Big grow, Big problem, Big worries. Please help.

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orangesunshine said:
welcome aboard---lots going on here leanna---how bout putting all the nay sayers to rest with some pics of your set up---there are loads of peeps here that will step up to the plate and help you sort out your little mess cause that's what we do---if you show us yours---you will have more help than you will know what to do with

exactly... :postpicsworthless:
Yes pics posted on this forum directly and not hosted elsewhere are safe. The server is not in the US I believe.
Irish said:
like d said, if you are ever in doubt of stray pollen in your room, simply mist entire room/plants down as soon as you notice. water kills pollen...

if you have clones of your plants rooted, why not just clean entire room out, give it a nice cleaning, and start those clones. of course if you have no clones of your girls, i'm pretty sure you can reveg the girls once the stray herm pollen is dealt with. you'll need to flip your lights back to 24/7 and begin veg again...

a sulphur burn is not what is needed.

do you know for certain which plant hermied on you? if you do not, you should toss all plants and clones, clean room, and start over from step one.:eek: (i know, really sucks)...

sorry, just reread about clones in separate veg room. ok, grab a mister bottle and mist down all veg plants, and scrub the veg room, and if you know what plant hermed, toss those clones. if you use a number/marker system for id purpose, and you know the herm plant, it will be an easy transition.

don't wait on misting though. do it immediately...

either get some timers that are user friendly, or learn from your mistake, and figure out the ones you have...

burning an entire crop hurts, but don't dote on it to much now. instead make a plan and jump right back on another crop immediately. accidents happen to everyone at some point, learn from them, and trudge onward...peace...

Thank you very much for your suggestions. As it stands now, all of my clones and a packed room of veges are isolated from the 12 plants that went Hermie. I shut down the entire flower room last night, unplugging every light, ballast, squirrel fan, everything. (What an eerie sound as the last fan unplugged.) The plants are sitting there, still in the dark, without any ventilation leaving that room. I did take the two huge Mothers, Blue Dream and White Widow out and chop them down to almost nothing. The rest of the Hermies are just sitting in the dark wondering what the heck they did.. When I get back tonight, I'm going to go in the flower room, spray them to death with water, cover them in a plastic bag and take them to my completely isolated and separate drying room, far from my grow house. I'll dry them and see what I get. You should have seen the crystals on the Blue Dream Mother. Wow! :( I will take pictures for everyone, so you can know I'm not full of it. I get the feeling there is a lot of ** flying around this place and one must prove their case before taken seriously. Works for me. Thank you again to everyone, even the mean people, for helping me feel not so alone in this mess.
pictures are cool---sorry i missed your original av though---but---you got the right idea with the privacy thang---leave some to the imagination---no addresses, or any other identifying info that could put you in any kind of harms way---
If you use a phone to take the pics make sure location tagging is off..........
I am not so sure that the water killing pollen thing is correct. I have seen some work a guy is doing and he cuts entire bunches of flowers and puts them in a beaker and does a thing here and there and uses an eye dropper to put the pollen-water mixture on the buds. I was also under the impression water killed the pollen until I saw what he was doing. I will see if I can dig around and find something exact for everyone.
I choose to take your report at face value.
I am an idiot noob as well, but old enough to believe I know a few things.
Calm down. This grow will be fine.
I don't know this to be true, but I have reason to believe, and here it is.
Airborne pollen does not have magical (viral) properties. It is small and sneeky, but you run little risk of contamination via pollen through "non sanitary" transfer.
Mist them down.
Water is thought to interfere with pollen transport. I believe this to be true.
How bad can it be?
Let's say a few seeds get produced.
Customers complain.
Grower is fired.
Not where I'm sitting.
stuffhappens. And if this results is degraded product then take it up with maintenance. Sorry, I forgot it was you who messed up the light program.
I say ride it out and post results.
Worst than seeds is reveg. What a mess.

PS I used Dutch Master Reverse this summers outdoor grow. Didn't seem to hurt.
Couchlocked said:
I am not so sure that the water killing pollen thing is correct. I have seen some work a guy is doing and he cuts entire bunches of flowers and puts them in a beaker and does a thing here and there and uses an eye dropper to put the pollen-water mixture on the buds. I was also under the impression water killed the pollen until I saw what he was doing. I will see if I can dig around and find something exact for everyone.

Water does not *kill* pollen per se, but causes it to 'germinate' (for lack of a better term) and die.

What your friend is doing makes sense, bet he does it quick.:eek: If not, the pollen would be neutralized PDQ.

Wetdog said:
Water does not *kill* pollen per se, but causes it to 'germinate' (for lack of a better term) and die.

Leanna said:
, even the mean people, for helping me feel not so alone in this mess.

Questioning someone that is brand spanking new coming on to a board making some pretty big claims with a lot of "holes" for lack of a better word is not mean.

I've listened to what you said, and I too thought it sounded odd. A request for pics was made, you said you would post and no pics.

Now, I'm not being mean, I'm using my brain, and my brain is telling me you are not being straight here.
Hello Miss Leanna

I have no doubt of that you can do this and just wanted to wish you good luck and to be safe.
Well there it is,

I think that I have heard about enough.

