damn sumthings wrong...

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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2008
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so I was gon for 2 days... n when I got bak I took a look at my babies under my magnifying lens... and sum leaves have webs on em... and sum got black specs under them... whut da hell should I do?? I got this spray called safer organic 3 in 1 bug spray... so do I jus spray em down is there anythin else I should do?? and wouldn't all outdoor plants have this problem??? y r these damn bugs so dangerous???
so I was gone for 2 days.. n I got bak yesterday so I took a look at my babies undr my magnifying lens and sum leaves have webs on em... and sum leaves got black specs under them... and sum of the leaves got orange/yellow specs on the top.. n I kno that's not nute burn... its gota be bugs... so I got this stuff called safer organic 3 in 1 bug spray... so should I jus spray em down?? is there anything else??? and y r the bugs so dangerous... cuz wouldn't all outdoor plants have this problem???
yea i just found spider mites in my veg room, extremely angry about it but i did some research and it a fixable deal.

i am gonna get some NEEM OIL and maybe tanglefoot, i recomend NEEM OIL because all those other sprays are not that strong and you arent really garunteed anyting, neem oil has a very high success rate apparently.
Yea sounds like spider mites, they can be the devil to try and get rid of especialy while your still growing.

Lowering the temps and raising humidity will slow them down, as well as neem oil and the safers incedicide soap, ive heard of tobbacco tea's as well and no pest strips.
But bugg bombs work the best IMO.

Its the eggs that keep hatching that make these things very hard to kill.
It sounds like you have mites. Mites are a serious problem. A lot of people here use neem oil to correct the problem. Also, please tell us whether your plants are in veg or flowering. Whether your plants are vegging or flowering will make a difference in how you treat them. I believe that whatever you do, don't get any insecticide on the buds.

Do a search on this site. I've read a few posts concerning mites, and some of the people have some good ideas on how to successfully treat the problem.
i feel for ya,you are in for a fight,without losing your grow.
r these freakin bugs gona mess up my yield or potency??? or ya I am flowering... I've been flowering since dec1st... so whuts the best thing to do while flowering to get rid of this??
Just treat the leaves and don't get the stuff on the buds. I'd figure out some way of applying it with a paint brush or something. I'd get that stuff on those leaves no matter what, in order to kill those bugs. Don't hesitate, just do it before they ruin your crop. I feel for you. I'm sorry you have to deal this frustration. Good luck.
i've never had them ,yet. but i know they are heck to deal with,especially while in flower.as you are limited to what you can use without harming your buds.its a hard decision and i wish you all the luck in the world.i know i would hate to lose a crop after all the time we put into out grows.good luck
deuce said:
r these freakin bugs gona mess up my yield or potency??? or ya I am flowering... I've been flowering since dec1st... so whuts the best thing to do while flowering to get rid of this??

lowering temperature and raising humidity will slow their reproductiive cycle, and will "help" get a handle on the infestation.
If you use the forum search feature, you'll find dozens of threads with hundreds of posts, suggesting remedies and treatments..;)
these damn bugs r crazy... I was readin on spidermites n aphids.. n females hatch 1000 eggs... and n 80 percent female reproduction rate... n within 24hrs those babies lay a 1000 eggs... so that's already 100000 bugs.... and on n on n on... and he is rite its the eggs that make this **** hard... I got this book called marijuana horticulture bible for medical indoor n outdoor growers... and it gives losts of remedies and good info on it all... main thing it says is use it early in the day so the plant can soak it up... and after 24 to 48hrs rinse it off with purified water since it tends to clog stomatas... n if any leaf is more than 50percent infected... meaning if the leaf is more yellow than green and is covered with spidermite sucktion bites which r also yellow to clip those leaves off... if your problem isn't that bad u can just squish the bugs n eggs with your fingers... just make sure not to touch other plants.... after treated u should treat your grow room... u can get a pyretrium bomb but... u have to leave your grow room totally empty for 24hrs for it to wrk... so if u r still growing an can't tranfer plants then pyrethrium bomb isn't for u... u can easly get laundry bleach and dilute it with purified water 1 part bleach to 9 parts water..... and then dilute that mixture again with 1 cup of that mixture to 9 parts of water... which gives u a 5 percent bleach mixture... n jus spray everythin in your grow room... except the plants... that means walls... tools... outside of planterboxes... cords... etc...

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