breeding help

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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2012
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just got a few questions id like to get answered,
first off a bit of info, i currently have 3 Satori growing, 2 have shown as male and the third is female, although i can simply clone and keep the female going i would like to have seeds for the future in case something happens and i need to restart from scratch.
one male is tall and has thinner long leaves, the other male is a bit shorter, much more compact and has big fat wide leaves.
my thought was to take a batch of clippings from the female and get them rooted, as i am not looking to get a whole crap ton of seeds i was thinking of growing the clippings out for a few weeks just to get them a bit bigger and then start flowering them. i guess my biggest question for this would be timing, i know males take a little less time to mature while the females take a bit longer, so when should i put the males into 12/12 for flowering, and how far into flowering do i need to wait for pollination, i want to just keep them all in the same tent and let them pollinate a bit more naturally and clean the tent later before i put more plants in to flower,
i just want to make sure my timing is correct so the females are far enough into flowering when the males start to burst pollen so the females have enough time for the seeds to fully mature.
this is my first time pollinating plants so any and all info to keep them on track time wise would be helpful. thanks in advance
You could take clones of the male to slow him down. I like fertilizing in my bathtub. Then after they are bred you can kill the males and wash down the walls and the tub and the female. I have never had a problem doing it that way.
Another thing is if the male is ready faster you can collect pollen. Again in the bathroom. Away from any grow.

Let me know if you need more info. Good on the extra satori seeds. The thinner stemmed one would seem to be more sativa to me but satori always has big fat fan leaves that look indica.
the female i have just showed 4 days ago, but the 2 males showed about 2 weeks ago, if i take clones from the female and pollinate the original and put the males and the female into flower at the same time, would they mature at the needed rate, i dont remember how long but i remember reading that seeds need a specific amount of weeks to fully mature before the plant can be harvested, but the plant needs to be so old before pollinating so the seed maturation lines up with typical harvest for that strain, i really dont want to botch the first attempt at this since i really dont want to do it again, but figured since i have a good bushy fat leaved male and a female that making seeds would be better then buying more from Mandala, good product but why bother with the insane cost and possible loss in transit... this just seemed easier lol. just looking to have some stashed away for that proverbial rainy day.

also im guessing you meant you pollinate not fertilize in your tub so you dont have to clean the grow room, do you still grow them out and just bag and carefully move them to the tub for pollinating? im a little confused on that part of your response.

also after some thinking time iv decided to trash the tall thin male in favor for the shorter bushier fatter leaf male. i like the aroma of the fatter one and it looks to have more tricomes so why not breed those qualities into the female, which looks like she is kinda inbetween the 2 males, not as lanky as one but also not as compact and fat as the other.
Sorry if i confused you. In this case fertilizing and pollinating are the same thing. Seeds need 6 weeks roughly to mature. I like to pollinate pre-flowers and then let her flower normally. That way you can get 100 or so seeds. not the whole plant. Then you will have a finished female with bud and seeds at the same time.. Not seeded bud, just the preflowers are seeded.

This is what i do and I am no breeder but I have done some "pollen chucking" I take the female with either flowers or preflowers into the bathtub. I bring in the male. I shake his pollen over the female. I let them spend the night together. Then rinse him and kill him and bag him in the bathtub. Then I rinse her off. Water kills pollen, but not after 24 hours. But i rinse her and let her dry before taking her back to flower room so no pollen is taken back.

Your method of picking a male is really good. Most folks go by smell of the males and of course structure, etc. So sounds like you have a nice male. All mandala stuff is nice.
so if i pollinate the preflowers instead of the whole plant, so i dont get a crapton of seeds, im guessing that once seeds mature they cant "over mature" like the plant can if flowered too long, so basically they should be ready 2-3weeks before the plant is, correct?
also i still need to flower the male ahead of time inorder to pollinate the preflowers yes?
The boy needs to have balls first, then they open to little white flowers that are full of pollen. The seeds, most of them will stay put til you harvest. OR you can take them when they are nice and dark.

Yes, the boy needs to flower so he has the pollen.
well seeing as im short on grow space, i mean i have a good sized veg area and a large 6.5x6.5x7.5ft tent for flowering, but thats it, i dont really have another room i can segregate a male to, guess ill just have to flower the male in the tent and clean it really good the day the female sits in my tub getting it on with the male... eeh better then nothing i suppose.
1 more question, since as i said i dont have another room i can flower the male in, would bagging him for transit down the hall to the bathroom be a bad thing or is that alright, yah know to try and keep pollen from going everywhere...

By the way Rose, THANK YOU so much for the speedy and very helpful replies, i know somewhere on this site all the info i needed was just laying around in some thread somewhere, but this is a pretty huge site with tons of threads, its so nice to have people like you who just know everything lol, so much nicer to ask a few questions and get the answers needed without countless hours and hours of trolling through endless threads... lol iv done that before when i first started so i dont really want to do that again ;P

ill get some pics and such when things are almost ready to start rockin and ill update my grow journal since i never did get around to finishing out my first satori/fruitylicious grow journal.

thanks again for everything, out of all the sites, this is still my top favorite. the community is awesome!
Thanks Sunakard. Yes, bag him. Pollen is lighter than air. Water is your friend when it comes to killing pollen.

