heres a cpl pix i just took today.. they will be 4 weeks old tomarow ... they are both about 11" tall



they look good man, looking forward to seeing how this one turns out:cool:.
man.....i wish i could answer your question but i am admittedly fairly new at growing. I built my system big as i needed off the bat so i wouldn't waste money continually upgrading.

Spend more up front. I've learned the cheapest things always cost the most in the long run.

Personally, i think it looks small for 4 plants, having said that though i think the plants will only grow as large as their environment allows. so i do think they'll grow and survive and flower so you can reap your labor. How big and what yield i just don't know. I think your plants will appreciate no restriction around the base of their stem if you move them to netpots as well. I just measured mine to give you an idea and they're almost 3/4" across. I don't know how that effects growth though????

there's people growin in 16oz cups on this forum so i don't doubt it will grow fine. I'm growing for maximum yield personally.

You said you were going to build another clone bubbler so i just thought why not build a bigger DWC for the flowering cycle. it doesn't have to be 24+. then clone your mothers,send to flower and place your clones back in the "cloner" your using. repeat
Here's mine at almost six weeks since placed in DWC.

There roots are in huge clusters and floating all over the container. when your roots run out of room they are going to intertwine and all bunch up together. Then youll have no choice but to flower them through in that container or risk damaging your plants trying to move.




what wattage are you using there AGU?:cool: :bong:
how have you been keeping the height down? they look good man,well bushy.

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