Favorite way to Toke?

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Hey guys been awhile since I have been here wanted to say hello to all of my favorite stoners :) and also ask

Whats your favorite way to toke?
myself am I Bong man cant get enough of those (Glass only though :p)
Don't really have a favorite yet, but if I had to choose right now I'd probably say a bong. Love taking those huge rips.

I'm with ya on the glass bong. Bought myself a new one this summer!

Welcome back :D
We should really get a Show Your Piece section up... so we can all share.
There's one of those floating around.. if I remember correct

I wouldn't share mine, what if someone recognized me through my bong :eek:
True, but it'd probably be one of your friends... I mean who else would know? LOL

Be funny to see someone walking down the street, "Hey!" "Check out my bong!"
heres a pic of my sport pipe.

I think they were talking about marlboro. But it's kind late, I might just be crazy.
no its something i brought up awhile go, votes were in favor of it but this is still a privately owned and operated forum so it has to get the MarP approval before any sort of new section is added. all due time, jsut be patient

Fire it up
