Cellphone & Driving

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Grow Pretty Flowers
May 24, 2007
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Were in the Hell Is my Ticket Book !!!!!!!!!
I am average citizen falling the law when driving most of the time, I don't drive and have my phone stuck to my ear I use hands free devise or I Just Pull off the road to talk..
Yea I drive over the speed limit by 5 or 7 mph but I don't Push it much more then that.

This is what gets me is that the law say we CAN"T drive with our phone to our ears and I See this a lot from the Leo's ALL The TIME and driving over the speed limit by at least 10 mph in schools zone with NO Lites on...

Today I was coming home I had a sheriff riding my asss like he wanted to to Pull me over for about 4 miles but didn't but passed me as I had to pull Passed the white line and I wanted to Honk but and as we were driving he was all over the white line talking on the phone and fumbling with something and here I was driving just fine Rockin Out to Black Sabbath.
After he passed he speed up over 70 and rode that guy assss and then pulled off the side of the road and then slammed on his brakes and dust flew and he turned around when a trucker went by and didn't pull him over and No lights on. I didn't under stand this Stupid sheriff..

So I want a Ticket book so I can write these Leo's a ticket for NOT FOLLOWING the Law..
I think that cars should come made with set-ups that just allow u to plug it in and the cell phone will just run off your stereo.
I work at a liquor store and we have a busy 2 lane highway in front of us.I've had to call 911 five times now for people getting rear ended. Four of them was because someone was on their phone not paying attention.
Dang Flyinghigh.:D . i could see you now pulling the po-po over, and writing him up for 5 infractions.:rolleyes: . do you know what 'they' would charge 'you' with? impersonating a leo prolly. i'd just steer clear of them myself bro. gotta stay on this side of the bars' man...bb...
_Sir Smokes Alot_ said:
I think that cars should come made with set-ups that just allow u to plug it in and the cell phone will just run off your stereo.

they do now. most cars are bluetooth enabled. if not you can buy something to plug into the phone and it plays over a station that has nothing on it but static
ironman149 said:
they do now. most cars are bluetooth enabled. if not you can buy something to plug into the phone and it plays over a station that has nothing on it but static
Yea i have one in my car. But i think that it should be manditory for ever car. We shouldn't have 2 pay for it.
If I see you...I will yell at you.

Don't do it..Your social life is not more important than your safety.
Dont get me started on bad driving habits.

I hate watching people run stopsigns and redlights.

They shall be Tboned in the driver door at 45 and die a quick death.

And ill laugh.


People on the phone suck as well. Ive had to evade plenty of women on the phone before.

Sorry ive only had experience with women =/
I used to install car audio and even if your car didn't come with hands free you can add it. They use bluetooth or are hard wired in with a cradle for the phone, then they run through a rf modulator, like was mentioned before, so it plays through the radio, the old ones had their one speaker. Anyways, if you read the studies on driving performance, people using hands free perform no better than those holding their phone, it has to do with concentrating on something other than driving more than it has to do with holding your phone. Despite the studies i've read i still prefer, and feal safer with my hands free device.
cadlakmike1 said:
I used to install car audio and even if your car didn't come with hands free you can add it. They use bluetooth or are hard wired in with a cradle for the phone, then they run through a rf modulator, like was mentioned before, so it plays through the radio, the old ones had their one speaker. Anyways, if you read the studies on driving performance, people using hands free perform no better than those holding their phone, it has to do with concentrating on something other than driving more than it has to do with holding your phone. Despite the studies i've read i still prefer, and feal safer with my hands free device.

Thats so dumb... Pre 5 years ago 99 % of cars didnt come with hands free radios.. what the friggen hell kind of law is that?
_Sir Smokes Alot_ said:
We shouldn't have 2 pay for it.

Why not? Why should it be free? GM & Ford are just about bankrupt as it is; they can ill afford to be giving free sh*t away to every tom **** & harry
Hmm... i wonder why everythings bankrupt... anyone know?

Cellphone are a big distraction any how I tried to talk on the phone when there was no law against u slamming phone to Ur ear and I tell U what after a few time of that and that was it, I pull over to talk anymore...

Car now day come equipment with all the accessory and for me to be able to have one I need a Fat Raise to afford the payment or win the lottery some day, but I don't think I will get a Good Fat raise, and ALL my Lottery ticket has Always been Throw aways and I will always drive my Acura of 14 yrs old and my truck don't even have that either!
So do U think that the Gov. will help us all out and putting one of those device in our cars or do a trade in for a new car with Low payment ? No the gov really don't want to help anybody except for Take Ur Hard Earn Money and leave yea Broke..

It just irritating that the Leo's can do these things and get away with it and they see U doing these things and U bet Ur booty that Ur going to get a Ticket....

Why is everything bankrupt?? It because of the HIGH Interest rate with the banks around the world and the way the Stupid Stock Market is, which we shouldn't Have a Stock market if U ask me I think that just a Scam to some what ! That my 2 cents on that subject..
look at the gas price Dropped A Lot around USA when President bush is getting out of office and Obama going to be our new President MMMMM Sounds Bush Administration was just wanting get his Bank Acct FAT before he left office.
To many CEO take LARGE Amount of Money when things falls apart with there Business goes down and we the People end up paying for it.....

There need to be something done about the Badge that the Leo Wears and the law we the Public has to fallow.....

Drive by the Road laws and We Be Fine..
Hey flyinghigh, you havin a papabeach moment? :p The way I see it if you want a feature added to your car go out and get it. Holding the cellphone is not the problem anyways. You can control a steering wheel with one hand (Unless of course you drive a stick) But it's a mental thing of not watchin the road. I don't drive while I'm on the phone unless it's an important call. (If I have someone call me up wantin to give me a job, I'm gonna answer it) otherwise, wait until you get to where you're going. I swear one time I saw a fat trailer trash lookin lady who was driving, eating, talkin on the phone and readin a book all at the same time. I just wanted to jump out in front of her car and sue her. But that's just me. :)
Neo drives a geo said:
Hey flyinghigh, you havin a papabeach moment?

:rofl: :rofl: PapaBeach moment !!! i went and read what i wrote and didn't see anything wrong.;) But then again I am stone so it read Fine..:hubba:
maybe ur tooooo Stone to Understand my writting :rofl: :rofl: :fly:
Where did I do a Papbeach moment at?

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