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Having been married to someone who was bi polar, if the gun shot was self inflicted he will be placed into psych eval for 72 hours. If he displays anger, rage, violence, ect. he will not leave the hospital.
Rose Seems pretty obvious that the US help came from Jared !-- He got some kind of analytical company that could do stuff like that !-- What U think that Voter Fraud Commission is all about ? -- With that 411 they could do what they did next time only better !- With this Russian meeting exposed ?--I expect people to start point fingers and lots more info !-- Bannon and Breitbart going down too ! -- This attempted political coop is over he going down hard !
Look someone burned the local Representative's office down and I want to make it clear it wasn't me !- I would have nothing to gain for that !-- Somebody must be pissed off though !
Umbra -- U should go to the hospital and taunt him !-- No enough is enough !-- He won't ever mess with U again !
How do defend your son or son in law when they openly admits they committed treason? If you interfere in any way its obstruction of justice, if you pardon them it conspiracy to commit treason. The best thing would be for political name to do a murder/suicide take out the republican party and his family, then himself.
Could all of political name's assets be seized for being used in a felony crime? Treason is a felony crime right? So could the American people take away the golf courses, hotels, and all his commercial real estate?
That's a little drastic Umbra !-- Forget about all that treason stuff !-- It's the finacial crimes that nail them to the wall !-- Wait and see !-- When they start exploring campaign contributions it will get real interesting ! --
I'm not gonna dis Republicans --They got those 2 factions the radical right and some more conservatives !
They just got high jacked by the right wing tea party types !-- Now those 2 factions got go decide what the party will be going forward !-- We need at least 2 strong political parties !--Then perhaps we can proceed up the middle somehow !-- I know if I was a political name I would be selling sheet off right and left and hiding that money !-- I would probably not like people going over my finances with a fine tooth comb !
As expected Umbra !--It's all brain chemistry !-- - U had a massive adrenaline dump yesterday !-- After that U had a serotonin rush for awhile !-- Used up all your brains feel good chemicals !-- Give it a couple days !
Umbra glad to hear it was his own finger that did the pulling. Less worrying for you.
anniversary of the movie The Blob today. Steve McQueen was in it. Bunch of it was filmed in Phoenixville, PA. Suburb of Philly.
Afternoon OFC. Took a pictures of SD and new glass pipe but picture came out dark. Got to get me a new camera. Hoping everyone a pleasant stony day. Still under the weather but I'm gong to take a hit off of this bong.:bong2:
Might as well Ness !-- Had me a nap !-- Wake and Bake all over again ! --- UPS man made a delivery and when I opened the door the heat and bright almost blinded me !-- I'm done out there till evening anyway !
I ordered some bugs and they never arrived. Apparently UPS crushed them, so it got sent back.
If I was the Donald ? -- I would pardon the whole family and friends for known and unknown crimes then if I got impeached or forced out of power in any other way -- The Vice President would pardon me and the whole family could laugh all the way to the bank ! --No legal jeopardy !--So none dis sheet matters !--
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