Miss Cat's Purple Fishnet Stockings

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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2023
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Lengthy, but you're not forced to read it.

"Miss Cat" was Catherine. She was a drop-dead gorgeous strawberry blonde with all the right curves in all the right places, and a smile that all by itself would make a dead man...well...channel Mick Jagger.

I was lead mechanic at a small full service gas station she came into for gas. I was also fairly recently divorced from the first big mistake I ever made. Half of the 8 gas pumps were self-serve, half were full service. On days when I was slow, I'd help pump gas and air up tires and **** chat with the customers, which is how I met the second biggest mistake of my life.

Catherine (I adamantly refused to call her "Miss Cat", which was what she wanted) was a cocktail waitress. A damned good one, too. Her pay was awesome, considering it was the mid 80's. She made more than I usually did, and I was doing OK. It pays to swing that playground around in a bar, and she had a "Passion Coffee Lady" playground. She made good bank. Too bad she snorted or smoked it all.

I sweet talked her into going out with me, and by the second date we were making copious amounts of sweat together. Anywhere, any time, any WAY. She was hot - I was painfully oversexed - and after a couple of those sessions, she'd just come tapping on my bedroom window after getting off work at 2AM, saying "Bob! I need some "Moby"! (mods are here, ya' know ;) )"

What else was a sub-30-year-old, physically strong and very active guy to do but to help a poor girl out, right? I'm an accommodating fellow, so...

But I digress. For our 3rd date, we went to my boss's house for a party. Troy and his wife were cool AF and were known to have lively, fun parties. Miss Cat drove, as she had picked me up at home.

We played what they called "The Clothespin Game", wherein one player was blindfolded and the opposite-sex partner of another guest (not your own partner) was laden with a set number of clothespins clasped all over the EXTERIOR of their clothing. The idea was for the blindfolded one to find all the clothespins. Could be fun, huh? *wink, wink* Even more so if the clothes pinned player turned frequently to avoid having all their pins found.

There was liquor involved, and everybody was either blushing or laughing. Up until "Miss Cat" had her turn. She couldn't find all the pins on this guy, and proceeded to drop to her knees and start removing his belt to look for them (under his pants? No idea what she was thinking).

That guy's wife then naturally got a teensy bit upset (actually, she went fvckin' BALLISTIC) and she let loose of words I won't repeat, so I grabbed "Miss Cat" by the arm and yanked her out of my boss's house, where I proceeded to loudly chew her out for embarrassing me so. Then I walked the probably 5-6 miles home. Through the worst intersection of town. I mean...the intersection of Crack Street and Rock Avenue. At 11 o'clock at night. I was friggin' FURIOUS.

I was so mad at her that even when she eventually came looking for me on the road, I hid in the bushes 'til she was past. I could have killed her.

I didn't find out until the next day that she had also gotten her car stuck in Troy's yard and dug big holes in it. He had to pull her out with his pickup truck. He wouldn't even let me come over and fix the holes she made. That's how great a guy he was. I bought him a case of his favorite beer.

Maybe when she showed up at my house to pick me up wearing a Blue Jean Mini Skirt and Purple Fishnet Stockings, I should have had a clue. But I didn't.

We started dating again after that party ('snapper' can do that to a lonely feller) and the relationship eventually went even further downhill until the false battery charges happened, and she stole my car (hers was repossessed) to go on a cocaine-fueled binge weekend, and she tried to kill my dog, and she called my work threatening me, and her EX called my work trying to get her back, and...

Yep. Miss Cat. I always did like 'em a little on the Wild Side. lol

Lengthy, but you're not forced to read it.

"Miss Cat" was Catherine. She was a drop-dead gorgeous strawberry blonde with all the right curves in all the right places, and a smile that all by itself would make a dead man...well...channel Mick Jagger.

I was lead mechanic at a small full service gas station she came into for gas. I was also fairly recently divorced from the first big mistake I ever made. Half of the 8 gas pumps were self-serve, half were full service. On days when I was slow, I'd help pump gas and air up tires and **** chat with the customers, which is how I met the second biggest mistake of my life.

Catherine (I adamantly refused to call her "Miss Cat", which was what she wanted) was a cocktail waitress. A damned good one, too. Her pay was awesome, considering it was the mid 80's. She made more than I usually did, and I was doing OK. It pays to swing that playground around in a bar, and she had a "Passion Coffee Lady" playground. She made good bank. Too bad she snorted or smoked it all.

I sweet talked her into going out with me, and by the second date we were making copious amounts of sweat together. Anywhere, any time, any WAY. She was hot - I was painfully oversexed - and after a couple of those sessions, she'd just come tapping on my bedroom window after getting off work at 2AM, saying "Bob! I need some "Moby"! (mods are here, ya' know ;) )"

What else was a sub-30-year-old, physically strong and very active guy to do but to help a poor girl out, right? I'm an accommodating fellow, so...

