hiding your plants

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Active Member
Feb 9, 2010
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so i was wondering, if the cops do knock on your door out of the blue what is the best way to dispose of your crop in a timely fashion? a shredder maybe? if you know of any ways please help
I think it wld depend on crop size and what stage they are in...I don't think a shredder is the answer though...:)
A shredder? Just just made me spit pepsi through my nose. Not trying to be mean, but really??:spit:

Edit --- I'm thinking your talking about a paper shredder, maybe not, but that's why I found it so funny.
no i dont think a paper shredder is powerful enough. some other type of shredder but if they find THC residue on a shredder can they charge you for growing, any lawyers here?
well if they are knocking and not busting in don't let them in for any reason without a warrant but just keep very calm and corporative saying things like, officer, i want to help you in anyway that i can but unless you are here serving a warrant i'm confused as to what this is about?

If they have a warrant you made a mistake along the way, probably a huge one or several little ones along the way usually by way of mouth and its to late no matter what you try and do other than trying to beam them up scotty

It is ridicules that this God given plant is illegal to the point the "crime" would cause a jail sentence. That is insane.
degenerative_disc said:
Thats why its great to have a shed away from the house to grow in. One flick of a switch and the whole shed goes up if you know what I mean!

Be safe


:rolleyes: Then there is an added charges of destroying evidence and arson:holysheep:

If you would have told no one, the cops would not be knocking.;)
Ok fitst thing you do is flower, dry and cure. Now to efficently dispose of the...um..tender. Simply put in a bunch of tiny little papers and burn the evidence! Or if your worried about LEO ya might wanna scuttle the whole thing and wait till things blow over. Better safe than.....eating baloney sandwiches 2 times a day, 7 days a week.
jackson1 said:
well if they are knocking and not busting in don't let them in for any reason without a warrant but just keep very calm and corporative saying things like, officer, i want to help you in anyway that i can but unless you are here serving a warrant i'm confused as to what this is about?

If they have a warrant you made a mistake along the way, probably a huge one or several little ones along the way usually by way of mouth and its to late no matter what you try and do other than trying to beam them up scotty

It is ridicules that this God given plant is illegal to the point the "crime" would cause a jail sentence. That is insane.

I would only add that if they are just knocking - don't answer. If they are there on official business and not selling tickets to the policemans ball or serving a court summons - and you answer and don't all them entry - they are just going to occupy your time till they have the search warrant in hand. I say don't answer - don't acknowledge you are at home. I've done it a couple of times and it got me the time I needed to resolve the issues on my terms- even if they "know" someone is in there they won't bust in unless they have their warrant or they smell it at the door. And at that point they are also at your back door, in your alley, and prolly watching from above as well.....
Nope not destroying evidence if there is no evedence to recover and as long as the burn poses no threat to ones safty its mine to demo as i see fit as I am the one who owns it. But in other applications my way would be as PC stated.

be safe and stay safe.

Do you really have it set to blow via switch from the house?
Lets just say this

I only grow for my own needs. I have told nobody of my hobby not even my wife. I suffer from severe pain due to degenerative disc desease as well as bad ostio arthritis and i find mj helps with the pain and lets me sleep at night.

My operation as meny of you know here has gone from a small 2 plant system to an upgraded 4 plant system i am just getting up and running because the 2 plant system didnt provide enough to get me through the winter. My operation is a very tiny blip on the radar compaired to alot of other people here but on the same not my blip on the radar can very easily go GONE off the radar in a blink. It is not my intention to hurt anyone but I need my quality of life and mj helps me achieve this. I tell no one in the hopes that buy doing so people good or bad will leave me alone and we have no problems.

I have always said from day one joining this site.

Be safe my friends and protect yourselves if the need arrises.

thebestofthecentury said:
so i was wondering, if the cops do knock on your door out of the blue what is the best way to dispose of your crop in a timely fashion? a shredder maybe? if you know of any ways please help

I say if your worry then you need to Stop before it to late..
There is NO WAY to get rid of one plant or 100 plants the smell will Always get yea as soon as you start to move the plant or plants to destroy..

As they say Don't answer the door for NO reason. ! If the cops have a warrant, do you think they are going to knock and wait for the door to be open.? No they are going to BUST that door Down with there power driver..
lol your right flyinghigh but i thought about it and my plans are clear to all senses besides word of mouthi told my brother in law which used to smoke pot i had to tell my sister because she insisted, she's pretty cool she's 21 and doesn't live with me and i told this other guy that i had just met, he knows which apartment building im in but doesnt know which one and i didnt tell him where i was growing he just caught me by saying so, what do you do on ur computer? i think i might of even told him im practicing for the cannabis cup and then there is u guys
Well you will be gone soon thebestofthecentry, I am sad to say you will eventualy get busted. thats just my opinion but the old saying is true and proven

If you tell 2 friends and they tell 2 friends who then tell 2 friends etc etc etc... you will be pegged.

Sorry for your inevetable missfortune.

if they knock on the door and dont have a warrant and then they leave to get one this is what you do.

call 2 friends over fill a couple of garbage with clothes have them leave with them and head in 2 different directions, after 15 min call them, did they get
pulled over? if not load up your car and dump it in the forest. if they did get pulled over your done try to shread and flush a few to lower your charge.
Bud ......you forgot to tell channel 4. Scrap your grow! Your not only inviting leo but your inviting a robbery as well. When one of those people get in trouble guess who they WILL give up to save thier neck? First rule of thumb. Tell no one! Thats what this site is fer. Family or friends, will turn if there is no other option. If 2 people know about your grow. More than likely, after that second person has had a few drinks or in a buzzed state, has accidentally let it slip and now 5-10 people know. See where i'm going with this.
I am familiar with your proceedure I cant remember why, but i am aware of that technique.


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