Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

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HIGH smokinmom!!!! :ciao:


Wuzzup girl? Hope its goin well with you. T-60 mins till a proper :bongin: sesh...:woohoo: n' :yay:
Wish I could join ya in that session. I gotta wait til kids r in bed. I'll live vicariously thru u folks til then

I'm ok. Just want summer over and for kids to be back in school. :p
well---ok then---guess it's my turn again

on the :32 again :bong: :bong:

what a coincidence
This is looking like an hourly occurrence there Orange.

Good, keep it up! i will join you...buku this evening.
Good Morning BHC :ciao:

Gonna do a few :bong1: then I need to begin trimming a Black Dominia x Nepal Indica that is ready to go:D

BIU :bong:
:ciao: PC
:ciao: BHC

Plants have grown nearly a foot since transplant. Its going to be a hot and sticky one today. In a few days when it cools down ill do a little more LST.

BIU :bong2:
Happy Wednesday!

Am I the only one that has a hard time telling people no sometimes?

Grrrr. I need to quit being so nice :(
day 9 of not smokin. gotta start lookin for a new job, and with that comes the DOT physical and drug screen. packed up the bong, vape and dugout that I would take to work with me...sigh.
Am I the only one that has a hard time telling people no sometimes?


FaSt$$$.......good luck finding new you have to quit smoking?...screw that I wouldnt/dont
:ciao: all :bong: :bong:

another couple weeks of flower left and the colas are falling all over them selves---too late for tomato cages---using stakes and many zip ties to relieve some of the top weight---kinda weird---same strains---nothing different i can think of :icon_smile:
clones or from seeds Orange?

2 different phenos:confused2:
yep---pretty crazy---blue rhino and pm clones---go figure---don't ya know---i decided a while back to discontinue the BR---and this is the last of it---typical---they are both weak in the knees from top weight now lol---oh well not my favorite smoke anyway---she served her purpose---it was the pm that started this new trend to be top heavy and now she'll have the room all to herself next time round---not a bad problem to have i guess---thinking about what i amended the soil pile with---might of been that extra lime---also wondering if the stalks are deficient in some way---truth will be at the weigh in---we'll see soon enough:confused2: who knows :D
Maybe lack of a breeze:confused2: Those monsters can do that:D

or could be lack of P.

I had 2 mixes and one had more P then the other. The one with more P seemed like it was more woody.

or it could be your buds are just getting to big:D What a problem:D
pcduck said:
Maybe lack of a breeze:confused2:

been there dun that---plenty of air circulation---no changes there---lack of p---not---all transplants to their final bucket get a scoop of bone meal just before the flip---thanks for helping me cover the bases to figure what it was that i did right :D

:bong: :bong:

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