build up on my medium

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green man
Feb 12, 2008
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there is a white build up of something on my growing medium that you can see in the picture. doen anyone know what this is and what i should do about it?
i am growing hydroponically for the first time and i could use some help

It could be salts or calcium. If you have hard water it is probably calcium. Check your shower head for a white build up.
Hard to really tell with out being able to blow up the pic, id have to say it looks like calcium building up on the hydroton there. id do like kasgrow said and see if you have any build up on any of your faucet heads. IMO id let you water that your using for your res sit out for at least a day before you nute it for use this can get more of the nasty crap out of the water before use,either that or get a purifier and use it first :aok:
It is salt buildup from your ferts. I use only reverse osmosis and still get the buildup. During the short grow season for a hydro set-up, it has never caused me any problems that I know of. It is good to flush your system with a fresh batch of h2o with no ferts part way through or when you switch to flower is best. Flush once again at the end 4 better flavor. Do cover the medium with panda film to keep light from reaching you water to prevent algae growth.

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