First time grower using ebb and grow system

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Thanks HP I cant wait to share what i have been upto. Its called Precision Scrogging and it was invented locally. Most people think SCROG using nets, this is flattening the plant and securing it to a patent pending invention called the pinwheel. There was a write up in 1000watt magazine on it.
the pictures are a 3ft tall plant that was not grown for the pscrogging specifically but i just decided to try it so i snapped her down flat I did this the end of june so all these pics are over a month old

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Gooch. Wow. What a plant. So thats how it grows when you bend the big branches down. That is a must do on my list.

Side note. Love Vincent Vangoh. Starry night was always my favorite. Great choice,
and here is what she looks like now

wow, mainlining on steroids, pulls up a chair, this I gotta see,
cheese and rice, that looks like a lot of work
are you doing any trimming at all? or just the bondage?
the branches look too flimsy to me, when is flower?
are you using the RAW stuff?
that was all trimmed up, a week later it blew up into this

I agree they do not look huge but the branch they come off of is so yoyo fo support, flower is going to start this weekend.
Yes i am still using raw biostimulants and a base nutrient of GH floranova(single bottle for grow, single bottle for bloom)

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That thing reminds me of the old wooden erector sets that had the wooden dowels and wheels with the holes for mounting the dowels.

For those interested in the scrog, be careful to know your strains before doing this as not all strains like to be scrogged. Plants with very Indica structure will not do right under scrog. However most 50/50 hybrids do well with it.

Be sure to feed that thing well Gooch, or it may try to eat you :eek: "feed me!!!"
it is not at all dissimilar, it is simply a support structure to strap the plants down. I believe it has been done with pure indica and pure sativa also, the plants reacts the same. It starts with a single topping and then strapping those down allowing the inner nodules to fight for their place as king cola, the more you tie back the biggest the more faster the others come up

Scrog is putting a net over them right?
that was all trimmed up, a week later it blew up into this

I agree they do not look huge but the branch they come off of is so yoyo fo support, flower is going to start this weekend.
Yes i am still using raw biostimulants and a base nutrient of GH floranova(single bottle for grow, single bottle for bloom)

I gave up on trimming, if it all comes back, what's the point?
LST don't work for me neither, I get two smaller colas instead of a big one.
I'm thinking the only way I'll increase my yields is with better light.

I may try that FloraNova again but I HATE those single bottles.
You shake the living crap out of the bottle and it still pours like molasses and made a mess of my syringes, yuck!
Well my theory behind trimming and letting it all fill back in is it get some light down into the lower section, we will see what happens with this grow, if all goes accordingly it will be a story in a magazine.
if you mix small batches use a shot glass measuring and or mix it with water. I have a 30gal res so i add 14 tablespoons so i have a large measuring cup and mis it with water before adding it. But why i really love the single bottle is because it is just NPK nothing else and the floranova specifically is super high quality NPK, the rest all offer a-b formulas or 10 bottle mixes etc.. since i use RAW for all my biostimulants all i need is NPK base
SCROG is screen of green. So anything that will forma screen and hold the branches horizontal to force the side branches to become top colas, that is a scrog. If you put anything over them and just allow the branches to grow up through just becomes a support screen.

I have had a couple plants that absolutely did not like being scrogged. They weren't full Indica, more like 70/30, but they grew like tobacco, straight up. even when I topped one and tried to scrog one, they just resisted too much and then rewarded me with tiny buds. I would say more often than not, most plants can do scrog but you have to watch out for those that don't. Some breeders will tell you to not scrog that particular strain, rather do it as SOG.
well i put it below and then strap them down and then just let them grow, I am not a fan of scrog or even SOG, mostly because i did not like having all my plants connected and then have to try and free the plant during harvest, using the pinwheel harvest is less then 5 seconds because it hasnt grown through anything, you simple slide each node out of the pinwheel and chop, and each plant maintains its individuality, that was super important. But since this is the first time i am doing it personally we shall all see exactly what happens good bad or indifferent
Well my theory behind trimming and letting it all fill back in is it get some light down into the lower section, we will see what happens with this grow, if all goes accordingly it will be a story in a magazine.
if you mix small batches use a shot glass measuring and or mix it with water. I have a 30gal res so i add 14 tablespoons so i have a large measuring cup and mis it with water before adding it. But why i really love the single bottle is because it is just NPK nothing else and the floranova specifically is super high quality NPK, the rest all offer a-b formulas or 10 bottle mixes etc.. since i use RAW for all my biostimulants all i need is NPK base

NPK and nothing else is for the RAW thing, ahah.
nope, never buying single bottles of anything again hahaha

Light penetration... the plants don't see green, all those leaves you're cutting off allow light to pass through, I think of them as transparent and see them in a whole new light.
(he said light)
NPK and nothing else is for the RAW thing, ahah.
nope, never buying single bottles of anything again hahaha

Well the GH flornova is super high quality, and if you get on board with the biostimulants from raw its a perfect addition for a base nutrient. then you spoon feed it the RAW NPK, just to give it a nudge in the right directions
Gooch: that is a distinct advantage with that pinwheel device being individualized to each plant and making it easier to disassemble it during harvest. Someone was thinking about that for a while but they might just have a solid product there :)
yea the guy that invented it has been growing for many man years his name is Scott Cambra, he currently hand makes them. I believe maybe the march issue of 1000watt magazine has a couple page write up on it
Well the GH flornova is super high quality, and if you get on board with the biostimulants from raw its a perfect addition for a base nutrient. then you spoon feed it the RAW NPK, just to give it a nudge in the right directions

GH is those Monsato bastards. I'm trying Jungle Juice next.
I'm assuming it's comparible. I like the idea of augmenting with RAW.
Why are you saying spoonfeeding RAW NPK?
Isn't NPK the floranova base and you just nit-pick RAW stuff as needed or appropriate.
I mostly skimmed looking at pictures, do you mention in this thread what and where you add the RAW?
spoon feeding raw npk means adding extra phosphorus during early veg and early flower, and adding extra potassium during heavy flowering like week 5 on. and if you ever develop a nitrogen def the raw nitrogen is ammonium nitrate which can be used a foliar feed also for direct fixes
here is an overall shot of my tent, now with 6 females in it

Hey Gooch,

Are those buckets filled with pellets or are there netpots?
if netpots, your roots hang in air (below netpot) when drained?

How high do you fill those buckets on the flow cycle?

and that's a rockwell 4 inch cube in there or that wee plug?

thenk yew
ok my buckets are filled with clay pebbles, and the roots grow through the bottom of the bucket, and leaving them in air is good it allows them to breath, as long as there is no light, if you are in a netpot its easy to put them into clay pebbles, the benefit to the clay is that they hold onto nutrients and in the dry cyce the roots can still feed.
I fill mine about 4-5 inches up
its hard to remember exactly what each one is in most were cones from coco or dirt, i think one might be a 2x2 rockwool