Cloning for sex only...

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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2007
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Well I have a quick question on the whole cloning process. I know the proper way is to veg the clone letting the root system establish itself and slowly harden it to the outside environment, but do you have to? What if you go straight to a 12/12 cycle without getting the roots going... will this do anything to shorten the time to sex the clone? I don't want to keep this clone around its only purpose will be to tell me the sex of each potential mother. Thanks!
I've done it indoors in a cup of water to tell sex if I was just going to throw it away. In a cup of water it will continue to grow and flower while trying to establish a tap root. just plain ole water and a window 12/12. worked for me.
Awesome Mutt, Thanks. Should I adjust the PH to 5.5 and thats it? I have a little closet with some fluros that I'll put on a timer. Thanks again.
nope...I've done it with plain old tap water.
I ussually root that way. Have had 100% root rate when under 24/0. but slower rooting when on 12/12.
key is to have 0 light in the root area. I took a cup and just used black elec. tape and wrapped it. Took some saran wrap or aluminum foil and just poked a few holes for the stems and wrapped the top.
could tell sex in about 1-2 weeks tops.

Very cheap way to clone lol
So if i just want it to show sex will i have to put it under a dome? I have a decent sized one but only need to sex 3 plants and have a spare closet I was just going to toss them in on 12/12. Also wanted to start them this weekend and I'll be away so I don't want to have to worry about them.
I have a question. Not trying to take over the thread but this is the same thing I'm doing.

How come it usually only takes a couple days (3-4) to sex after you switch your plants to 12/12 but it takes clones 1-2 weeks? If it is seriously going to take that long, then essentially I just lost a bud site on each plant for no reason, because they will be sexed au naturale in 2 weeks. :( The reason I took the clones Wednesday is so I could tell the sex by the first of next week.
You can set your clones stright in to 12/12 now if u want to you will just yeild less
you will mybe get about a 2 foot plant this is good if your going to do about 15-20 plants S.O.G. method
But the pro,s would still veg for about 14 day then flower
TheStickyIcky said:
I have a question. Not trying to take over the thread but this is the same thing I'm doing.

How come it usually only takes a couple days (3-4) to sex after you switch your plants to 12/12 but it takes clones 1-2 weeks? If it is seriously going to take that long, then essentially I just lost a bud site on each plant for no reason, because they will be sexed au naturale in 2 weeks. :( The reason I took the clones Wednesday is so I could tell the sex by the first of next week.

Do u not know the sex of this plant yet how long have u been growing it for about 6 weeks ? if its going to sex naturally im guessing so

You could of preflowerd it a few weeks back and just set it back into vegging

Plants dont all take the same amount of time to show sex ive heard people waiting 8 weeks b4 signs of sex
my clones normaly show sex in about 7 - 10 days mybe less

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