But I digress. For our 3rd date, we went to my boss's house for a party. Troy and his wife were cool AF and were known to have lively, fun parties. Miss Cat drove, as she had picked me up at home.

We played what they called "The Clothespin Game", wherein one player was blindfolded and the opposite-sex partner of another guest (not your own partner) was laden with a set number of clothespins clasped all over the EXTERIOR of their clothing. The idea was for the blindfolded one to find all the clothespins. Could be fun, huh? *wink, wink* Even more so if the clothes pinned player turned frequently to avoid having all their pins found.

There was liquor involved, and everybody was either blushing or laughing. Up until "Miss Cat" had her turn. She couldn't find all the pins on this guy, and proceeded to drop to her knees and start removing his belt to look for them (under his pants? No idea what she was thinking).

That guy's wife then naturally got a teensy bit upset (actually, she went fvckin' BALLISTIC) and she let loose of words I won't repeat, so I grabbed "Miss Cat" by the arm and yanked her out of my boss's house, where I proceeded to loudly chew her out for embarrassing me so. Then I walked the probably 5-6 miles home. Through the worst intersection of town. I mean...the intersection of Crack Street and Rock Avenue. At 11 o'clock at night. I was friggin' FURIOUS.

I was so mad at her that even when she eventually came looking for me on the road, I hid in the bushes 'til she was past. I could have killed her.

I didn't find out until the next day that she had also gotten her car stuck in Troy's yard and dug big holes in it. He had to pull her out with his pickup truck. He wouldn't even let me come over and fix the holes she made. That's how great a guy he was. I bought him a case of his favorite beer.

Maybe when she showed up at my house to pick me up wearing a Blue Jean Mini Skirt and Purple Fishnet Stockings, I should have had a clue. But I didn't.

We started dating again after that party ('snapper' can do that to a lonely feller) and the relationship eventually went even further downhill until the false battery charges happened, and she stole my car (hers was repossessed) to go on a cocaine-fueled binge weekend, and she tried to kill my dog, and she called my work threatening me, and her EX called my work trying to get her back, and...

Yep. Miss Cat. I always did like 'em a little on the Wild Side. lol

True story, by the way. Every bit, and I've left so much out. Good God, what a run that was.
6 months of "W T F just happened"??? o_O

She stole me blind, too. Clothes, even. Took my favorite blue jean jacket.
I probably get in trouble but I have said these exact same words to Mrs Monkey - to her face - while she was awake. hahaha.

Back in my single days before I was blessed with Mrs. Monkey. AND Believe me, I thank my lucky stars I found her and I love her dearly!!!
1. In a bar full of women, no matter what, I am coming out with the nuttiest one. She could be the absolute best looking, worst looking, skinniest, biggest, smallest doesn't matter. She will be the craziest.

2. I have found that for the most part - I can actually deal with crazy, one thing I cannot do in any way is LAZY. - My first 2 X's prove my point.

I guess my last comment on this topic based on my own personal experience... You don't have to worry much about the ones that come right out and tell you or claim to be crazy. You really gotta be on your game when the come out and say "Hey, I'm NOT Crazy" Watch those... Them are the ones that will set your house on fire while you are sleeping, AND bust all the windows out of your Camaro... At least she didn't bust the "T" Tops out. hahaha... Don't ask me how I know this.

And for the few of you's guys and gals that can deal with the "Firetops" YOU, Ladies and Gentleman both, regardless, are ALL SAINTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If that's even what we are talking about... Smoke another one and get your weekend chores finished up... Quickly Please...
I probably get in trouble but I have said these exact same words to Mrs Monkey - to her face - while she was awake. hahaha.

Back in my single days before I was blessed with Mrs. Monkey. AND Believe me, I thank my lucky stars I found her and I love her dearly!!!
1. In a bar full of women, no matter what, I am coming out with the nuttiest one. She could be the absolute best looking, worst looking, skinniest, biggest, smallest doesn't matter. She will be the craziest.

2. I have found that for the most part - I can actually deal with crazy, one thing I cannot do in any way is LAZY. - My first 2 X's prove my point.

I guess my last comment on this topic based on my own personal experience... You don't have to worry much about the ones that come right out and tell you or claim to be crazy. You really gotta be on your game when the come out and say "Hey, I'm NOT Crazy" Watch those... Them are the ones that will set your house on fire while you are sleeping, AND bust all the windows out of your Camaro... At least she didn't bust the "T" Tops out. hahaha... Don't ask me how I know this.

And for the few of you's guys and gals that can deal with the "Firetops" YOU, Ladies and Gentleman both, regardless, are ALL SAINTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If that's even what we are talking about... Smoke another one and get your weekend chores finished up... Quickly Please...
I too, am a certified nut magnet. The force is strong unfortunately.

