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What U got on deck after Cherry Limeade Umbra ?
I was going to do chiesel, but now that is changing. NCH is giving me his cut of gg#4 and chem 91. So most likely the gg#4 1st, then the chem.
Rose, dilute some peppermint oil & spray them. It's organic. I feel your pain. We lost a lot with these root "aphids." Will probably lose quite a bit more. I have been like you, very tempted to throw it all out & sanitize, then start over. Not sure if our trusty Widow will survive the Great Bug War of 2016. Really sad. She's been with us a long time & has taught us so much as well as given us some nice quality smoke. Damn root aphids & broad mites(spit, spit!!) I do think the peppermint oil will work; freeze & suffocate the little buggers! Had to stop & halt traffic yesterday morning after work on a major 4 lane road. A little chiuawa was running scared near the edge of the road. Almost got hit. Luckily, another woman stopped to help. Saved his little butt! Hate when owners allow their dogs to run free. Poor puppy got lost & was afraid. I got put on call tonight; looks like I won't be going in. Yippie! If I didn't need money, I wouldn't work. I mean, that's just me. I'm sure most people love going to work! I just wanna get high by the beach....
Morning ofc . Nice and cool this am. 39 degrees. Glad to see your doing better kraven. Rose, wow you are definitelyhaving a horrible time with your grow. After seeing your heartache, I'll never let a clone come into my grow with a quarantine.
Y'all have a good day
Morning O.F.C. ! -- Monsanto ? --That's a pretty name !--- U know there's a child some named Monsanto !
What if I was using a Monsanto product in an unintended way to make tetras --Do that mean I'm going to hell !--- What if It just take a little bit ?---I do it again too !---I mean if I was doing something like that !---

Just remember I have used misdirection before !--- Actually the recipe uses a little sulfur and some Holy water and the testicles of a white chicken !--
If the world was destroyed by nuclear war -- all that will survive is crab grass and cockroaches !
yes WH that has been my experience, don't spray it on anything you don't want to kill
Good morning OFC,

Good killer of weeds ya got there Kraven, thanks. Mr rb has used that and it does work.
How is your throat this morning?

Monday morning, a new day, a new week to make of it as we want. Enjoy. I started mine with a big ole nug of purple haze... and of course bullit coffee.
Good Morning OFC. It is chilly outside about 49 right now and windy. I wont to burn paper. But not with this wind.
Kraven I'll have to test it down here !-- We got super weeds !---My front yard would a good place to start !-- When they built this house they put down a weed barrier then covered the yard with white rock --The weeds pushed up thru the seams and the yard was disturbed a few times by the cable and power company-- So I got a front yard full of rocks and weeds !--Can't move it and if U pull the weed U just make room for more weeds !---- Needs to be removed down to sand and start over !--For now I just use the weed eater !--

D.D. said we might lose the Widow ?-- She was the finest line out of 50 seed !---She growing in there beside her child --(Blueberry Widow) = (B.B.-x-W.W.) and her grandchild --Strawberry Elephant = (T.E.-x-W.W.-x- Strawberry Rhino)! ---In one form or another she'll survive !--
Just check the grow room 66 and hum 80. I turn on the heat and the dehumidifier and I'll keep a eye on it. The dehumidifier made the heat go up it is a old one that tj had. I want to buy a new one we will see. Still can tell the sex but right now there know signs of the little ball.
Looks like up to 2 dozen sprouts survived the Zombie Juice treatment -- I nailed this time !-- Them's tetraploid weed plants back !-- One time Umbra sent me some seed to the tetra called Clock Work Orange ----I'll be sending him tetra seed one day soon !--- Something dark and dank be growing amongst the sprouts !---It appears I also have a Strawberry Rhino tetra !
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