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We talked about this before Rose !-- We always been breeding for smell and taste without knowing we was breeding for terepenes !-- Now we know and U right it's the coming niche market !-- I know they in lots of stuff !-- Some can even be bought and perhaps a smart fellow making e-cig juice could ? -- Never mind !-- I ain't telling this one !
We talked about this before Rose !-- We always been breeding for smell and taste without knowing we was breeding for terepenes !-- Now we know and U right it's the coming niche market !-- I know they in lots of stuff !-- Some can even be bought and perhaps a smart fellow making e-cig juice could ? -- Never mind !-- I ain't telling this one !

i always get whatever im crossing tested to see what im combining and the possibilities of genetic outcome. only thing im not doing is testing males, which might not be a bad thing as well. pretty much everyone i know crossing knows about terps and what they are or do
Lifespan -- I had no doubt U and others know about terps and have for awhile !-- It's just that I know we ain't all at the same grow level like us peeps in the dirty south don't have access to any kind of testing and stuff and go to jail if caught with even a roach !-- So we got to learn from U guys out west and each other best we can !-- So sometimes I might talk about something U think is kindergarten level and someone else may not even know about it !-- Only genetics available to me are commercially available to everyone !---Except what Umbra and some of U guys have shared !--- A special cut of anything is outta reach to most of us !--- I have a recurring nightmare about getting caught coming into Texas with a very expensive cut of some high dollar variety !-- They always make me watch them destroy it while in cuffs !-- Bad Dream !-- Sad part is one day I may have to make that run !
I ran across some 411 that makes sense and is making me think about things differently !-- According to this 30% of the available THC is destroyed by the combustion process !-- While when being vaped the temp is lower and U must decarb first but THC is vaporized instead of combusted --So seems I might better stay on this vape thing cause what that says to me is the same amount vaped THC would get me 30% higher ? -- I like getting higher !
hmm ya i wondered alot about temps and not decarbing you can see the obvious effects it has on the coils as opposed to a max VG e juice

Umbra what kind of tech training is it i assume grow related obv? how long u gonna be out here for ?
NE -- D.D. and I take our cannacaps regularly !-- I decarb trim and stuff at 240 for 30 minutes others use other temps ! -- I don't get around too good some days !-- Spent most of a decade as a legal junkie taking the poison they prescribed !-- I survived cold turkey morphine withdrawals because I'm married to a nurse !-- It was bad !-- Now I only take my caps and smoke some --I gained the weight back and I'm doing fine !
Hello OFC.

Lyfespan that bud is beautiful. and it does look like a XMas Tree.

DD I remember those Days in MA. Don't miss them at all.

Bud just love your pictures.

Keef, no not working on the spare room yet thinking in my mind though.
Keef, I want to keep a mother plant alive for the future. Were do you keep mother plants?
ness, under t 5's and you can unscrew some of the bulbs if you want her to be slower growing. That is what i did.
Ness -- I don't keep no mommas !-- I clone from clones !-- It would be nice but I could use the space better right now !-- I try to keep a clone of everything in veg !-- If I kept mothers all I would have room for right now is mommas !-- My White Widow turned 3 years old in August and I'm rooting some clones right now to run soon !-- I couldn't do it without running all the time ! --
Ness U should listen to someone else about growing !-- What I'm doing is tricky and complicated and I'm not that good at it yet to be teaching anyone anything ! -- I take clones from where ever I can get them -- Root a group which takes about 2 weeks then I veg them for about a month then they off to bloom for 2 months --I'm trying to send a group to bloom every 2 weeks !--I would do things differently if I didn't grow under the threat of jail !-- We do what we can ! -- Mostly just supplying ourselves and learning right now !
This is the time for learning cause one day soon they might turn me loose !
Rose -- Looks like I got a young Purple Haze lady in the house !-- I be watching it !-- The Hoe Berry looks like a second male in a row !-- D.D. said it is fate telling me -- Here's your next breeding male !-- It does have great bones !-- I don't need to breed anything !-- I don't have room for what I got and I still got some of Trips pollen !
evening ofc, we be home. been playing with the plants today and flipped 5 clones, 4 bubba kush 2.0 and the last of the northern lights. still got some work to do to the moms like get clones and push moms so i have a little room.

Rose -- Looks like I got a young Purple Haze lady in the house !-- I be watching it !-- The Hoe Berry looks like a second male in a row !-- D.D. said it is fate telling me -- Here's your next breeding male !-- It does have great bones !-- I don't need to breed anything !-- I don't have room for what I got and I still got some of Trips pollen !
collect the pollen and freeze it till ready.
Hi Giggy. All i did today was make a worm bin for a young lady... going to fix a steak. Too much turkey.
Good Evening OFC
30 % higher, That should cut down my usage.
Time to unwind got to go back to work.
What happened to my post ? -- Think I'm having trouble with my service !
Giggy I'm broke but I will get those lights out to U soon as I can !-- U know I'm slow !--

I saw something I been looking for with my Zombie Juice -- It is a swelling on the end of the tap root !-- I got it so it is time to use the scatter gun approach !-- I be putting lots of seed through the juice shortly ! --
Just got to figure out the how of germing that many seed ! -- I'm getting a spoon full of seed wet tonight !
That's what it said Hippy !-- I try not to believe everything I read but it makes sense !--
I gonna starve if D.D. don't get well soon !-- I smoked that pork roast and some sausage last night in the electric smoker so I had a big open face sandwich with pickles and onions all smothered with our BBQ sauce !-- I'm full !-- Time to get higher !
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