I probably get in trouble but I have said these exact same words to Mrs Monkey - to her face - while she was awake. hahaha.

Back in my single days before I was blessed with Mrs. Monkey. AND Believe me, I thank my lucky stars I found her and I love her dearly!!!
1. In a bar full of women, no matter what, I am coming out with the nuttiest one. She could be the absolute best looking, worst looking, skinniest, biggest, smallest doesn't matter. She will be the craziest.

2. I have found that for the most part - I can actually deal with crazy, one thing I cannot do in any way is LAZY. - My first 2 X's prove my point.

I guess my last comment on this topic based on my own personal experience... You don't have to worry much about the ones that come right out and tell you or claim to be crazy. You really gotta be on your game when the come out and say "Hey, I'm NOT Crazy" Watch those... Them are the ones that will set your house on fire while you are sleeping, AND bust all the windows out of your Camaro... At least she didn't bust the "T" Tops out. hahaha... Don't ask me how I know this.

And for the few of you's guys and gals that can deal with the "Firetops" YOU, Ladies and Gentleman both, regardless, are ALL SAINTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If that's even what we are talking about... Smoke another one and get your weekend chores finished up... Quickly Please...
Lengthy, but you're not forced to read it.

"Miss Cat" was Catherine. She was a drop-dead gorgeous strawberry blonde with all the right curves in all the right places, and a smile that all by itself would make a dead man...well...channel Mick Jagger.

I was lead mechanic at a small full service gas station she came into for gas. I was also fairly recently divorced from the first big mistake I ever made. Half of the 8 gas pumps were self-serve, half were full service. On days when I was slow, I'd help pump gas and air up tires and **** chat with the customers, which is how I met the second biggest mistake of my life.

Catherine (I adamantly refused to call her "Miss Cat", which was what she wanted) was a cocktail waitress. A damned good one, too. Her pay was awesome, considering it was the mid 80's. She made more than I usually did, and I was doing OK. It pays to swing that playground around in a bar, and she had a "Passion Coffee Lady" playground. She made good bank. Too bad she snorted or smoked it all.

I sweet talked her into going out with me, and by the second date we were making copious amounts of sweat together. Anywhere, any time, any WAY. She was hot - I was painfully oversexed - and after a couple of those sessions, she'd just come tapping on my bedroom window after getting off work at 2AM, saying "Bob! I need some "Moby"! (mods are here, ya' know ;) )"

What else was a sub-30-year-old, physically strong and very active guy to do but to help a poor girl out, right? I'm an accommodating fellow, so...

But I digress. For our 3rd date, we went to my boss's house for a party. Troy and his wife were cool AF and were known to have lively, fun parties. Miss Cat drove, as she had picked me up at home.

We played what they called "The Clothespin Game", wherein one player was blindfolded and the opposite-sex partner of another guest (not your own partner) was laden with a set number of clothespins clasped all over the EXTERIOR of their clothing. The idea was for the blindfolded one to find all the clothespins. Could be fun, huh? *wink, wink* Even more so if the clothes pinned player turned frequently to avoid having all their pins found.

There was liquor involved, and everybody was either blushing or laughing. Up until "Miss Cat" had her turn. She couldn't find all the pins on this guy, and proceeded to drop to her knees and start removing his belt to look for them (under his pants? No idea what she was thinking).

That guy's wife then naturally got a teensy bit upset (actually, she went fvckin' BALLISTIC) and she let loose of words I won't repeat, so I grabbed "Miss Cat" by the arm and yanked her out of my boss's house, where I proceeded to loudly chew her out for embarrassing me so. Then I walked the probably 5-6 miles home. Through the worst intersection of town. I mean...the intersection of Crack Street and Rock Avenue. At 11 o'clock at night. I was friggin' FURIOUS.

I was so mad at her that even when she eventually came looking for me on the road, I hid in the bushes 'til she was past. I could have killed her.

I didn't find out until the next day that she had also gotten her car stuck in Troy's yard and dug big holes in it. He had to pull her out with his pickup truck. He wouldn't even let me come over and fix the holes she made. That's how great a guy he was. I bought him a case of his favorite beer.

Maybe when she showed up at my house to pick me up wearing a Blue Jean Mini Skirt and Purple Fishnet Stockings, I should have had a clue. But I didn't.

We started dating again after that party ('snapper' can do that to a lonely feller) and the relationship eventually went even further downhill until the false battery charges happened, and she stole my car (hers was repossessed) to go on a cocaine-fueled binge weekend, and she tried to kill my dog, and she called my work threatening me, and her EX called my work trying to get her back, and...

Yep. Miss Cat. I always did like 'em a little on the Wild Side. lol

FFS! if that aint an action packed filled with sex love and debauchery.
Would have been a TV series.

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