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user 60570

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2020
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All things golf!

Hello. My name is big and I am addicted to golf.

I was just curious if there are any golf freaks here to chop it up with?

The new season has barley started and it looks like a good season with most of the Covid restrictions being lifted.

One of the new golfers that I am excited to watch is Will Zalatoris. This kid is a shoe in for the HOF barring any injuries.

My favorite female golfer is Lexi Thompson. ( yes I enjoy the LPGA , golf is golf )

The Players Championship is this week and I am really chuffed to see who wins!

My pick is Patrick Cantley. This golfer is in the Zone and is hungry for more wins.

May your drives hit the fairways and your putts are pure!

never got into hockey at all , prolly cause I am a southern boy

but I did live in Canada for two years and tomsay those people love their hockey would be a gross understatement

even in the summer time they played street hockey to stay in shape

I never get tired of robin williams skit on golf

I used to swap beers with a guy that was heavy into golf. He worked at Buick, but he traveled all over the US to golf tourneys. He was a pro, but he wasn't in the big leagues. He did a lot of instructing at Warwick Hills. After he retired, he bought a motorhome and hit the road to play the circuit. Ain't seen him since.
He asked me if I ever played, and I mentioned my problem with the windmill. He laughed and then asked if I'd really never played a real game of golf. I hadn't. He offered me free lessons. Claimed he'd never had a blank canvas. Everybody that came to him had already developed problems and that's why they came to him. I was too busy with life/really not interested, so I didn't take him up on it.
I have tried to get into Hockey. I even had season tickets but like watching paint dry. But, we currently have a good team so I chime in from time to time.

I have yet to learn the rules of this game and the positions

its like trying to explains baseball to someone who knows zero about it..I’ve tried and it’s almost comical

same with curling and rugby , I know zero

i barely know the rules of soccer too

at this stage of my life , 70’s , I limit the quality of my time for the things I have the most passion for

time for a hooter
I kept a #3 driver, #7 iron, and a northwester RR3 putter from my huge bag I gave away years back and loved playing . It's just titanium screws do not like long drives nor frequent chip shots .. about 9 holes is it for me every 6 months.

Don't do any television sports watching except for PBR bull riding, those IMO are your real athletes ...

I kept a #3 driver, #7 iron, and a northwester RR3 putter from my huge bag I gave away years back and loved playing . It's just titanium screws do not like long drives nor frequent chip shots .. about 9 holes is it for me every 6 months.

Don't do any television sports watching except for PBR bull riding, those IMO are your real athletes ...

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yeah Man I hear ya , I only carry my Cobra driver , a 5 wood , 8 , 9 irons , two wedges and my putter

putter was given to me by the widow of the Superintendent of the Robert J. LaFortune course in Tulsa…..she was also the aunt of my wife at the time and knew how much I loved golf so she gave it to me

never looked for another , this one is very forgiving for this old man

yeah , I can still do 18 as long as it’s not like Pebble Beach or similar

we have a couple of pretty good 9 hole courses but they are each 60 miles away in opposite directions so it’s difficult for me to get some quality golf into my life


I used to swap beers with a guy that was heavy into golf. He worked at Buick, but he traveled all over the US to golf tourneys. He was a pro, but he wasn't in the big leagues. He did a lot of instructing at Warwick Hills. After he retired, he bought a motorhome and hit the road to play the circuit. Ain't seen him since.
He asked me if I ever played, and I mentioned my problem with the windmill. He laughed and then asked if I'd really never played a real game of golf. I hadn't. He offered me free lessons. Claimed he'd never had a blank canvas. Everybody that came to him had already developed problems and that's why they came to him. I was too busy with life/really not interested, so I didn't take him up on it.
Your not alone brother, I have never played a game nor have I ever been interested in it. Have three brothers that golf all the time well one gets drunk and chases the ball around while the other two play golf. Had a uncle that was a pro turn teacher, got a female cuz that has played ladies pro and placed well that he taught. She and her friends wear out the country clubs course.
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I have a set of Ping Eye3s setting in my closet I haven't used in over 10yrs. Use to play all the time. Business and Grandchildren and life has kept me too busy. Hope to play this yr sometimes though. Guess we will see. If I can afford the gas to get there.🤨
thanks for everyone who has posted , I can never get enough golf stories

so here’s one

when I was living n Wichita , one of my favorite courses to play was the 18 holes at Wichita State University

they had senior days on Tuesday and Thursday , play all day for $10 bucks…I’ve walked 45 holes one day , but not this particular day

my plan for this day was to ingest a lot of psilocybin and have fun

by the 5th hole the entire golf course was a cornucopia of colors and I was one with the ball

ive never enjoyed the joy of striking a ball mid morning as I did that day , never said one cuss word all 18 holes and I’ve never repeated that again , which was about 15 years ago

im overdue

great exercise , fresh air , and a lovely golf course , what more could a human need

i made my first ever birdie on the 13th hole , a Par 3 about 125 yards

i missed the green on the tee shot and landed below the flag , off the green , edge of fairway , about 15 yards from the flagstick

chipped that fecker right in the hole and had two witnesses , a couple of golfers older than me , 70’s ,whom I had caught up with on about the 9th hole and they invited me to play in their twosome the remaining 9 holes

what was amazing to these two older golfers was that I told them that this was only my second season of playing golf , with zero lessons

theynthought I was a liar……hahahahhahaha…..just like fishermen….

but yeah , it was the truth and I just had a lucky day that day

All things golf!

Hello. My name is big and I am addicted to golf.

I was just curious if there are any golf freaks here to chop it up with?

The new season has barley started and it looks like a good season with most of the Covid restrictions being lifted.

One of the new golfers that I am excited to watch is Will Zalatoris. This kid is a shoe in for the HOF barring any injuries.

My favorite female golfer is Lexi Thompson. ( yes I enjoy the LPGA , golf is golf )

The Players Championship is this week and I am really chuffed to see who wins!

My pick is Patrick Cantley. This golfer is in the Zone and is hungry for more wins.

May your drives hit the fairways and your putts are pure!

My dad used to watch golf regularly. He knew all the players and so forth. Odd thing is, he never played a game!

An old friend of mine who has since gone to the great bong hitters club in the sky used to be on a midnight league. I guess they have these hollow, clear balls that they'd fill up with glowstick juice. They'd all get goofy on acid and have a riot chasing those glowing balls around the course. They put glowsticks on the cup flags so they had something to aim at.
After the third golf cart wound up in the pond/water trap, the course owners made 'em walk the holes.

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