check this out seriously

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I know this is a bit late, but remember. If it is to good to be true it is. I wouldn't trust a place like that. Especially in these times where mail is being checked and double checked to make sure nothing bad or illegal gets through. I would stick to local purchases and save yourself the trouble. The hassle of having to go to a friends to buy it is a lot less than having to go through the "pains" of being the new guy on cell block A. You know?
honestly weedlove... if you think i was trying to offend you i am sorry. i thought u might get a laugh out of it is the ONLY reason i posted that. i was pretty ripped and thought u get a kik but since i see you get offended easy i am sincerly apologising now.

sorry man.

ill delete it if you want me to. im not here to poke fun at anyone. we all have stoopid questions at one point in time or another, no one is perfect- KNOW THIS!

actually i just read this entire post and it seems to me you all st arted it with him or her.. weedlove is absolutly people are really not nice people at all you belittle attack try to twist words the mods post pics from magizines and say its theirs ... karma will come a knocking
harvester said:
actually i just read this entire post and it seems to me you all st arted it with him or her.. weedlove is absolutly people are really not nice people at all you belittle attack try to twist words the mods post pics from magizines and say its theirs ... karma will come a knocking


Not really even worthy of a response but I am gonna try.

Harvester, you've been unhappy here for a while. What's keeping you here? Surely theres another forum that would fit your needs a bit better.

I am getting tired of the newbies who whine about MP. I happen to really like it here, and wish the ones who didn't would just get the hell out. There's hundreds of sites about mj out there.
youll here some 10 year old kid got arrested for trying to buy weed on the internet in the news tommorow
im not unhappy i see the truth and no one even takes ownership of the things they are doing im not saying weedlove was right but he did not start the trouble he was mocked twice before he responded.. so you can think your fooling everyone but i see truth and speak truth. and weedlove was wrongfully bashed.. period
weedlove said:
wow i was told this was a place to get decent information boy is that wrong what you get is alot of sarcasim and personal opnion even from the moderators. wow what a great community atmosphere.(sarcasim)shamefull se you all at*********** where they are friendly not a bunch of bitter sarcastic nobodys

It is just not a very legit question, there is NO way that marijuana would be shipped. It is the same type of scam for the "Legal Herbal Highs" so don't get mad or offended. Just a little heckling between friends.
i could of sworn i posted to this.. but i must of got my post deleted.. lol

lol lol

oh well.. wah wah :angrywife:
I sort of agree with Harvester here, I too have read the whole thread and Weedlove was wrongfully 'bashed'... he had sarcasm thrown all over him!

I like it here for information and sharing, but I don't like everyone here. Those people I don't like (which is very few) I stay away from and try not to 'poo'-stir with them. By this I mean I say something that I think is a nice little joke and someone REALLY takes offence to it and goes off on one.

Not everyone can get on with everyone unfortunately, but there are quite a few people who are very rude on here, but because the mods don't always 'get it' it gets overlooked.

Its a hard subject to try and understand. But base line is RESPECT! Talk to others how you expect to be spoken to. If you were a bit down or fragile would you want everyone left right and centre pouring unnecessary sarcasm all over you?
Thorn said:
I sort of agree with Harvester here, I too have read the whole thread and Weedlove was wrongfully 'bashed'... he had sarcasm thrown all over him!

I like it here for information and sharing, but I don't like everyone here. Those people I don't like (which is very few) I stay away from and try not to 'poo'-stir with them. By this I mean I say something that I think is a nice little joke and someone REALLY takes offence to it and goes off on one.

Not everyone can get on with everyone unfortunately, but there are quite a few people who are very rude on here, but because the mods don't always 'get it' it gets overlooked.

Its a hard subject to try and understand. But base line is RESPECT! Talk to others how you expect to be spoken to. If you were a bit down or fragile would you want everyone left right and centre pouring unnecessary sarcasm all over you?

hey thorn.. i believe in respect and all of that... but come on seriously.. it wasnt question worth a good respectful answer..

thats like coming here and asking " what's a marijuana plant?" ur gonna get a response like "read the info" or "do sum research"..

nobody is gonna want to type up a bunch of stuff on that question, so they will tell what they have on their minds..

another thing is that ppl dont understand that others are possibly high and talking funnys..

so its not like we hate you and we like making fun of you..

i got made fun of a lil in the begining but i didnt let it scrunch up my thong.. i just figured out that it is better to NOT ask newbish questions.. and do a lil research and nething that i cant figure out i ask about..

P.S. i dont wear thongs.. lol i was making a point.. :D
haha yea right ;)

Yea I know but some people get high and ask stupid questions and this guy after all was just asking other people's opinions on that site. Hell, I would if i found it, especially if i wasn't growing and couldn't get any street green.

We all go through our mad phases at times. All I ask is a little more respect :)
Thorn said:
haha yea right ;)

Yea I know but some people get high and ask stupid questions and this guy after all was just asking other people's opinions on that site. Hell, I would if i found it, especially if i wasn't growing and couldn't get any street green.

We all go through our mad phases at times. All I ask is a little more respect :)

ya common sense.. on the news not to long ago, some joey put an ad in craigslist to sell his stuff..

So lil while later cop calls him and sets up a buy.. BAM BUSTED!!! So yea some ppl are just dumb when it comes to sum stuff..

but if i couldnt get ne green, im sure as heck am NOT gonna go on the net to look for it...


I bet he is a kid.. a kid kid..

and yes i will think and give more respect next time someone asks a question and try not to give a smart ace answer cuz there really here to learn and grow the best of buds...

im sure if it were growers here and mods...the pics were theirs.

wouldnt be the first time weve had ppl here that have had pics published, i know that for a FACT.
what do you mean TOA? I'm not bein funny i just dont understand what you were saying?
Hick said:
I hate thongs!.. they really irritate me, right where that thing goes between yer toes.. :p

LOL no comment...

trillions of atoms said:
im sure if it were growers here and mods...the pics were theirs.

wouldnt be the first time weve had ppl here that have had pics published, i know that for a FACT.

lol who's saying that mods here are using fake or other ppl's pics? ?

and TOA ur saying that sum ppl here has had buds good nuff to be published?? and maybe thats what these ppl are seeing.. is actually the real growers pics in mags are here??

i didnt even know there were "famous" growers here.. well not famous but u know.. there famous to me.. and what we stand for..
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