can i do this switch?

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yeh i tryed that and it caused the buding process to allmsot come to a hault i was about the same time in as you week and a half, You could do it an hour earlier a day or later and see how it goes
Yeah i definately wouldn't pull that switch.
the whole point is to give the plants more darkness to flower, so you can work it little by little by giving them more darkness hours till u get the to the time, then start giving them more light till u get back to 12/12... Im not sure if this would work or have done it but it makes sense to me.. ANYONE else?
I had to do the switch due to heat once. I just left the lights OFF for 24 hrs. then turned them on to the new schedule. Light is what causes the chemical change in the plant, so leaving it dark for 24 hrs. is def. better than giving them too much light. No hermies or stunted growth occurred for me this way. I have also heard of power outages for 2-3 days for some growers with no ill effect. but whenever light is added when the lights were supposed to off is when I seen folks run into trouble.
Hey Mutt good to see ya! I agree with ya about leave lights off at least 24 when changing cycles (PG&E and nature are are always turning the lights on and off here)
Mutt said:
I had to do the switch due to heat once. I just left the lights OFF for 24 hrs. then turned them on to the new schedule. Light is what causes the chemical change in the plant, so leaving it dark for 24 hrs. is def. better than giving them too much light. No hermies or stunted growth occurred for me this way. I have also heard of power outages for 2-3 days for some growers with no ill effect. but whenever light is added when the lights were supposed to off is when I seen folks run into trouble.
sorry to say it guys but this is wrong. darkens is what affects the plants to change from veg to bloom. the proper way to do this would have been to do it in 2 stages 6 hours on and 12 hours off and the next cycle 6 hours on and 12 hours off. the plant would have always been in bloom because its time was always 12 hours of rest. some strains are able to take the abuse of power outages better than others I hope yours will be ok. for future reference your cycle is always controlled by the night hours
trichnut said:
sorry to say it guys but this is wrong. darkens is what affects the plants to change from veg to bloom. the proper way to do this would have been to do it in 2 stages 6 hours on and 12 hours off and the next cycle 6 hours on and 12 hours off. the plant would have always been in bloom because its time was always 12 hours of rest. some strains are able to take the abuse of power outages better than others I hope yours will be ok. for future reference your cycle is always controlled by the night hours
for reference the plant IS in bloom. He's trying to alter his 12/12 shedule from night to day..

hey my lights have been running 12/12 during the night, they have been flowering for about a week and 4 days, could i switch the 12/12 to daytime and let them be off during the night? Would this cause to much stress? Anyone w/ a awnser thanks!
here is basic info...let me get to my desktop in the AM to prove my point.

Flowering will vary slightly with:
1. Cannabis varieties originating from more northerly climes (short growing seasons) react to as little as nine hours of night. Most of these are hemp and seed varieties that are acclimated to short growing seasons, such as the weedy hemp's of Minnesota or southern Canada. Varieties from more southerly latitudes need longer nights with 11 to 13 hours of darkness. Since most marijuana plants are acclimated to southerly latitudes, they need the longer nights to flower. To be on the safe side, if you give Cannabis plant dark periods of 13 or more hours, each night for two weeks, this should be enough to trigger flowering.
here is my two cents...if you do it , it will cause stress.. however.. if you do this make sure you wait till the lights go off and leave them off through the original day cycle.. this means your lights will be off for 24hrs straight which is okay... then start the new 12/12 cycle the following day.

This is the only way to do it with a lower chance of em herming on you.

I had to do it on my WW grow.... no hermies whatsoever ...
Didn't have the patience will post more info in the AM...but here is a link to look at.
check the second section regarding photoperiod

C. The night period is more important than the day.
Using cocklebur, a SDP, Bonner & Hamner (data provided in class) showed that it flowers if it received one critical photoperiod with less than 8 hours of light (or, > 16 h darkness). The proportion of light/dark is not important in flowering. A light break during the night interrupts the flowering response, but a dark period during the day has little effect on flowering. The timing of the night break is important (see data). Conclusion: long day plants can be called "short night plants" and short day plants can be called "long night plants".

This is the same response hemp and MJ have.

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