Help sexing

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Apr 15, 2007
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Hey all,

Great site!

I was wondering if someone could tell me if the plant in the attached pics is a male or not.

Started flowering stage a week ago tommorrow. I would think its too early, but those nodes on there are scaring me.

Appreciate any thoughts.


male or female #1.JPG

male or female #2.JPG
its a male its a male take the sucker out ASAP hurry hurry
From what I can see you definitely have alternating nodes and a very healthy male (note the pollen sacs at the base of the nodes). You can grow it out for hash or to make seed later...if you don't want'll need to grow it separately from your females.

3patas said:
its a male its a male take the sucker out ASAP hurry hurry
oh and i bet is your bigger healthty plant males tend to grow like that
I'm having strange post related deja vu because the dates on the post all say its from today, but I distictly remember looking at those pics several days ago, even a week ago.
Looks a boy to me too, I see no pistils. My plants are about a week further into flowering. The tallest, stretchiest plant was one of the females, out of 9 boys and 4 girls. I sure hope thats not your only plant!
i have a question that is perfect for here ....

When growing & not knowing the sex will it still smell like bud even if its male?

mine smells at the top slightly ..
Uk1 said:
i have a question that is perfect for here ....

When growing & not knowing the sex will it still smell like bud even if its male?

mine smells at the top slightly ..
Lol:rolleyes:...marijuana will smell like marijuana no matter the sex:aok:!
haha ok so no matter wat happens if its male i'll be blazing it up for the taste not the buzz lmao
Uk1 said:
haha ok so no matter wat happens if its male i'll be blazing it up for the taste not the buzz lmao

yeah, i would to man.:aok:
3patas said:
its a male its a male take the sucker out ASAP hurry hurry

Heh, just what I needed to know! He's gone! :b Thanks to everyone for your quick responses.

I'm a noob... I need the 2nd opinions to be sure on this sexing thing. :) While I have you guys around, attached are pics of my three others. I think #1 is a male, #2 is a female... #3 I'm not sure yet.

If anyone wants to give their opinions, I'd appreciate it. :)

Again, thanks in advance! Great site!


plant 1.JPG

plant 2a.JPG

plant 2b.JPG

plant 3a.JPG

plant 3b.JPG
bombbudpuffa said:
He looks healthy saving him for beans?

Nah... just gunna ditch 'em. :b

Glad to hear he looked healthy though... I must be doing something right. ;)

3-rd its a female aloso congrats man'
:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :yay: :yay: :yay: nice womans you have there keep it up peace
brouli said:
3-rd its a female aloso congrats man'

Sweet! Thanks, Brouli! (& 3Patas)

Two outta four, I can't complain there. :)

Thanks again all!

The second picture of #2 also looks female.

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