I have had pollen release in the grow room, could you tell? LOL, it is a giant mess to clean.. because it is light than air. Since you only have one female it isn't as scary as pollinating a whole room. Good luck.. you may want to play some nice music for the couple.
The males will flower with very little light. I do not do much breeding, but when I did, I put the male in a cabinet in my storage shed with a T5 light and he did just fine. I didn't want to take a chance of the male dropping pollen and pollinating everything. You might want to try and find a place that you can sequester the males as you never can predict when they will open and spew pollen.
hey THG, when you sequestered the male in your shed, did you have any fans on it like usual to keep airflow or just the light, i could set something up in my bedroom for a few weeks if needed but i dont have any extra fans to use. if he would be fine in an open room with just a T5 i could do that, would make it easier i suppose since i wouldnt have to clean a tent, my original plan was to just clean the tent, i figured the ventilation system hooked upto the tent would be enough to keep pollen from escaping into the general room, but i wasnt planning on having anything but the male in the tent, the female still needs a few weeks to veg out, i plan on taking 7 clippings this friday to clone, the female auto topped herself at the 3rd node, weird but hey she looks great, just took a few weeks longer to recover and show sex.
I like to start flowering the target female a week before the Male so as She will have more pistils available for take. ( some males will start dropping pollen a week 10 days and female may not have much hairs) I also like to use the same tent room..when the male has finished dropping I then chop him into a garbage bag and take away. I wait a few hrs then mist the female and remove her for room cleaning. The thing I dont like about "selected: pollenating" is that when the plant is producing the slows the production of THC so and IME stray pollen cant be controlled..

I agree with thehempgodess on the male not needing much light. My first pollen collecting I used a refrigerator box and a few cfl bulbs. be sure he still gets 12/12 and correct temps. another thing people forget it the feedings. If you want the best seeds you can get then why not treat the male as you do the female?? if you just want collect pollen this is the way I would attempt it.

Have fun
I would be worried the fan would blow away all the pollen...

Not blow away but blow outside and all over you. be sure to mist yourself down before entering the females room as pollen can attach to your cloths and then blow off to the females...just saying:joint4:
I just used a small computer fan to maintain some air flow, but it was not much. The pollen did not get blown away, but you could put some kind of filter on the exhaust (such as it is) to catch pollen if you are worried about the pollen being sucked out.

I have some concern that the clones may take too long to root and get big enough to pollinate as the male is already flowering. You may want to try and collect some of the pollen. I would also suggest taking pollen from both males as it seems they are 2 different phenos.
well a little late for that, i already murdered the tall lanky male, i just didnt like how it looked or smelled, i really like the short and compact male he has such a fruity scent with a hint of skunky pine... ooh well, after all im only looking to make some seeds for the future and those "rainy days" when things go sideways and i gotta restart,
also i have already abandoned the clone>flower idea, as per Rosebud im going to just let the female grow out a bit more, let her get bigger and more preflowers, then by the time the male is ready and done, the female will be big enough to pollinate her preflowers, i do want seeds but not seedy bud, so it seems like a good idea, one of those 2 birds one stone kinda deals. hell even if i only get like 20 seeds ill be happy, its 20 that i wouldnt have to pay 14 bucks per for... so that will be worth it, plus as my last grow, well went sideways and i had to restart i never did get a chance to taste any finished satori, but the smells were awesome so im really looking forward to both good bud and seeds for later on.

i really do appreciate the help and info from everyone. its been helpful and still the ever growing learning experience... ill keep yall posted on whats going on when things get a bit closer.

ooh one last question, since i know THG and Rose have grown out satori and id assume at least one male, about how long does it take for a satori male to fully mature and be ready to drop pollen? like 5-6weeks if i had to guess?
ooh also my tent would vent right outside my room, not back into it, and i do have a carbon scrubber filter so that would catch anything if it was actually necessary, but seeing as its vented outside its not an issue,

btw i already got a small set up with little air circulation, i can add a fan from a distance if absolutely necessary, for the male to flower, in another rooms closet which is next to the bathroom, so even less distance to carry the male...
Male starts dropping pollen around week 3 of 12/12, It will open a few in week 1 nad even his preflower can open while in veg. IME the Male is finished around week 6 of 12/12. if your just collecting pollen I would suggest you place the male slightly sideways (tilted) and place a cookie sheet under it so pollen falls on it and then a couple times a day tap his stalk and pollen falls on sheet. hope this helps
I have only grown out 1 male and it was years ago--I really do not remember. Sorry.
no problem, i appreciate the help either way...

iv gotten a pretty basic and thrown together setup for the male in my bedroom closet as opposed to my spare bedroom (grow room) with a tent, but its good enough i guess, decent air flow, very very subtle, not enough to rustle leaves or even make it sway so i think it will be good enough for the male.

the female iv been training her into a wide Y almost T shape to expose the undergrowth for faster growth for clones, its almost perfect that the one of the 3 that happened to be female somehow auto topped herself at the 3rd node and is kicking strong, and when i took the clones just a few min ago i didnt clip all the way to the stalk, leaving just the first set of leaves and their new growth of the side branches i took as clones, hoping for a nice full and bushy plant before she goes into flower when ever the male is ready, so loads of female preflowers for seeds and then into flower for nice nuggets... or so i hope...

thanks again for all the help, ill be setting up a new journal sometime soon of this new grow, once things get a little more progressed.