Closet growroom setup/soil preperation

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First serious indoor grow
Nov 4, 2008
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Hi, newbie here, trying to set up a closet grow room with 3 plants in a 5 gallon container and 2 plants in seperate 1 gallon (?) pots. I've got organic soil, Canadian sphagnum peat moss, Perlite, Vermiculite, Worm Castings, Bat Guano, Chicken manure, and an organic plant tonic from Blue Mountain Organics. Do I need dolomite lime or anything else? And what mixtures/amounts should I use?

I have what may be a sad lighting system, (after reading thru the boards it seems inadequate) with one 175w Metal Halide bulb. Will this be a big problem? I don't think another light will fit in there...
trying to set up a closet grow room with 3 plants in a 5 gallon container
It's not recommended you grow multiple plants in one container. However, if you do try to keep it 2 plants max per container and have 1 gallon of soil for every ft of growth. With 2 1 ft plants that would be 2 gallons of soil.
I've got organic soil, Canadian sphagnum peat moss, Perlite, Vermiculite, Worm Castings, Bat Guano, Chicken manure, and an organic plant tonic from Blue Mountain Organics.
Quite a list you have:). What brand of organic soil do you have?
one 175w Metal Halide bulb. Will this be a big problem?
You need 30-50 watts of HID per square ft. Thats enough light for 3 1/2-5 1/2 sq ft. You won't be able to grow large plantS but maybe one nice sized one:).
bombbudpuffa said:
It's not recommended you grow multiple plants in one container. However, if you do try to keep it 2 plants max per container and have 1 gallon of soil for every ft of growth. With 2 1 ft plants that would be 2 gallons of soil. Quite a list you have:). What brand of organic soil do you have? You need 30-50 watts of HID per square ft. Thats enough light for 3 1/2-5 1/2 sq ft. You won't be able to grow large plantS but maybe one nice sized one:).

So I'm guessing a few 2 1/2 gallon containers would be better? It's County Farms organic potting soil, nothing too special. Would a 400w light system cover a closet grow room with 3-5 plants? I'm covering the inside of the grow box with mylar.
brushybill said:
400w should be fine for 3-5 plants, how big is your grow area ?

21"L x 19"W x 61"H not very big...I'd have more than twice the space if I cleared out the entire closet instead of just building a grow box in it, but I have no where else to put my damn clothes/blankets/sheets, etc. at the moment.
bombbudpuffa said:
Could you list the ingredients it has in it:)?

No ingredients listed, just says organic sterilized potting soil

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