hi from van i

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Virgin Grower
Jan 2, 2010
Reaction score
Hi, thought i would join up since I hope to try my first grow in the next month or so... been researching on and off for the past year or 2, and now i think it time to do it...

I am thinking of going with a cabinet/wardrobe setup, only a plant or 2...still unsure if i wanna go for hydro or just keep it simple with soil...i have a budget of about $500ish cdn to get started...and that includes buying a cheap wardrobe...

Any input would be great, until then i will keep researching all the stickys and great info this site has

Welcome to MP,
the place you will love,
and hate to leave.

Good luck to you!
thanks, i started buying equipment, and realized my budget of 500 wasnt going to work lol...probly going to be around 750-1000... cant wait to start growing...hopefully next week i should have it ready to go
Welcome to MP...not sure what your situation is at home but I wld go with a grow tent over a wardrobe any day...ebay has them for 95 bucks US free shipping...don't know about shipping to Canada though...
Deffinatly look into a tent, they also have grow cabinets that are nice but pricey. Oh welcome to MP.
i use a grow tent that i made from PVC, panda liner (i think like 85% reflective on one side, the other side is black), and sheets of diamond film that blocks out IR (i think like 90-95% reflective on one side). i put tarp zippers and velcro on it as a big door. originally, it was around 7 feet tall, but my plants got so big so quickly that i had to extend the tent and light to the ceiling. i know now to be careful how long i veg my plants before blooming them. damn you flower stretch!

total cost about 150 bucks or so, but i enjoyed figuring it out and putting it together.
cool, reason im going with a cabinet and not a tent is i dont want my grow to be noticable...its in my bedroom, dont want to ruin the flow of the room...lol...or i would use a tent, probly a self made one

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