Someone joins in, and openly mentions a problem, and that they desire some help. What they are met with was at best embarrassing. Most of what I read was open sarcasm, and out right attempts at sticking a foot out trying to trip someone.
I have apologized to this person for this rotten behavior, and I am sure that I won't see this sort of thing again.
First idiot that tries this stuff again will be bounced period, don't try me on this guys, you have embarrassed yourselves enough. You guys need to reread rules #2 and #5.... #3 wouldn't do you guys any harm either.

Dunge said:
I choose to take your report at face value.
I am an idiot noob as well, but old enough to believe I know a few things.
Calm down. This grow will be fine.
I don't know this to be true, but I have reason to believe, and here it is.
Airborne pollen does not have magical (viral) properties. It is small and sneeky, but you run little risk of contamination via pollen through "non sanitary" transfer.
Mist them down.
Water is thought to interfere with pollen transport. I believe this to be true.
How bad can it be?
Let's say a few seeds get produced.
Customers complain.
Grower is fired.
Not where I'm sitting.
**** happens. And if this results is degraded product then take it up with maintenance. Sorry, I forgot it was you who messed up the light program.
I say ride it out and post results.
Worst than seeds is reveg. What a mess.

PS I used Dutch Master Reverse this summers outdoor grow. Didn't seem to hurt.


I really like your style and your directness. Thank you. Yes, I'm going to foliar spray them everyday. Since this grow was basically worthless, I'm going to wait an extra 2-3 weeks before I move the veges into the flower room. By that time they should be pretty bushy and hopefully if all goes well, turn out some nice buds. I moved the co2 into the veg room. I seem to recall though, something saying veges don't utilize co2, like the first few weeks of flowering does. Or is that clones? Hmmm?? Also, I just can’t believe what a profound effect light disruption has on bud production. Wow, the 6th week, looked like 2 weeks in size and that's with co2. Do you think this was from the lights or does the plant take away bud production to produce the damn Hermies? Maybe both?
Thank you again.. I'm starting to feel better. Oh, and thanks for taking me at face value.
KingKahuuna said:
Well there it is,

I think that I have heard about enough.

Someone joins in, and openly mentions a problem, and that they desire some help. What they are met with was at best embarrassing. Most of what I read was open sarcasm, and out right attempts at sticking a foot out trying to trip someone.
I have apologized to this person for this rotten behavior, and I am sure that I won't see this sort of thing again.
First idiot that tries this stuff again will be bounced period, don't try me on this guys, you have embarrassed yourselves enough.


Yay!!! Go King Kahuuna!!!! Well, thank you. Although, I'm a little embarrassed myself, just a little. I feel like my Dad just walked onto the playground and set a few kids straight. Proud and embarrassed at the same time..... Thank you, I really appreciate your kindness King Kahuuna
Parcero said:
Hello Miss Leanna

I have no doubt of that you can do this and just wanted to wish you good luck and to be safe.

Your very kind, thank you
Yo Ho Ho N,

Thanks for the compliment, but I think your doing fine. I don't care for rude behavior period. My rant on the guys is a bit over the top, but they need the rack now and again. LOL

Most of the folks here are top of the line in my books, and as for growing, well let me be the first to brag on some of these guys. I'm good, but I learn from this place. You know the saying about teaching an old dog new tricks ? well I may be one of the oldest here, but I still love to learn.

Don't vault me up too high, I've been a stinker now and again, but we are all about learning here, and finding good folks to share our knowledge with. Here I expect to find folks practicing the fine art of being smooth and cool, anything less is just an embarrassment.

smoke in peace
engneer said:
Questioning someone that is brand spanking new coming on to a board making some pretty big claims with a lot of "holes" for lack of a better word is not mean.

I've listened to what you said, and I too thought it sounded odd. A request for pics was made, you said you would post and no pics.

Now, I'm not being mean, I'm using my brain, and my brain is telling me you are not being straight here.
Is it standard practice in this forum, or any forum for that matter, to insult and
basically, imply that the person posting is a liar?
Now you have me fired up.
“ I am not being straight here”… I have mulled this over for a while and came to the conclusion that my brain just doesn’t work like some of yours. Can you please explain why someone would post something and not be as absolutely straight as possible? Am I missing something? Why would anyone waste their time, I thought the point here was to have questions answered? I sat down and tried to be as concise and direct as I am capable of. I’m sorry if I do not communicate to your standards. I’ll tell you one thing though, I am not a liar, I don’t associate with liars and I will not be called a liar.
In my life, truth is more important than anything there is. So now, it’s time for you to check YOURSELF, not try and find flaws in me.

I am going to post the pics now, but I'm sure some of you will find holes in them too. Thanks for the support and have a great day.. Stay tuned for some wholly pictures
The water spray tip is a good one. I would suggest you ( since i think you are comercial ) to make oil with this seedy batch ... Or edibles. Weed with seeds is not a great product and the respect in your grow skills can drop quite easily when you show that to the buyer.


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