Collecting pollen/fertilization: the easy way- 1,2,3!

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Sorry to bring this one back up, but I just cant quite understand something. Hick, who I would clearly defer to, says to "spritz" the pollinated female 30 minutes after pollination occurs. But TOA, also much more skilled than I, says "water kills pollen" and uses rice to remove moisture. I'm sure one of you guys can explain this for me w/out too much science.
he means to spritz the rest of the plant and air with water to kill all if any floating pollen....once the areas are pollinated the water wont effect it after the deed is done so going crazy isnt needed but isnt asked either.....

bring it up as many times as you want- we are here to learn- all of us!
I forgot to do this and now I have a couple seeds popping up in buds I did not swab. Only in the immediate area I pollinated. I quess I should have done my homework a little better.
trillions of atoms said:
yup, thats one of my favorite crosses in fact-
if you come across a crazy big male thats superstrong and stinky and might become a monster real fast then keep some of his pollen. then when you find that just right female....dust a lower branch carefully- mark it- let her get good light on the side where the seeds are forming give her a good dose of nutes for several weeks and then when seeds are ready cut them off the plant and then flush as usual. letting the plant get overripe isnt a big deal as long as the seeds form properly....

In the above situation, how often do you give nutrients and at what strength/proportions?
feed when she shows signs of hunger, water when the containers feel light and plants start to droop. (soil) there is no set feeding schedule. just feed a full spectrum with micronutreints to ensure she has what she needs. be sure not to overfeed for that is worse than a slight underfeeding... i prefer arreated compost teas with guano, 100 percent organic and if you dont use a ton of bird spit then you dont have to worry about burning.
trillions of atoms said:
feed when she shows signs of hunger, water when the containers feel light and plants start to droop. (soil) there is no set feeding schedule. just feed a full spectrum with micronutreints to ensure she has what she needs. be sure not to overfeed for that is worse than a slight underfeeding... i prefer arreated compost teas with guano, 100 percent organic and if you dont use a ton of bird spit then you dont have to worry about burning.

A few questions / issues.

1.) How do I know what are signs of hunger?

2.) I don't have problem with watering. I water every day without water-catching bowls at bottom and the plants drain great. After they are done draining fully I place in those bowls and bring indoors for the nights MH light. When I do this they are NEVER overwatered and grow very lush.

3.) Bird guano = burning???
when the plants foilage yellows evenly the plant is telling you it needs nitrogen, whatever your doing that makes the plants grow good...keep it up. keep an eye on PH, make sure they keep the same light cycle with no variations or light leaks if they have a night cycle. bat guano is good in lower doses- feed with only a little bit mixed into soil at first and then making a compost tea with a more diluted solution will show you if they like it ....or want more.

watch the plants- they will tell you everything without saying a word.
this is natural breeding with males and females- but if you wish to purchase GA and make seeds- you can cut treated branches off and do it with this method. note- do not smoke buds treated with GA

once a true female is found after natural and unnatural stressing then the use of GA is acceptable. anything sprayed without trial growth could lead to a cloud in the genetic traits that are desireable in the parented seeds. rushing a breeding process will lead to weak, sickly and or hermi traits lower yeild etc... in the final product.
how do you "stress" a feminized or even natural seeded plant to find the best genetics? Its not like LST type stress is it?
some people stress their plants by hardly watering them, heavy supercropping, light schedule changes and putting them through abnormal growing conditions <extreme heat, cold, wind>.

if you put the plants through hell when they are vegging and beginning flowering and they stay true to their sex and dont herm. you know you might actually have something worth keeping.

but to stress a seeded plant.... i think you will have less a chance to see how well the genes are if the plant is almost finished living.
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