deficiency help (pic)

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Jul 21, 2008
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any ideas?? i think my ph test kit is shotty
It sorta comes and goes, one week everything looks good next week chloratic leaves?
I've tried epsom salts and repottting into new soil (never try to re-pot a 4 footer :eek: )
slowmo77 said:
what nutes are you usin and how often?
advanced nutrients - Organic iguana juice 3-1-3 (veg)
nutes are given once a week
i use the similar bloom juice an have no probs, plus i noticed the problem before i got my nutes; originally i thought the plant just didnt have any food
it looks like a P defi. but i could be wrong. its common for stems to turn purple or redish when your low on P. but i've never seen it so bad that it turns the veins in a leaf purple. i would wait for a few more opinions before i did anything. sorry i couldn't help more.. good luck.

also check out the links in my signature. they've helped me out alot in the past..
thx slomo, i was thinking P deficiency after the epsom salts did nothing.
Flowering clones dont show this problem. Im still gonna mess with this ph kit see if its accurate.
as far as i know epson salt does nothing for a P defi does it? i know it works for a mag defi. if you think its a P defi give it a light dose of bloom nutes with a higher P value. jmo good luck
i checked the sick plants trouble shooter a while back and figured it was Mg or P thats why i tried the epsom. Ill have to wait a few days before giving nutes.
no worries, thx again