Very pine'y flavored (along with the green-ness),...puff....and sweet, me a minute...puff....I dont know how to describe the flavor, sweet, sweet pine and something else. Oh well nice and strong anyway, mostly in the head, happy, what can I fix around here? There is a really sweet taste right when you take a hit and first start to inhale clean air, but it only last's a split second and then pine. can't wait to see how she cures. This also supports the "bad flavor rap" that MG chem has, this baby was in there for more than 6 months all together so all of the 3 month nutes were GONE, I dont taste the MG and its always more noticeable when the weed is freshest and kinda goes away with cureing. This tastes better already....cooooollllll. ..I had to edit that about 10 times,still cant tell if it makes sence...hmmm...puff...yupp.